"City Lord, this is not good!"

The members of the Scout Corps looked at Chu Feng as if they were looking at a demon. Such a cute little girl can be cruel, and his heart is cruel!

However, they felt that such a scene had a different kind of warmth.

"You are also together, send the **** dream horse back to hell, then put on the mysterious iron armor, wear 120 kilograms of arms, and start armed cross-country. If even a girl who has just reached ten years old can't compare Don't punish you, you can do it yourself!"

Chu Feng ignored the complaints of the Scout Corps, but quickly adjusted the equipment on each person and the weight of each person, so that they must reach 120 kilograms per person.


The members of the scout regiment did not admit their counsel, so what a joke, how could they lose to a 10-year-old girl? It's the same even if the other person doesn't have any weight on him.

But what they didn't know was that even without Yiyi, Chu Feng wanted them to run.

The medicinal properties of hellfire lotus are not so easy to digest. Although they adjust their breath by meditation, the breath in their body is restored to a stable level, but the residual medicinal properties in their bodies will still make them some blood flow faster, and the temperature will increase. high.

It can also be said that the blood is spurting and needs to be vented in time.

If the women they were looking for were nearby, they could find a way to vent in time, but it would be a waste of venting on women.

So Chu Feng used one of the simplest means, and that was running.

As long as your excess energy is consumed, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Zhang Ziqing raised his hand to drag the water in the water to construct an ice bridge. After everyone passed the ice bridge, they began to advance at a speed of 100 meters.

Of course, the 100-meter sprint speed in the past is just normal fast running for them today.

The weight of 120 kilograms is trivial to the Tier 6 powerhouse, but it is not a small load to sprint 50 kilometers at a speed of 100 meters after taking these loads.

Chu Feng and Ye Xiaohui ran in the forefront, responsible for clearing the obstacles on the road. If they encounter an enemy, the two of them will take the lead in solving them, letting them move forward without distraction.

The forward speed of the scout regiment was 10 meters per second, and the speed of 10 kilometers took less than ten minutes. When Chu Feng announced the end, everyone’s first reaction was to prepare to unload their backpacks on the ground. I don't want to continue to carry this heavy guy forward.

However, at this time Chu Feng's order was issued again.

"It is not allowed to lose your backpack. When you are fighting in the field, the supplies in your backpack may be your life-saving items. Losing your backpack and equipment often means losing your life."

"Don't stop, you can slow down by half, continue running for 10 kilometers, then stop slowly."

Under Chu Feng's strict orders, everyone continued to advance.

The people who moved forward again did not complain, because they could feel that their physical fitness seemed to have improved significantly through the rush just now. Although excessive fatigue caused a lot of physical consumption, the body felt more relaxed.

With your current state, you can be sure that this improvement is not an illusion.

They certainly don't think that running can reach this level. That can only show one thing, that is, the effect of the medicine that Chu Feng gave them before.

This process of fleeing desperately is the process of digesting the power of medicine in the body.

After the long-distance running, Chu Feng took out some yuan water to help them regain their physical strength. They felt that relaxation was not an illusion. Because of the digestion of the medicine, their physical fitness has also been improved, but the consumption of the body is real. If it cannot be recovered, it is an overdraft.

After helping everyone to recover a bit of physical strength, everyone was about to start a new round of long-distance running, suddenly a large number of mutant beasts appeared in front of them to intercept on the road.

Seeing these mutant beasts with a maximum of only Tier 6, Chu Feng didn't care at all.


After an order, everyone immediately began to act.

Even the mounts were not summoned, and they immediately started fighting.

Ten minutes later, they were already surrounded by the corpses of nearly 1,000 mutant monster beasts, and these corpses were unceremoniously accepted by Chu Feng.

"I can feel that the power in my body is operating more easily."

Han Yunxiao, who had solved the last enemy, shook his left hand.

"me too."

"It's the same for me."

"Can the city lord's potion be popularized on a large scale? If it can be popularized on a large scale, will the City of Dawn be the number one power in the world?"

Everyone looked at Chu Feng with hopeful eyes.

They can see the importance of that medicine.

They didn't think that this special potion was only for them to enjoy alone, but when they thought of the enemies they would face, they suddenly felt that it would be good for everyone to share it together.

The stronger the team, the safer you are.

Chu Feng couldn't laugh or cry: "Aren't you underestimating human wisdom? This kind of medicine is really precious, but there are also various mutant plants and mutant monsters in this world. If you eat the flesh and blood of mutant monsters for a long time, In fact, there is also some increase in physical fitness, but it is relatively slow."

Of course Chu Feng didn't think that Hellfire Lotus could be his backing.

In fact, the adventurous spirit of mankind is still very strong, and in this apocalyptic environment, the risk factor of mankind is even more stimulated.

People in famine years can eat even soil, let alone those mutant plants? Therefore, under constant attempts, the uses of various mutant plants have also been discovered by humans.

Those who are good at Chinese medicine are the treasures of many survival bases.

Even Su Yuan hired some experts from a family of Chinese medicine at a high price. Gu Nanfei's staff also had a group of people who knew Chinese medicine. They also made great contributions to reducing the casualties of martial artists.

Hellfire lotus is indeed very precious in the early stage, but it is too naive to be the foundation of a large power.

This is also the reason why Chu Feng was able to defeat Long Lingyun's heart defense.

You can think of yourself as excellent, you can think of yourself as strong, but never forget that you are a human being, and the excellence of human beings is not only concentrated on you.

Maybe this era has a lot of despair, but good human beings will surely survive all the catastrophes.

"Huh? Why are there so many mutant monsters?"

A wind power person frowned, "It turned out to be a monster beast transformed into a corpse. It seems that our journey will slow down a lot."

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