Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 626: Wolves in the night


The sound of gunshots in the dark was particularly harsh.

"Straight thief! Let us act at night!"

Several ragged soldiers shot and killed the zombies who had attacked in the night while cursing.

They are not a regular army, but they were enlisted in the army after the end of the world, but the army is a place that can easily change people, and they have begun to recognize this place gradually.

This is because there is no formal training, so they often do not understand the orders of their superiors.

"Speak less and there will be fewer zombies."

"Fart! Can we speak louder than gunfire? The troops in front and left and right have not stopped shooting."

"Then say a few words, otherwise you will have no strength to kill the zombies later."

Complaining is a complaint, but military orders are like mountains, and they have to choose to move forward.

Entering the dark night, the zombies are obviously much more active than during the day. Those bugs and mutant beasts have also appeared one after another. They are constantly attacking the crowd from the night. The zombies are good. When the time comes, the worm has already pounced on you.

In just 10 minutes of the march, there have been more than 20 casualties.

As they fired more and more frequently, more and more zombies were attracted.

However, the above people also said that this batch of military materials is of great help to everyone. Even if their two divisions are all damaged here, the safety of this batch of materials must be ensured.

Fortunately, when the caravan in the City of Dawn set off, they had already begun to prepare.

The opening of a trade route is not enough to send the convoy over, and it is necessary to eliminate nearby enemies, but the subsequent trade process can reduce some dangers. Otherwise, Chu Feng will directly consume a lot of vitality and load those materials into it. If Yuanfu is brought over, why is it wasting so much time and energy?

What he wants is a business route that allows everyone to pass, not just the benefit of a batch of materials.

The two divisions were originally used to arrange the reception.

In order to make the supplies arrive smoothly, they had cleaned up all the zombies in the three counties in the past few days, which was also their confidence to march at night.

The casualties now appearing are nothing compared to the previous wars.

In the center of the division, several commanders were sitting on the roof of a large truck, observing the situation nearby, and there were several supernaturalists around, who had been alert to bugs in the dark.

"Everything is going well. It seems that the clean-up work in the last few days went well, but I don't know where the monsters near the caravan in the city of dawn came from."

"So far, our team has been advancing for 20 minutes, and the number of casualties is less than 40 people. These people are basically casualties because they can't see the movements of the bugs in the dark."

"These casualties are necessary. If we get weapons a day earlier, we will be able to reduce 4,000 casualties and 40,000 casualties. Since today’s vitality tide, we heard that the zombies everywhere have become stronger. If we can’t get them earlier Weapons, the consequences may be catastrophic."

Because of the different perspectives, the two sides have different concepts.

The tide of vitality during the day made the zombies and insects stronger, which also strengthened their determination to obtain the supplies at any cost.

When the military in East China contacted them, they had already shown them those samples, and those equipment could at least raise the strength of their warriors by a notch.

Although they have also unearthed some minerals, there is not much time to slowly improve. Time will not wait for them, and the zombies will not wait for them to be armed before attacking the survival base.

This is why they are not willing to wait even one night.

At this moment, a messenger sent a report: "No, there is a platoon behind us that has lost contact and there is no signal."

The commander's expression changed: "What? Didn't even the news come out?"

Chuan Lingbing said: "Yes, there is no screaming."

Everyone's expressions have changed. If it is a sneak attack by zombies or insects, after the troops of one platoon are resolved, they should continue to attack other troops.

But since the opponent quietly resolved it and disappeared into the night again, it showed that the enemy should have relatively high intelligence.

But what is the purpose of the other party?

An officer immediately gave an order: "If the order continues, the whole army will enter a state of martial law."

"Shut up, the whole army accelerates forward!"

The commander decisively ordered, "Our state of alert at night has reached its limit. Even if we enter the state of martial law, where can we go? The enemies in the night are unknown, but since they have not appeared in an upright and bright manner, it means They do not have the ability to fight us head-on."

The officer said anxiously: "But, if this is the case..."

"It will cause a lot of casualties."

The commander said indifferently, "But have you ever thought that if we don’t have the ability to chase the enemy, or if we chase, we will cause more casualties? Everyone accelerates forward. If the enemy’s purpose is to stop us, The enemy should be the one who is anxious."

The officer's nails were pinched into the flesh, and he said painfully: "Yes, the whole army accelerates."

Although knowing this order, it may be a bit cold and ruthless, but this is the best choice.

As the whole army accelerated, some green eyes appeared in the dark.

Seeing these eyes, some of the weaker soldiers felt a little hairy:

"what is this?"

"Green eyes, is it a wolf?"

"Why are there wolves here?"

"In this world, what can't happen?"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and get ready to fight!"

The wolves in the night attacked the members of the army.

The sound of guns and screams one after another, the military's supernaturalists rushed to hear the movement and fight with the wolves together with the soldiers. However, after leaving some corpses, these wolves disappeared. There is no direct confrontation with this large number of supernaturalists at all. .

"What's the matter? Have the wolves retired?"

"I think they should be scared."

A young supernatural person said with a relaxed look.

But at this moment, another scream came from other directions, followed by a burst of gunfire.

"No, that place was also attacked."

Hearing the movement on the other side, the superpower team quickly went to support them, but when they arrived, there were no more enemies in sight except for the corpses on the ground.


A supernatural person took a breath, "Is this pack of wolves refined? Is it possible that the strategy of arguing about it?"

"Maybe, they may just want to make us exhausted."

At this moment, there was another scream from the south direction.

"Now, it's really bad."

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