Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 630: Kill the Wolf King

"Are you going to die?"

Tenger touched the hair of the Dark Wolf King, and his murderous aura continued to rise.

Unexpectedly, after escaping for so long, he still didn't find a chance.

Before, they tried to pass through the zombie swarm, through the insect swarm, and even tried to use the life of a survivor in a survivor camp as a threat, but it was of no use.


The Dark Wolf King let out a loud howl of the wolf, and the green eyes of the remaining giant wolves turned red. The front half of the body leaned over, and the front paws were firmly grasped on the ground, ready to fight.

The people in the reconnaissance camp launched a charge at this moment.

The black **** dream horse, transformed into a torrent of steel, was about to collide with the wolves. The nearby river suddenly surged, forming a wall of water to block the people of the reconnaissance camp.

At such a close distance, the few who ran in the front had no time to dodge.

The people of the reconnaissance camp immediately gave orders to the Hell Dream Horse through the soul contract, and then stepped on the wall to rush upwards, and a dive in the opposite direction returned to the ground.

When several people turned over and fell back, thousands of water arrows appeared in the water, densely projecting toward everyone.

"Ice Wall Art!"

Zhang Ziqing summoned a wall of ice and snow, and blocked the water arrows from the wall.


The ice and snow walls collapsed in a blink of an eye, but this also bought time for the people in the reconnaissance camp. They landed safely on the ground, and then blocked the water arrows with their weapons.

A large number of mutant beasts in the water came out of the river and stood with these giant wolves.

Most of these mutant beasts are fish and shrimps, and there are also some mutant turtles, but they are all mutating in the direction of walking upright. When they step out of the water, the water in the river condenses into weapons made by ice. , And then rushed towards everyone in the reconnaissance camp.

"what is this?"

Tenger also had some doubts. He didn't know why these monsters would come to help him, but he knew one thing, that was he was saved.

He ignored the kindness of these aquariums to help him, instead he blew a whistle, and all the wolves began to return to their hometown to escape, preparing to cross the river.

These wolves are fast enough to cross a big river without any problems.

The people in the reconnaissance camp are fighting with these aquariums. The combat effectiveness of these aquariums is not strong. Most of them are only Tier 3, and Tier 4 is a small number. Things done.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of water element guards appeared in the river.

Although these water elemental guards are not too powerful in themselves, they are only spells that can be used by second-order abilities, but as long as they are not an energy structure that is suddenly defeated, they will not die immediately.

The supernatural powers of the water system are the most versatile superpowers, and they are also very good at entangled time.

"Shuizu, is it you again?"

Under the extreme anger, Chu Feng became extremely calm instead.

Now he is more certain, that is, the three seals are definitely not an opportunity given to mankind by the heavens, at least the soul seal and the sea seal are definitely not, the Xuantian seal is probably not a good thing.

You can still use it now, but you must be careful when using it in the future.

"However, at least the Wolf King must be killed!"

Chu Feng summoned the Thunder Corpse Dragon again, and then jumped onto the Thunder Corpse Dragon's back, chasing the enemy from the sky.

Tengger was riding on the back of the giant wolf. The giant feet of the giant wolf stepped on the water, causing a huge wave of water. He stepped on the wave and rushed towards the opposite side of the river.

A large amount of water flowed into the sky, and the huge impact hit the body of the Thunder Corpse Dragon, causing the flying figure of the Thunder Corpse Dragon to tremble.

But this bit of damage is just a bit painful for today's Thunder Corpse Dragon.

On the back of Thunder Corpse Dragon, Chu Feng's hand appeared a long spear flashing white thunder and lightning.


The Spear of Scourge came out from Chu Feng's hand, penetrated the body of the Dark Wolf King with lightning speed, and then burst into the Dark Wolf King.


The Dark Wolf King let out a painful wailing, and then his entire body burst open, and the lightning and flames in his body burst open, penetrating some underwater aquatic species.

The giant wolf that Tengger sat down was also affected, his body was pierced by the reflected streamer, and then fell into the water in pain, and fell into the water with Tengger.

"One of the famous ten beasts of the last days, just died like this?"

Chu Feng felt a little untrue. Later, the Dark Wolf King was able to exist as famous as the Thunder Corpse Dragon, but he did not expect to die in his own hands so easily.

But it seems normal to think about it. Even the ten beasts in the last days need time to grow.

And the most terrifying thing about the Dark Wolf King lies in its power to command the wolves. Tens of thousands of wolves in later generations will run wild, and there are dense bones everywhere.

The current Northwest wolf pack has not yet formed a scale, and has encountered himself, and a Thunder Corpse Dragon who can obtain the title of Ten Beasts in the Last Days or alone, it is normal to die here.

After all, it's just bad luck.


A chill flashed in Chu Feng's eyes, anyway, Tengger was going to kill.

The order was given to the Thunder Corpse Dragon through the soul contract, and then Chu Feng and the Thunder Corpse Dragon jumped into the water together.

Soon, under the surface of the river began to surging, and huge waves rose on the surface.

The aquatic monster in the water desperately blocked the way, and was breathed in by the thunder and lightning, and a large amount of coke appeared under the water.

If it weren't for the fact that it was in the water, it would have the smell of barbecue.

The Chi Yan sword in Chu Feng's hand was constantly swinging, and an underwater monster died under his sword, but there were too many monsters in the water, and the bottom of the water was muddy and unclear, making him unable to see clearly.

Even if you use mental power to explore, when your mental power encounters water, the exploration ability is greatly reduced.

After a few minutes of continuous fighting, the turbid river water was a little yellow, but now it was stained red with blood, and the body of the mutant monster beast in the water had already covered the water.

Ten minutes later, Chu Feng climbed up from the river bank, then the Thunder Corpse Dragon turned into a black tattoo and appeared on Chu Feng's arm.

After such a long battle, the monster beasts that left the water have been wiped out by the scout regiment, leaving only one corpse.

"Chu Feng, how is it?"

Seeing Chu Feng appearing, Zhang Ziqing ran over with concern, but when she saw Chu Feng's eyes, she was immediately scared and took two steps back.

"Shuizu, Haizu, you once again blocked my way!"

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