Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 627: Night battle

"Master Tenger, why don't you launch a full-scale attack? As long as the adults are willing to take action, these ants will only be caught by hand."

Several sneaky figures in black robes persuaded a burly young man with a beard, and their words were full of compliments.

Beside them, a group of prairie wolves are eating.

"Do I need you to teach me how to do things?"

Tenger glanced at a few people with cold eyes, and they were so frightened that they immediately knelt to the ground.

"Master Tenger, we absolutely didn't mean that."

"We just feel that this is a godsend opportunity and we must not miss it."

"For Master Tenger, we will never have any disrespect."

It's no wonder that they were so scared to kneel on the ground with just one look, because people who didn't have this consciousness had already become food for those wolves.

They are able to live until now because of this desire to survive.

Tenger stroked the hair of a giant black wolf next to him, his tone full of contempt: "With the useless troops you control, you haven't been able to take down a camp for a day, if I really believe it. You trash, then I am a fool."

Because these people have the ability to control zombies and mutant beasts, he will cooperate with these people.

Anyway, for him, as long as it can bring harm to China, it is the same with anyone who cooperates.

But these people, after attacking other people's camps for a day, were not able to cause decent damage. Now this group of trash wants to inspire themselves to fight Huaxia?

Are you kidding me? Doesn't his wolves need to consider losses?

For him, these people from the Central Plains are far behind his wolves and are worthy of trust.

Two minutes later, the wolves in front came back again with some corpses in their mouths.

"Hahaha, that's it, I will kill all of China's people one by one!"

Tengger laughed wildly, "I will make the entire China feel the horror of the prairie wolves, and let them live forever in the shadow of the wolves, living in fear every day."

At this moment, several wolves came back with the bodies of two wolves in their mouths.

Looking at the corpses of the two wolves, the black wolf beside Tengger roared in grief.

Tengger furiously said: "You dare to hurt my brother, go up to me and kill all the people in that direction!"

As he said, he jumped up, riding on a gray-haired giant wolf, and issued a charge command: "Kill me, don't keep one!"

Seeing the pack of wolves charging forward, several figures in black robes disdain: "Didn't they be quite calm just now? Isn't it going to be obedient to fight head-on?"

"Hehe, the prairie people really have muscles in their brains."

"Tengger was angry. It seems that these two divisions should not be able to return to the camp of the City of Dawn."

They were in excitement, but they didn't notice that there were more figures in black cloaks behind them.

A coolness appeared on their necks, and they turned their heads stiffly, but only saw the black saber, and then screamed desperately.


After killing these sneaky black-robed men, Chu Feng directly put their corpses away and put them into Yuan Mansion as fertilizer.

It is worth the money to make these garbage bodies work.

Han Yunxiao asked Chu Feng for instructions: "City Lord, are we going to chase forward?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "No, they didn't go far."

As soon as his words fell, green eyes appeared in the night, and Tengger, who was riding a giant wolf, slowly appeared in the night.

"It was you just now. Did you deliberately attract me to leave? Just to kill some garbage?"

Han Yunxiao felt a bit cold in his back. It turned out that the other party's behavior that lost his calm just now was basically a disguise. They had already seen an enemy sneak attack and had already taken countermeasures.

If it weren't for the words of the city owner just now, Tiaoming had seen through the other's ambush, now they might have been ambushed.

Zhang Ziqing and Ye Xiaohui were also ready to fight. They didn't expect that the battle was supposed to be an ambush, but they were almost ambushed.

Zou Mengxuan asked, "How did you see through? We thought that there should be no flaws."

Tengger did not hide: "You don't need to see through, the murderous aura on you is too strong."

While talking, more and more wolves surrounded here.

A grey-haired giant wolf with a body length of more than 5 meters suddenly rushed towards a scout, a black sword light flashed, and the grey giant wolf's head was directly beheaded.

The scouts are all elites among the elite, how could they be successful in such a simple sneak attack?

"Sneak attack is useless, let's do it all!"

Chu Feng pulled out the Chiyan Sword on his waist, and a red light burst out under the injection of vitality, "Kill!"

In the past, the Hell Knights needed some slogans to improve morale, but they are no longer needed, because everyone has done the prohibition, so only a simple order can make them go all out, not to mention the elites. .

Following Chu Feng's "kill", the battle immediately began.

Among the members of the reconnaissance battalion, half of them are from the Hell Knights, and the other half are elites among supernatural powers, and they were also improved by Chu Feng's crystal core before leaving.

In the previous vitality tides, 6 of these ability players have reached the sixth rank.

With a wave of Zhang Ziqing's hand, a large amount of water appeared beside him, and then rushed towards the wolves. When these waters touched the wolves, they immediately transformed into ice.

It's just that the hair on these giant wolves trembled, and the ice fell sparsely.

However, this move did not have any effect, at least slowed the pace of culling the wolves.

Han Yunxiao and the others removed the black cloak from their bodies, and then drew out the Chiyan Sword or Chiyan Knife on their waist. The red sword also contained some weird purple in the dark night.

Chiyan fine gold as the main body, supplemented by a small part of the blue magic gold, is the best match.

Just when the two sides were about to come into contact, a hot white light suddenly appeared in Chu Feng's hand.

"Blazing Sun Talisman!"

Dozens of Sun Talisman exploded in Chu Feng's hands at the same time. The impact of the hot flames on the environment was aside, but the brilliance that broke out made the wolves blind for a short time.

The scouts all turned their backs to Chu Feng, so the influence was within a certain range.

What's more, they are already prepared.

At the moment when the wolves were briefly blind, they raised the blades in their hands together, and slashed towards the heads of these wolves.


The heads of giant wolves were directly chopped off and fell to the ground. Blood spewed out from the corpses of the wolves that lost their heads and stained the ground.

Tengger's eyes turned red.

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