Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 640: Steel straight man

Since it was Yi Qiuling, Chu Feng couldn't easily do it with him.

Not only because of the other's contribution in the future, but also related to oneself.

When she was besieged and suppressed by Long Ao's forces, Yi Qiuling slaughtered Long Ao's 100-member team with her own power, giving herself a chance to escape.

Although she didn't come here specifically for herself, she saved Chu Feng after all.

After that, the two had no intersection, but Chu Feng kept remembering his life-saving grace that time.

Chu Feng is a person who repays gratitude. In his previous life, he gave up the opportunity to become a supernatural person because of his favor. Although he became indifferent to many favors because of his frustration, he did not ask for this. Chu Feng still couldn't remain indifferent to the reward of life-saving grace.

At this time, the teammates around Yi Qiuling began to clamor.

"What is unclear? They have admitted that they are the murderer."

"This kind of murderous madman is a malignant tumor among human beings and should be killed all."

Seeing these clamoring teammates, Chu Feng's indifferent eyes had some mockery. It's no wonder that later generations of Yi Qiuling have always acted alone, with only a fox beside him, and normal people would not let these idiots follow her.

"Shut up all to me!"

Yi Qiuling yelled, everyone was quiet for an instant, and there was a faint fear in their eyes, as if they were thinking of something terrible.

After drinking these people, Yi Qiuling came to Chu Feng and the others.

Han Yunxiao and others were about to move, but they were stopped by Chu Feng with a gesture.

She stretched out her hand and waved, the floating snow on the ground flew up, and some horseshoe prints buried by the snow were also exposed in front of everyone.

"The horseshoe prints of these battalions were slow at first, but after a certain turning point, they suddenly began to accelerate, and then ran towards the main battlefield. It seems that you are right. They want to rob you, but because The strength is not enough, it is in your hands."

Yi Qiuling first looked at the horseshoe prints of the large unit, and then at the horseshoe prints during the hunt, her eyebrows frowned, and then she sighed, "It's okay, let's go!"

Based on these footprints on the ground, she has probably inferred the whole story.

As for the horseshoe prints that followed, she could also see that after these people had defeated most of the enemies, the remaining herdsmen wanted to escape, so they cut the grass and rooted them.

Such behavior is a bit excessive by the standards of the old age.

But in this era, it really isn't a problem.

So her sigh is also a sigh of the times.

"Is she a detective?"

Zhang Ziqing opened his mouth, feeling a little weird.

Only from the footprints on the ground, we can infer the whole story. This woman has a high IQ.

"This is not something that a detective can do, but something that a normal brain can think of."

Chu Feng looked at Yi Qiuling's teammates with contempt, "I want to kill indiscriminately. Are you organized by the killers?"

Zhang Zi pursed his lips with anger, but said nothing.

It is boring to care about this with a straight steel man like Chu Feng.

"Boy, what do you mean?"

"Hey! Don't go too far."

Several people who were ridiculed looked at Chu Feng with angry eyes, but Yi Qiuling glared back, and died one by one.

In front of Yi Qiuling, they didn't dare to make a mistake.

"let's go!"

Yi Qiuling greeted her and led her teammates to leave. Behind her, the ice garden that trapped the scout group instantly turned into ice crystals and dissipated in the air.


Chu Feng suddenly stopped her, "You are also a Chinese, why did you appear here? Is it related to a special call from the north?"

"You also received this call?"

Yi Qiuling turned around, but she didn't seem to be surprised at all, "I didn't receive such a call. It's just that someone from my teammates heard such a call and came over to take a look."

Not Yi Qiuling?

Although this answer was somewhat unexpected, Chu Feng was not surprised.

People like Yi Qiuling are really hard to control and influence.

In later generations, some people think that since someone like her often does things to uphold justice, and saves survivors more than once during the alien invasion, he should be a kind person in itself. The kindness and weakness in the last days are Synonym, but also a representative of good bully.

So a force wanted to plot this woman.

"We have a lot of survivors here. If you want to save these people's lives, just listen to us obediently. If you don't obey, these people will die because of you."

Later, more than 3,000 people in the entire survival base were massacred by Yi Qiuling. No matter it was those who kidnapped survivors or those kidnapped survivors, none were spared.

This practice of killing even the hostages has made countless people give up the idea of ​​dealing with her.

The military asked her to give an explanation, and she was also very cooperative: "Those so-called hostages and kidnappers belong to the same group. What was wrong with me killing them?

Later, this matter ceased.

The number of survivors rescued by Yi Qiuling during the alien invasion is 80,000 without 100,000. For a group of people who want to murder human heroes, a large amount of power is deployed to deal with heroes. The military has not yet done so. Cold-blooded, the bad guys in this world can't be killed at all. Even if Yi Qiuling's actions are cruel, she can't reach the first step they want to deal with.

The current Yi Qiuling has not yet reached that point, as she can tolerate such teammates by her side, it can be seen.

"There is a trap, a trap against humans."

Chu Feng said simply, "I went there to solve this trap."

Yi Qiuling stared into Chu Feng's eyes, as if confirming something. After two seconds, she said, "Then I will go even more."


After Chu Feng finished speaking, he galloped away.

He didn't know if Yi Qiuling had also entered the Water Mansion without his own intervention, but now that he was reminded, then Yi Qiuling should be more cautious.

Moreover, he walked slowly before because he had fought with too many mutant beast queens in the northwest and north China grasslands. Now that there are no such ties, his speed should be much faster.

As long as he can arrive before the opponent, he can control the situation.

After Chu Feng and others left, a woman beside Yi Qiuling said angrily: "Unexpectedly, you would actually let these murderers go."

"Do you know why I want to keep you by my side?" Yi Qiuling said.


"Because only you are by my side, I can control you not to do stupid things."

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