Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 440: All ready to go

"So, do you want to agree?" Gao Yangsong asked.

"Promise, why not agree?"

Chu Feng stood up and said, "I have already said that even if I don't go with you, I will take people to Beijing alone, so in fact, the conditions you promised can be completely replaced by the cost of hiring me. I have nothing wrong with it. Reasons for agreeing."

Just as the so-called ridiculous asking price, sitting on the ground to pay back, he didn't really intend to make the entire army as a sacrifice for summoning **** creatures.

If he really does this kind of thing, then he will be ready to leave the human camp!

Mosling from the Southern Military Region is a very smart person. He accurately grasped Chu Feng's bottom line and made such a request.

Because he understood that Chu Feng couldn't really sacrifice all those people.

But they put forward such a condition, that is equivalent to giving Chu Feng a statement.

In our 15,000-person division, everyone can sacrifice for you, except for the leading team. Shouldn't you have some expressions?

Rights and obligations are always equal, and those who ignore this basic rule will eventually lead to bitter consequences.

The overall strength of the survivors will continue to grow stronger, and the overall spiritual will will continue to change. Those who think that they can do whatever they want with power will eventually pay the price for their innocence.

Therefore, the attitude of the Southern Military Region is to give, and since they have given, then Chu Feng must give back.

On the third day after the military stated its position, the people of the City of Dawn were ready to set off.

After some twists and turns, the final members of the Hell Knights were finally determined. There were 345 people in total, of which only 6 were women.

It wasn't that Chu Feng had a prejudice against women, it was just that the last pregnancy storm caused Chu Feng to be frustrated, and as a last resort, most of the women had to be removed.

The remaining women are relatively good.

The commanding position of the Hell Knights was handed over to Wei Pojun by Chu Feng. Although his strength was not as strong as that of the supernatural being, he was the first group of outstanding people among the warriors.

Because the members of the Knights are all warriors, his reputation is very high.

It's like soldiers in the army are more friendly to civilian heroes, and it will give everyone a sense of identity.

Chu Feng didn't intend to train them into supernatural beings, warriors have the use of warriors, and supernatural beings have the role of supernatural beings. Anyway, these people are people who have no way to awaken congenitally. It is also helpful for them to maintain their status as warriors. Because their dependence on themselves has deepened.

In addition, Wei Pojun had a total of 346 members, of which Chu Feng only took away 121 people including Wei Pojun, and the rest were handed over to Su Yuan for command and training.

In addition to the 120 members of the Hell Knights, Chu Feng also brought with him 32 supernaturalists sent by Su Yuan, and 85 ordinary warriors.

They are all people who have relatives or friends who are also in Beijing, and some people want to find relatives on the way, so they also joined the team of Beishang.

For their behavior, Chu Feng expressed acquiescence.

After possessing a certain strength in his previous life, he was desperately looking for his sister everywhere, so he understood this idea of ​​looking for his separated relatives.

If you don't have the strength, it's fine. After you have the strength, it will be difficult to endure the torment of the unknown whereabouts of your loved ones.

But Chu Feng also reminded them that he would not take the initiative to protect them.

Under Su Yuan's training, they have already mastered a lot of tactics that cooperate with each other, and then they have mastered some field survival skills. As long as they don't care about them, they can't help them with the general dangers.

Next, it is Su Yuyan's team.

Su Yuyan’s core team consisted of 26 people, but the number of people she rescued was close to 1,000. Among these people, more than 20 people participated in this northward trip, making a total of 51 people.

With the addition of Tian Jing and Wang Xinran around Chu Feng, the total number is about 300.

Although this would cause the team to be a little messy, Chu Feng didn't care.

The journey to Shangjing was originally an experience for them. When they actually arrive in Shangjing, there will naturally be military personnel to help arrange them.

That's right, Chu Feng did not intend to travel with the military.

He didn't intend to get too close to the military, and he had something to do, and there was no need to walk with everyone.

Before setting off, Chu Feng told Wei Pojun: "I give you the command of the Hell Knights, but when you survive in the wild, you must listen to the opinions of Tian Jing and three people. They follow me the most time. The longest person is also the person with the most accurate judgment of danger."

Wei Pojun patted his chest and promised: "Don't worry, I will ask them humbly. I treat the three of them and I will treat them with the same respect as Liu Bei treats a military officer."

He knows his role is to belong to the general.

The general is responsible for marching and fighting, but it is up to the military division or counselor to make plans and other matters.

Then, Chu Feng took out dozens of tokens and handed them to Zhao Fan: "I have something to leave with Teacher Su Yuyan. These tokens can communicate with me. Although they are not as flexible as the communicator, they are better than the signal comparison. Stable, contact us when something happens, and I will meet you in a few days."

Zhao Fan wondered: "Can't we be together?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "The number of people and mobility are always inversely proportional. Don't worry, we won't be too far away according to the marching route I gave you."

It's already a few hundred miles away...

Chu Feng added silently in his heart.

After making arrangements, the members of the Hell Knights set off riding on double wildebeests, and they are responsible for the main combat tasks on this road.

Zhang Ziqing, Zhao Fan and others also rode double wildebeest behind.

The remaining team members are protected by buses or off-road vehicles, and they are responsible for protecting supplies and transporting logistics.

With the main force and logistics, this formed the embryonic form of an army.

After making proper arrangements, Chu Feng and Su Yuyan left the team and rode the fastest Hell Dream Horse, with lightning speed, and headed to Ling one direction alone.

On the seventh floor of the watchtower, a beautiful little girl with pink jade carvings pulled a beautiful nun's skirt, and pleaded with a longing voice:

"Sister Xiaoxi, when can Yiyi tell others that I have woken up? Yiyi really wants to tell her mother so that she can stop worrying about me."

Xiaoxi gently stroked the little girl's hair, softly comforting: "Don't worry, Yiyi wants to protect her mother? I swear, after Yiyi learns the recipe given to you by her sister, you can tell her mother honestly."

Yiyi nodded innocently, with a firm expression on his face: "Yes, I want to protect my mother. I have learned almost the method, and I can tell my mother honestly soon."

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