Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 625: Dark Wolf King

"Dark Wolf King, Tengger."

Chu Feng also recalled this famous figure in later generations.

The Dark Wolf King, Tengger came from the grassland country in the north of China, at the border of China and Mao Xiong. It was a country composed of nations that hated China very much.

Although this country is very weak, the folk customs in the past were still sturdy, but since thermal weapons replaced cold weapons, they have become good at singing and dancing.

Part of this nation has integrated into Huaxia, a member of the Huaxia family, and is proud of being a Huaxia, but there is still a part of it that has never forgotten the hatred with the Huaxia nation.

When Tengger first appeared, he appeared on the grasslands of Northwest and North China.

Because of the contract with a black giant wolf, his own title is also known as the Dark Wolf King, who relied on the wolf pack to run wild, and became one of the nine kings of the last days.

But he is a staunch anti-Chinaist, and hatred has penetrated into his soul.

Even in the face of an alien invasion, it will cause damage to China regardless of whether it is betraying the human race or taking refuge in the Demon World.

In the early stage of his rise, he encountered the obstacles of Long Ao in North China, and led the wolves to slaughter Long Ao's entire army, and even nearly killed Long Ao's mount, the white jade lion, causing Long Ao to suffer heavy losses.

However, after discovering Long Ao's ambition, he avoided North China.

For him, as long as there is a chance to retaliate against China, even the matter of alien invasion must be put aside.

"Although it is a talent, it is a pity that it is China's enemy."

As long as he could guarantee the stability of his family, Chu Feng never shy away from his family and country feelings, and this incident has something to do with him.

After Long Ao's forces were destroyed, the North China region has been completely under the control of the military. Now the North China military has been mining veins to armed forces. By the way, it has sent some teams to the Northeast region, so there is a hard bone.

Because there is no Longao, it is excusable for the Dark Wolf King to change his attack target.

Because Long Ao was the biggest threat to him at the beginning, but now the large number of Central China has become a better entry point.

"The origin of the big beast tide is the northwest. In other words, the Dark Wolf King should choose to follow the trend, but he thought that he chose to join the Demon Realm when he was on a dead end. I didn't expect it to be at such an early time. , Already has a relationship with the Demon Realm."

Chu Feng thought silently in his heart, "However, with Tengger's character, he won't join the Demon Realm so early. The two sides should be just a cooperative relationship."

The Demon World is the most aggressive world among the four highest planes, and it is the craziest world and the most cunning world.

Although there are still many specific details that I haven't figured out clearly, there is no need to figure it out.

Anyway, both sides are the enemy's position, just kill them after finding them.

After three rounds of defense, the sky gradually darkened.

Several deputy city masters all reached the sixth rank under the influence of the vitality tide, and some more powerful supernaturalists also reached this rank.

"The Dark Wolf King is a very powerful and cunning enemy. If I were him, what method would I use?" Chu Feng was thinking about it, and suddenly received a report from Tian Jing.

"The military in Central China has already set up reinforcements. There are two divisions and regiments. They are rushing in our direction. They are expected to arrive in two hours."

After hearing this news, Chu Feng's expression changed: "Now it is night, they are going to march at night?"

Tian Jing helplessly said: "When communicating with them, they said that this batch of materials is very important to them and must be distributed to those in need as soon as possible, so they dispatched two armored divisions as quickly as possible. The regiment came over and prepared to **** the supplies, and they were also worried that we were in danger."

"Idiot, is this their confidence to march at night?" Chu Feng couldn't help cursing.

I thought they would be more rational, and after making sufficient preparations, the two sides tried to open a passage in opposite directions.

But what I didn't expect was that these people actually marched at night. Is this because there are too many troops? Want to sacrifice some people?

However, this is also why he ignored the importance of these equipment to East China.

Although guns and ammunition have not been eliminated, they can play a great role in wars, but whether it is guns or ammunition, they are all consumables, and some are used less.

But ordinary equipment has no significant impact on the strength of the army, and the East China region is densely populated and there are many zombies. At this time, they need more sophisticated equipment.

During the exchanges between Nandu and Huazhong, they also saw the importance of the black iron sword.

So even if they make some sacrifices, they must get this batch of equipment as soon as possible, and they need to ensure the safety of this batch of equipment and some materials.

"The Dark Wolf King hasn't been found yet, wait, the Dark Wolf King?"

Suddenly, Chu Feng's eyes flashed brightly. If he were the Dark Wolf King, he would definitely not miss this opportunity. As for how to find the military team?

If it was Tengger, then he would definitely be able to do it.

The Dark Wolf King is best at detecting and hunting down.

"Han Yunxiao, Zou Mengxuan, call out all the people in the reconnaissance camp, Tian Jing, you and Xu Wei Tao Jinghua are here to lead the Hell Knights to preside over the overall situation, Zhang Ziqing, don't sleep, get up, Ye Xiaohui, get up with Yiyi and prepare for battle Up."

Chu Feng quickly issued a series of orders, and within a minute, all the people named by him had gathered in front of him.

Although the people in the reconnaissance camp were a bit inexplicable, they still had to obey Chu Feng's orders.

The sleepy Zhang Ziqing threw some ice water on his face, so that he quickly woke up. Although Ye Xiaohui and Yiyi were puzzled, they knew that Chu Feng rarely panicked.

"Everyone put on black cloaks, and placed a mysterious iron sword on the armor where they put their weapons. Even if you encounter danger, don't use the red flame sword to fight."

Chu Feng gave an order, and then replaced the chase with an ordinary Tier 6 Hell Dream Horse.

Now it's an action in the dark, and you should hide yourself as much as possible before taking the action. Even if there is no way to avoid the battle, at least it should be able to reduce the delay of the battle.


Everyone in the reconnaissance camp quickly put on black cloaks, and then hung an extra black iron sword on the armor around their waist.

After getting ready, the team disappeared into the vast night.

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