Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 633: Mizufu advancement

Even without Chu Feng's reminder, everyone would not be too persistent.

This is after all a precarious apocalypse, and a person who can plan his life for the next year is already considered good, let alone a more distant future.

So the most important thing for everyone is to improve your own strength, and not to be too obsessed with illusory things.

When they realize that this kind of thing can't be forced, naturally there won't be too many people to force it.

Otherwise, watching the people around me surpass myself, that kind of pain and suffering is not something everyone can bear.

As for Xu Shaoguang, he had already told him all the pros and cons, and it was up to him to choose.

He can only give people choices, not for them.

After everyone's practice gradually stabilized, Chu Feng took out the Water Palace token.

"I didn't have enough strength in the past. Now, some things should be resolved."

A cold light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes. Although he didn't know the purpose of the other party, but he dared to play with the fate of mankind and repeatedly obstructed himself, he would never let it go.


Chu Feng ran an unknown technique and began to forcibly refine the Shuifu token.

Under the powerful decomposition ability of the Wuming Gongfa, the power contained in the Water Palace token began to be continuously extracted and transformed into the purest original vitality.

These powers don't seem to be too much, but they are very stubborn. Even if it is running an unknown technique, it can only extract a trace of vitality with difficulty.

After this trace of vitality was extracted by Chu Feng, the Shui Mansion token began to tremble.


Chu Feng opened the Shuifu token for 12 consecutive seals, and forcibly sealed the Shuifu token again, then threw it into the Yuanfu.

That trace of pure vitality fell into Chu Feng's hands, joined with Chu Feng's vitality, and was quickly drawn into a brand new vitality symbol.

"Traceability Yuan Fu!"

After this Yuan Mansion appeared, Chu Feng engraved it on his arm, and then an induction appeared in his heart.


This is a meta-character that can sense the connection between the two parties. It can be used to track the enemy or find things related to the other party.

When the feeling between him and the target was established in his heart, somewhere in the north, a huge lake covered by ice and snow suddenly trembled, and then invisible waves radiated.

Soon, changes occurred all over the world.

Huadong Region.

"What's the matter, is there any sense? But this time the distance is a bit far?"

The vigilance flashed in Xie Gucheng's eyes, but he still made up his mind, "No matter what, I must go and see, otherwise, my heart will be uneasy."

However, he will not go alone this time.

The grassland country in the south of the ice and snow lake.

"Go north, I can feel the call there."

To the east of the ice and snow lakes, the far east region of Teddy Bear.

"Going to the West, I can feel there, as if a treasure is about to be born."


Suddenly, some powerful people from all sides felt the call here.

At the same time, Chu Feng, who possessed three Water Palace tokens, also sensed this invisible call.

"Shui Mansion, no, is Shui Yuan Yin there?"

After throwing the token into the Yuan Palace, and continuously burning the area that had been burning with the true fire of Samadhi, Chu Feng no longer cared about the follow-up of this token.

However, he also knew that since he could sense this kind of calling, those "destined people" also got this kind of calling in all likelihood.

After all, the location of the Shui Mansion has been found by himself, so it is excusable to be born early.

Zhang Ziqing's face was full of doubts: "I can feel that there seems to be something in the north, it seems to be something that can enhance my strength."

Chu Feng is not surprised at all. Although Zhang Ziqing's power depends entirely on the gate of hell, being selected by the gate of **** can also prove Zhang Ziqing's excellence.

"Then go north!"

Chu Feng gave the decision lightly.

Zhang Ziqing was taken aback: "I just said it casually. No one knows whether this feeling is true or not. There is no need to change the schedule because of me."

Chu Feng touched Zhang Ziqing's head and said, "It's okay. I'm not because of you, but because I myself have had a relationship with certain things."

Zhang Ziqing was not too embarrassed, but looked at Yiyi: "I can feel that the place is far away from us, should you send Yiyi back first?"

Hearing this, Ye Xiaohui's eyes were also full of tension.

Chu Feng looked at Ye Xiaohui: "You should understand that Yiyi’s identity is already known to more and more people. There will definitely be some dangers going north this time. With Yiyi’s presence, the danger will become even more. But you should understand."

Ye Xiaohui was silent. Of course, she didn't want her daughter to take risks, but how can everything be as she wishes in this era?

Yiyi has to face some things.

"Mom, I want to go."

Yiyi suddenly broke free of Ye Xiaohui’s embrace and jumped off the back of the Hell Dream Horse. “I know that everyone has sacrificed many people to protect me. There may be more sacrifices in the future. I don’t want to see it. With so many sacrifices, I want to protect everyone."

Her voice was weak and firm, full of doubt.

I have seen so many things with Chu Feng, and she also knows that she has some abnormalities, so this is her choice.

Seeing her daughter's firm eyes, Ye Xiaohui was full of struggle: "But..."


Yiyi held Ye Xiaohui's hand, "When someone came to steal me, someone died for me, it feels really uncomfortable. If it is inevitable that I become the source of danger, let me solve it. This danger, those dangers are coming, then come at me!"

After a long time, Ye Xiaohui said slowly: "I understand, I respect your decision."

Sometimes adults blindly do good for their children, only from their own point of view, but do not consider the children's needs. Is Yiyi's biggest needs now really safe?

She is also a kind child, and her biggest need is actually spiritual comfort.

If you blindly obstruct her, it will definitely leave an indelible shadow in the child's heart, and let her live in guilt and self-blame.

Yiyi smiled happily when her mother agreed with her decision.

At this time, the members of the Scout Corps also recovered from the breath adjustment. Hearing Yiyi’s words, they seemed to have found a meaning in life. Perhaps it is precisely because of such kindness and beauty that the Chinese nation can Have the courage not to fear life and death.

"Since you decide to face the danger on your own strength, you must work harder."

The corner of Chu Feng's mouth outlines the devil's smile, "First of all, come to a wild cross-country fifty kilometers, the other side of the river is our starting point."

Yiyi's face suddenly collapsed.

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