Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1080: Destroy Stardust

Lu Chen thought he would fall into a large number of dead souls, but in fact he did not plunge into the pile of dead souls.

At this time, Lu Chen was standing on an unknown planet.

This planet may be too old, barren, lifeless, and the ground is still faintly shaking.

"Is this?" Lu Chen looked around in surprise with a blank expression.

At this moment, the ground shook suddenly and violently, and then, under a deafening loud noise, the entire planet exploded directly from the center!

This degree of explosion is far more violent than the moves Lu Chen has seen by any strong man. He widened his eyes and quickly opened all the open states to guard his body!

"Damn it, this is Hades's trap?"

Under the white light, Lu Chen only felt that he would definitely die here this time.

But strangely, he did not feel the impact of spiritual power.

"Huh? This is... the phantom mirror?" Lu Chen was a little surprised, but quickly calmed down. The violent planetary explosion did not affect him.

Lu Chen stared at his surroundings. In the violent explosion, the planet's crust and core seemed to have evaporated in an instant, disappearing without a trace!

The white light flashed, and there was nothing here.

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

Could it be that the destruction of Stardust is the artistic conception realized from here?

The next moment, Lu Chen reappeared on another planet, which was as desolate as the previous planet.

Lu Chen could feel that the ground under his feet began to vibrate more and more. This was a sign that the obliteration of the planet was coming.

"Even if it's true this time, it won't run away anyway."

With the last experience, Lu Chen boldly entered into a state of subtle aura and selflessness.

Implosion, destruction, decomposition, annihilation...

In this way, on the dying planets, Lu Chen felt the spiritual power changes when the planets were destroyed.

After experiencing it again and again, Lu Chen also witnessed the birth of some new planets!

"Is this the final result of everything? Dust returns to dust, soil returns to earth, even the planet!"

"It seems that it is just the opposite of the creation process...I should be able to understand it!"

"And those decomposed elements have become the material of the new planet again and again, reincarnation for a hundred generations..."

If Hades can comprehend the destruction of stardust, Lu Chen will create the space of the world himself, and understand that it will only be easier than Hades.

"My founding space, I always feel that something is missing."

"Creation of life is important, but most of the aura needs to rely on external forces! To form a complete system, creation alone is not enough..."

I don't know how long it took before Lu Chen finally woke up from the selfless meditation.

At this time, the look in his eyes was completely different from before!

Raising his hand, Lu Chen created a miniature creation space and injected aura to form a sword shadow.

"Destroy the stars!" Lu Chen's eyes widened!

The sword shadow that had just formed suddenly disintegrated and disappeared!

"I learned to destroy the stars, but I can't integrate into the creation space for the time being..." Lu Chen thought for a while and decided to leave here first.

This place can only teach him how to destroy the stars, but it is not a place for him to merge the two artistic conceptions. It is useless to stay longer.

Deep in the galaxy, Lu Chen could not find an exit, but seeing the slowly turning bead above his head, he finally found his way.

Toward the direction of the beads should be the exit.

Sure enough, after flying for a while, Lu Chen came out of the land of the dead.

Returning to the Eternal Soul Palace, Lu Chen adjusted his state and went straight to the rotating bead with nine steps in the void, and patted it with a palm.

"Destroy Stardust!"

Lu Chen's Destroying Stardust didn't seem to reach the level of Hades, but the surface of the bead still changed.

The beads began to decompose on their own...

"It works, just have to wait a while!" Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly entered the soul halls below, decomposing the seven layers of floating beads one by one.

Returning to the seventh floor of the Eternal Soul Hall again, Lu Chen watched as the bead decomposed and turned into starlight and fell into the land of dead souls.

The dead souls did not become mad this time, although their eyes were dull, but they looked exceptionally quiet.

Death is a destruction, but at the same time a new life! They need to recognize and accept this, forget the past, and start a new life in the underworld!

The gazes of the dead souls changed, and they were no longer as sluggish as before, as if they had souls.

"Without the guidance of floating beads, I don't know how these dead souls can truly enter the underworld..." Lu Chen was a little worried.

At this moment, a voice suddenly remembered.

"Unexpectedly, you brought the underworld back to order..."

Lu Chen looked around in surprise, but couldn't see anyone.

Just listening to this old voice, Lu Chen felt very familiar.

"Don't look for it, I'm not in the underworld." The voice said, "You don't need to worry about where they are going. If you want to truly forget the memories of previous lives, they still need to get through Naiheqiao! These things are not something you need to worry about."

"Meng Po?" Lu Chen widened his eyes, and he thought of the master of the voice.

"Hahaha, do you remember me? It's just that you forgot that there is another girl waiting for you."

"I...I didn't forget, it was just that after coming to the Sixth Heaven, things happened one after another. My academy hadn't even opened the portal of the Nether, and I couldn't return to the Second Heaven..."

"Hey, maybe your fate is like that..." Po Meng sighed.

"Po Meng, is that girl still there now?" Lu Chen asked.

"It's a pity that she... couldn't wait for you, maybe you will meet again in the future, but then, if you are friends or enemies, I don't know."

Lu Chen frowned. Who is that girl and what happened to her?

When you have the opportunity, you must go to Wangchuanhe to retrieve the girl's memory!

"Mengpo, Lu Chen has something to ask." Lu Chen suddenly remembered something, "Since you are in charge of guarding the Naihe Bridge, the souls of the dead will pass by you, so can you see the little beast?"

"Your battle pet? No."

"No? Could it be..." Lu Chen was sad, because Po Meng didn't remember, or the destruction of Stardust directly caused the little beast's soul to fly away.

Lu Chen didn't know when Po Meng left, and it took a long time to get over.

He glanced at the Eternal Soul Palace, the dead souls inside did not fight and finally restored order.

He sighed and walked out of the Eternal Soul Palace.

After leaving the Eternal Soul Hall, Lu Chen saw a six-petal flower dropped beside Yan Wang and leaned forward to pick it up.

"Little Green, this is the flower of the underworld."

"Boss..." Xiaolu looked at Lu Chen distressedly. If he had been happily jumping around, but the little beast died in battle, how happy he would be.

"It's the flower of the underworld." Xiaolu whispered.

"Is such a plant enough for you?"

"Enough, one person only needs one petal."

Lu Chen nodded, put away the flower of the underworld, and then looked at the battlefield.

On the battlefield, the fairy army was sorting out the corpses. With their weak attributes, the fairy army fought these puppets with heavy casualties. Originally a million underworld army, the battle was not long, but now it is only two to three million.

There is also the frontal battlefield of the Sixth Heaven. Even if the Hades died in battle and the Eternal Soul Palace was restored, it would still be necessary for the Immortal Army to defeat the Invading Hades to be considered a real victory.

This time the underworld invasion, I don’t know how many people will die in the sixth heaven!

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