Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1081: Celebration banquet

"Huh? What about those of the Dark Dragon clan?" Lu Chen suddenly remembered this. After these upgraded Dragon Crystal for him, he disappeared.

Even the seriously injured have been taken away by others.

Lu Chen wanted to find them very much, but at this time, they searched the battlefield and they were not there.

Just as Lu Chen was surprised, Mobei and others came over.

"Anonymous, we have to leave here first, your state is gone, now it's hard to deal with Mingjun."

Lu Chen's double-day majesty was too early, and he was now in a weak state. Although the Hades was dead, there were still a large number of underworld troops here after all.

"Where is Liwei?" Lu Chen asked.

"She fainted in front of Linglong Tower. Now she needs to be sent back to the Academy for treatment!"

The war had just ended and there were still too many things to deal with. Lu Chen could only put aside the affairs of the Minglong clan for the time being and retreat with the fairy army.

When preparing to leave the underworld, Lu Chen glanced at the gate of the underworld.

The entrances here should have been made by the king of Hades. When I recover, I will come back and close these entrances.

The underworld and the sun shouldn't be figured out!

After Lu Chen and others left, a group of people walked out of the surrounding forest.

These people are the Dark Dragon clan!

"Xuanlong, I said that guy is different from Yan Wang!" Hei Rui said with a slight smile.

Xuanlong sighed, "That soloist is really an alternative...If the underworld can return to its original state, it will be a good thing for all the dead souls and all the races in the underworld."

"What about this kid?" someone asked behind him.

Xuanlong turned around, looking at the boy wrapped in a group of transparent spirit balloons, frowning.

If Lu Chen didn't leave at this time, he would definitely exclaim.

The boy in the spirit balloon is the little beast!

In the spirit balloon, his body did not continue to decompose, but he still did not wake up at this moment, floating in the spirit balloon.

Xuanlong said, "Now everyone consumes too much blood, and we can only save him temporarily. When we recover for some time, I will be the only one who will not interfere in the underworld and save him!"

"You still don't believe me alone?" Hei Rui said.

Xuanlong shook his head, "He didn't disappoint me, but, after so many years, I don't trust anyone anymore!"


After the Shengyuan Continent's team returned from the underworld, Li Wei was directly sent to the temporary residence of the Fenglai Holy Academy in the Academy of Gods and Demons. Although Lu Chen was a little worried, he couldn't go to the Women's Academy.

Anyway, Yaohe is also there, and he needs to do something by himself when that time comes. Yaohe will come back to find his own.

Here at the Academy of Gods and Demons, the number of sacrifices is considered to be the smallest, but among the 1,000 people who entered the underworld, more than 300 people have fallen.

"Anonymous, war is like this, no one can escape..." Yun Hai shook his head and sighed.

"Yes, in fact, this underworld invasion has affected almost all academies within the sixth day, and no academy can survive this battle alone."

"The frontal battlefield is not over, there should be more people falling..." Long Xiang said, "However, fortunately, the Ming Army should not last long."

Long Xiang's prediction was soon fulfilled.

In Shengyuan Continent, the underworld army's offensive plummeted, and after two or three defeats, they actually retreated to the underworld!

On Qingze Continent, the Underworld Army even retreated directly!

Good news came one after another from various continents. The powerful Underworld Army began to retreat actively. Some of those who did not retreat were also quickly defeated in several rounds of defensive counterattacks.

At the same time, in the underworld, more and more immortal army captured other entrances and arranged defense lines...

The invasion of the dark army, which had not seen the dawn, suddenly became one-sided, and the dark army was simply vulnerable.

Li Wei hasn't regained consciousness in the past few days, but Yaohe came to Lu Chen and told his sister that she was only in weak health. Lu Chen was relieved.

Three days later, Mobei of the Zhongxian Pavilion personally came to the Academy of Gods and Demons and invited Lu Chen to participate in the conference held on the Qingze Continent.

"Anonymous, you must go. The Lord of Tianxianbao invited you to participate by name. After all, you saved the Yang Realm." Mobei followed Lu Chen and said after chasing.

"Don't go." Lu Chen flatly refused.

"I know that you have lost your beloved son and the students are in a bad mood, but we also want to make the matter public so that all continents can know the truth."

Lu Chen said lightly, "The Hades has no control over the souls of the dead. The Underworld Army is vulnerable and the war is about to end. You can just notify other continents of this kind of thing."

"After waiting a few days, I will go to the underworld again to see if I can close those underworld entrances. I don't want to worry about other things."

"This..." Mo Bei looked embarrassed, "You are all killed, why are you afraid of going to a meeting? Actually, you have said that the war is about to end, this time apart from making the underworld public, they There was also a celebration banquet. If you, the protagonist, don’t go, what's the point of the celebration? We always have to tell others who went deep into the underworld and killed the king."

When Lu Chen heard this, his face suddenly sank, and he said angrily, "Who killed Yan Wang? I'll tell you."

"You can see the list of the dead army's death this time!"

Lu Chen threw the book on the side of the desk in front of Mobei, and the pages of the book naturally opened, showing the writing on it.

List of the dead: Banyan, Haoyue, Xuanmeng, Tong Lieyun...

All on this page is the list of the students who died in the Academy of Gods and Demons!

Had they not provided Lu Chen with attributes, Lu Chen would have died long ago.

Mobei suddenly had nothing to say.

In this invasion of the Underworld Army, countless people fell. Lu Chen didn't want to take all the credit for himself...

"Celebration feast? The people who lost the Tianxian Fort could figure it out! No one of you raised any objections? All my brains were kicked by donkeys?!"

The dignified fairy king was scolded by Lu Chen, and he didn't dare to have a temper...

Whether it is Lu Chen's credit or Lu Chen's strength, he is not comparable to the immortal kings of the Immortal Pavilion, and he is naturally trained to be honest.

"Let's go, I will go to the underworld in a few days. If you understand this, don't bother me about the underworld!" After speaking, Lu Chen turned back and walked back to his room.

Mo Bei looked at Lu Chen's back and sighed.

How long has it been now, now the Dean of the Lower House of Gods and Demons has dared to issue an order to chase away guests...

"Hey, the pavilion owner was right at the beginning. This person is by no means a thing in the pool, he will turn into a dragon in a storm, so he wants to suppress it, but now it seems that this guy can suppress it?"

"Hammer was killed by him..."

"However, he keeps his promises. With this kid's character, the Tianjiao Tournament in a few months' time should still be played on behalf of Zhongxian Pavilion."

The Tianjiao Tournament is the most prestigious competition in the entire Sixth Heaven, with rich prizes, and it is also the main method for the major colleges and immortals to increase their reputation.

It's just that, although Wuming's strength is now shocking, but according to the rules of the Tianjiao Tournament, I don't know if this kid can enter the top ten.

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