Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 631: Hellfire Lotus

Seeing his calm appearance, but his eyes were full of cold Chu Feng, the members of the Scout Corps were silent for a while.

Such an expression is more chilling than being angry.

When he went down to hunt Tengger, he didn't find Tengger's body, and of course he didn't find the opponent's living person.

Although I don't know how the other party escaped, it must be related to those aquariums just now.

Although he didn't feel the breath of dragon tortoise, the sudden resistance of these aquariums just now made him think of each other.

"Dragon Tortoise is related to Shui Mansion, and Shui Mansion is also involved in the Sea Emperor Seal. So, I should have become an unexpected factor in this world. That's why I was blocked and let all things develop in line with the trend of the future. I think To kill the chess pieces in their hands, they will be obstructed.

Could it be said that the fate of people in the future world will be in the hands of this invisible force? "

Thinking of this, Chu Feng also felt scared for a while. If he hadn't been able to enter the Xuantian inheritance in his previous life, would he also become a **** in the opponent's hand?

The three great treasures are just tools for the people behind the scenes to play with the earth's humans!

Now that the matter here has been resolved, Chu Feng began to contact Tian Jing and the three people, and got news that their entire transaction process went smoothly.

The four vice-lords of the City of Dawn were handing over with those from the military, and the opponent exchanged a large number of crystal nuclei and mutant monster fur for weapons and some consumables.

It is worth mentioning that, driven by the city of dawn, clothes made from the fur of mutant monsters have gradually replaced the clothes of the old age. After all, animal skins are more tough, sometimes with weak bugs. Biting on animal skin clothes will leave no scars at all.

Because of the large population in Central China, there is never a shortage of zombies and zombie nuclei, and because of the vast farmland, there are a lot of bugs in the farmland.

Although China's munitions have always been very sufficient, in the face of countless zombies and insects, no amount of munitions is enough.

Therefore, at this time, it is very important to be able to withstand the battles of Tier 5 or even Tier 6 powerhouses.

As an accessory, Chu Feng also included many throwing knives, which of course needed money to buy.

However, Chu Feng's current discount to the military is still 40% off, which will not put them under too much pressure.

"Tian Jing, you continue to preside over the transaction over there, after you sell the supplies to the military, by the way, take the Hell Knights there to try to solve the beast tide, but try not to let yourself suffer casualties."

Chu Feng ordered through the transmission token, "The threat of the beast tide may not be too great for you today, but the number is very scary. You must be careful."

Tian Jing was surprised: "Boss, won't you come back?"

"I still have things." Chu Feng faintly closed the transmission token, "Make my affairs well."

As for how to handle the things he requested, the specific details don't need too much instruction from him, and the deputy city masters will also cooperate obediently.

If they didn't even wince, then they would not have the need to continue following themselves, because they no longer have any value.

The benefits revealed from his fingers can attract many people. If they really die, then I believe there must be a lot of other people working for him.

As for the situation in Central China, he does not need to worry.

The wave of big beasts in the previous life brought huge disasters to Central China. The specific casualties can reach more than 2 million. This is a blow to the survivors, but that’s because everyone didn’t have any weapons to take advantage of. When it comes to a powerful herd, it can only be filled with life, and at the beginning it was caught off guard by a big setback.

In addition, these mutant monsters later destroyed the farmland in large numbers, and the internal cannibalism caused by the crisis of food shortage was the main cause of 2 million casualties.

Now he has given away 100,000 mysterious iron swords, as well as various scattered weapons, in addition to a lot of compressed biscuits and clean water, and members of the Hell Knights can clean up those powerful beasts. If there is an accident, it will be impossible for China to persist for 10 years.

He has seen many pretentious powerhouses in the future, but in fact, no one can become a true savior in the next ten years.

Do what you should do, and you don't need to worry about the extra.

After closing the communication token, Chu Feng took out some lotus flowers from Yuan Mansion.

This was the last time he went to **** and ordered the collection of seeds of various plants. These plant seeds were all planted into the Yuan Palace, among them this hellfire lotus.

Hellfire lotus is actually not too rare in hell. When he went to **** last time, he collected a dozen plants at once.

However, **** is an attachment to one of the four highest planes. Compared to the grade of the earth, I don't know how many levels it is higher. What is common to **** is a rare treasure on the earth.

Hellfire lotus is something that can improve strength and aptitude.

After leaving some lotus seeds to continue planting, Chu Feng took out some yuan water from the yuanquan, and under the action of the ice seal, it froze into cold ice, then shook it hard, and turned it into broken ice.

Then, Chu Feng put the lotus seeds of the Hellfire lotus flower into the crushed ice, and the crushed ice soon boiled, but Chu Feng still continued to add crushed ice to it without delay.

Refining medicine is a very profound knowledge, but fortunately, Chu Feng doesn't need to learn how to refining medicine.

What he wants to learn is only pharmacology.

He knew that the medicinal properties of the hellfire lotus were flames, which could improve the human body’s aptitude, but the flaming properties in it were too great and could easily cause heartburn. So he used some ice water to neutralize it, remove some of the fire properties, and remove it. Become Zhongzhengxuan and reconcile.

It doesn't matter even if there are some remnants, some remnants of the attribute power, even Tier 4 powerhouses are easy to adjust, not to mention that the next thing to be consumed is at least Tier 5 Peak.

A fifth-order powerhouse, even if he swallows raw lotus seeds, his life is not necessarily in danger. If even these lotus seeds that have been eliminated part of the fire attribute energy can't bear it, then it is really funny.

"Now, everyone of you come over to get water to drink!"

Chu Feng put the simply refined lotus seeds into a glass bucket, then poured some into the cup, and said to the scout group, "Everyone comes over and makes a drink. After drinking, adjust your breath for an hour, and then drink again. , Drink it until you don't feel it."

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