Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 624: Behind the scenes

"Be a brother again in the next life!"

These deputy captains already understood their end when their attacks failed.

The zombies behind the Zombie King rushed towards them, and they agitated the vitality in the body, preparing to buy as much time as possible before dying.

The angry zombie king cut off the head of a zombie next to him, then swallowed his stomach in one bite, and the wound on his body recovered within two seconds.

Immediately afterwards, its sharp claws grabbed the human in front of it.

Seeing the zombie king's strength getting closer and closer, the deputy captain was left with nothing but peace in despair, because he knew that his teammates should be safe.

The remaining deputy captains were too late to rescue.

However, there is not much grief in their hearts, because it is likely that it will be their turn next.

This is their responsibility and obligation.

At this moment, the sky suddenly darkened.

The deputy captain raised his head, only to see a huge black flood dragon hovering in the air, and that thick huge tail swept towards the zombie king, and flew the zombie king out.

A black figure shining with purple light swept across the group of zombies.

The red Chiyan Sword, under the friction of the air, gleamed with seductive red glittering brilliance, and the heads of a dozen zombies always flew high.

"City Lord!"

The deputy captain's heart was full of surprises. He didn't expect to see the city lord at this time.

"Why are you still stunned? Don't hurry up! Leave it to me here."

Chu Feng urged, and then continued to kill these zombies.

The zombies that caused death threats to them were not an enemy of one in front of Chu Feng.


Hearing the voice of the city lord, the eyes of these deputy captains were full of excitement, but they didn't dare to disobey the order, so they slew back towards the big team with the fastest speed.

The Zombie King climbed up from the ground, and more than 20 powerful zombies crowded around the Zombie King, protecting the Zombie King behind him.

The Thunder Corpse Dragon spit out black lightning, and a large group of zombies fell to the ground.

A glazed spear flashing with white lightning appeared in Chu Feng's hand, and then projected towards the Zombie King with lightning speed.


In order to save time, Chu Feng directly used Heavenly Scourge.

His level has reached level 7, and his mental power has become a lot stronger. Under his powerful control, controlling the scourge is already easy.

The thunder spear penetrated through the body of the zombie king like lightning, and it was too late to dodge.

The next moment, glaze flames and white thunder shot out from the body of the Zombie King, directly blowing the body of the Zombie King into pieces. The surrounding 20 powerful zombies were hit by these aftermaths, and their bodies were directly penetrated. , Some of the heads were pierced and even died on the spot.

Heavenly Scourge, but Chu Feng developed a move to fight higher, and used it on these zombies. It was already an honor for these zombies.

"Is that human being?"

Those with supernatural powers who were fighting and retreating on horseback stared at this scene in a daze.

The Zombie King, who made them helpless, was solved so easily in front of the City Lord, and the aftermath of killing the Zombie King could kill more than 20 powerful zombies.

Why is the gap between people so big?

However, Ma Tianyu responded quickly: "Stop the retreat, the whole army will fight back!"


With such a powerful city lord by their side, fighting alongside them, is there any need for them to retreat?

As Chu Feng swept away the most powerful group of zombies, the members of the Hell Knights began to fight back.

In less than 10 minutes, the battle here has ended.

Looking at the gnawed corpses on the ground, Chu Feng was silent for a few seconds, and then summoned out the Hell Karma Fire to burn these corpses.

He is not qualified to be sad now, because he is the lord of the city.

"Go back and rest, and then continue fighting!"

Chu Feng gave the order indifferently, and then rushed to the next battlefield.

The only thing he can do now is to kill the enemy as much as possible.

Fortunately, he didn't send another team out to fight. Most of the members of the City of Dawn shouldn't have much problem.

For the next two hours, Chu Feng had been running and killing, and he had reached six crystal nuclei that reached the 7th rank in his hand.

This can be said to be a unique record in the era of the seventh-order symbol of invincibility.

But they have too many enemies, even if they continue to kill, tens of thousands of zombies have died in their hands, including tens of thousands of insects, and countless mutant beasts, but the enemies from all directions are still An endless stream.

Among the team of the City of Dawn, some people have already expressed doubts about the decision to open up trade routes.

After Chu Feng beheaded the leader who reached the seventh rank one after another, there were not many high-level monsters coming to attack, all hiding in the rear to command.

"Sure enough, is Ning Yulong just a forward?"

This change was put in Chu Feng's eyes, and he quickly judged that the previous Ning Yulong was just a striker, and the true black hand had not yet appeared.

He took out some Yuan Shui from Yuan Mansion, so that the people of Dawn City quickly regained their energy.

After a new round of defense, Chu Feng continued to explore the surroundings with mental power.

"Insects, zombies, mutant beasts, there are definitely not many people who can manipulate these three at the same time. Even some special abilities can't do it, but considering that this matter has something to do with the devil world, Then no matter how abnormal it is, it becomes less strange."

After some investigation, Chu Feng called Han Yunxiao and Zou Mengxuan.

"When you were beheading the mutant beasts, did you see how the mutant beasts mutated?" Chu Feng asked.

Han Yunxiao quickly replied: "Most of them should be animals in farms, such as chickens, ducks, geese, and pigs. Some mutant animals come from zoos, but tigers or leopards will not appear. Of course there are some dogs. And cats, this category is more difficult."

Chu Feng suddenly asked, "Are there any wolves?"

After thinking for two seconds, Han Yunxiao replied affirmatively: "No."

He also noticed the problem. Since many mutant beasts mutated from animals in the zoo, why are there no wolves?

Chu Feng took a deep breath. Although this method of finding the black hand was a bit cheating, he wouldn't be entangled in this kind of thing.

The way to solve the problem is the good way.

It's not that there are no wolves around, but because of that person's character, he will never tolerate seeing a wolf suddenly being kept alive in a cage.

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