Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 639: Ice queen

"Found it!"

Although there was no contact with the opponent's gaze, when the opponent's gaze fell in his direction, Chu Feng knew that his position had been discovered.

Just when he was about to give the order to attack, Tengger suddenly blew a whistle, and all the wolves bite a large piece of meat from the prey as quickly as possible, and then fleeing away in their hands.

Seeing this reaction, Chu Feng was also shocked for a while.

Once bitten by a snake, I was afraid of well ropes for ten years. I didn't expect that he had left the opponent with this degree of psychological shadow. However, considering the size of the opponent's wolf pack, Chu Feng thought it should be another possibility.

"Tenger is not a person who lacks courage. He just won't be willing to fight a war that is sure to lose. Even if the probability of winning is only 20%, he is willing to fight to the death. Now the number of wolves around him There are already more than 700 heads, and there are still some wolves on the edge of my spiritual exploration range.

In just 5 days, his wolf pack has expanded to this level, and there is a new wolf king with an older brother who is no less than the Dark Wolf King. If there is no help from outsiders, then such a person is inevitable. It's too bad, so those who can help him will be ready to come out. "

Tengger initially traded with people in the Demon Realm, and completely took refuge in the Demon Realm. That was also after she had nowhere to go.

It now appears that his desperate time has been advanced a lot.

With more than 700 wolves, they have been able to fight the scout regiment, but the reason why the opponent left in such a hurry should be the intelligence of the dark legion.

"Receive your troops!"

Although a little unwilling, Chu Feng still ordered to retreat.

Now is not the best time to solve the opponent. If he wants to make a move, he must kill him with a single blow, otherwise he will give the opponent a chance to grow.

Tengger just knew his existence, and immediately led the wolves to escape without hesitation.

Even if I go to hunt down now, I can only kill some giant wolves.

If he can't succeed in one blow, he would rather bear it for a while.

After returning to the camp, everyone began to rest.

At night now, there are very few enemies coming to sneak attacks, but they will definitely last all night, so they have to take turns when they rest, which extends the night's rest time.

Even if Chu Feng's Dark Legion was there, it was impossible for the Dark Legion to stay unrest.

This feeling of being grasped by others made Chu Feng very uncomfortable.

But he knew that this was a stage that had to be passed, and there was no way to avoid it.

As the time from the north gets closer and closer, the daytime is getting shorter and shorter, reaching the point where it is only 6 hours, and the line of sight during the day is much dimmer than at night.

When they were halfway through their journey, they suddenly encountered a group of herdsmen, about 200.

"They are few, kill them!"

Seeing that there were only more than 30 people in Chu Feng and his party, these herdsmen gave the order to kill without hesitation.

Although the language was unsuccessful, seeing the other party withdraw the knife from his waist, everyone in the Scout Corps also realized what the herders wanted to do.


There was no nonsense to talk about, and everyone gave the killer without hesitation.

Fifteen minutes later, the members of the scout regiment lifted the head of the last herder who fled, and threw it at Chu Feng's feet: "Fortunately, not insulting!"

The strongest among these herdsmen is a Tier 5 powerhouse. Compared with the elite of the Scout Corps, it is simply a one-sided massacre.

Moreover, in the face of the speed of the Hell Dream Horse, they even hope to escape.

At this moment, a cold voice came.

"Did you kill these people?"

The scout group looked towards the source of the sound, and saw a woman wearing a blue clothes of unknown material in the snow, walking towards them with a dozen teammates.

When they approached, the appearance of the headed woman came into view. She had a breathtakingly beautiful face, her eyes were as clear as autumn water, and her rugged figure, even under the cover of blue clothes, could still stimulate men’s desires. , But the cold temperament on his body makes people afraid to approach.

Zhang Ziqing looked at Chu Feng nervously, for fear that the pervert would be surprised again, and would add a competitor to himself.

"We killed it, so what?"

Chu Feng said indifferently, what's he dare not admit?

"It's too much. Your behavior is like a butcher."

"It's too cold-blooded, it's utterly desolate."

The teammates around the beautiful woman scolded.

Chu Feng was taken aback. It has been so long since the end of the world came, so why are there so many top quality products?

Indiscriminately began to yell at them. How did this kind of people live so long?

But he was too lazy to explain so much: "These people wanted to kill us, so they were killed by us. Anyway, they deserved the crime. If there is nothing wrong, then please do it yourself!"

With that, he was ready to take people away.

He is indeed a person who likes beauty, but he never delays business because of beauty.

"Wait a minute, the matter has not been investigated, you are not allowed to leave."

The beautiful woman in blue said in a flat tone, and then, the ground in front of the scout regiment seemed to have grown icy trees, sprouts began to grow from the ground, and a garden soon formed.

The Hell Dream Horse stopped. In this ice garden, the Hell Dream Horse was also unable to move.

"What is this ability? Can the power of ice and snow be used to such an extent?"

The members of the Scout Corps were all shocked. Although they had come into contact with a lot of water system supernatural powers, there has never been a water system super power that could use the power of ice and snow to such an extent.

It directly formed an ice and snow garden, hindering their footsteps.

And these ice gardens, plants made of ice, are all lifelike, and even the veins on the leaves and each petal are so clear.

"It turned out to be her?"

When seeing this ice and snow garden, Chu Feng also remembered the identity of the other party.

Even in the next 10 years, there is only one person who can do this kind of thing, and that is Yi Qiuling, known as the Queen of Ice and Snow.

She is a descendant of a family of ancient martial arts. While proficient in ancient martial arts, she also awakened the powers of the water system. She was superb in controlling ice and snow, and eventually became a holy step and one of the pillars of mankind. The place is fixed, whereabouts are elusive, and he is indifferent to the wooing of various forces.

Even in the last days, she still maintains her sense of justice.

But she is not a pedantic person, not the kind of person who can sacrifice herself for others, she just can do something within her own capacity.

In her words: "I do these things have nothing to do with justice, just because I like them."

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