Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1082: Return to the Underworld

On the tenth day after returning, Lu Chen's weakness was long gone, and his soul and body were all restored.

He also knew better about the status of the Dragon God.

The Dragon God state is actually the real dragon attack that can only be played when his physical strength is overdrawn at the beginning. It was just that he could only use one attack before, but now he can maintain this state for 30 minutes, and he has superb recovery and defense capabilities. The attack upgrade is also stronger than before.

The attack increase has reached a terrifying 200%!

In addition, there is also a super melee single attack skill "Dragon Break Jiuxiao"!

It was Lu Chen's move to defeat Yan Wang.

This trick has a cooling time of up to one week, and it can also be used under normal conditions, but it can only exert its strongest strength in the state of Dragon God.

At the same time, with the help of Minglong, Lu Chen's weakness was completely eliminated.

Unexpectedly, this time in the underworld, he got a blessing in disguise, raised the level of the Chaos Dragon God, and learned to destroy the stardust...

However, all of this, because of the fall of the little beast and the student's sacrifice, has become less worthy of joy.

Lu Chen sat in the room, Xiao Lu poured him a glass of wine, Xiao Mao Tuan plagued him on the same depressed Xiao Yuan, Xiao Min and Da Huang leaned against Xiao Yuan, also looking listless.

At this moment, the door was pushed open.

Lu Chen looked up and found two super beauties standing at the door.

Seeing these two people, Lu Chen finally felt better.

"Liwei, you, when did you wake up?"

Yaohe smiled and said, "I woke up a few days ago, but I think you are in a bad mood recently and didn't bother you."

Li Wei nodded and walked in with Yaohe, "I heard you have been drinking in the room all this time?"

Li Wei walked to Lu Chen, "It's really a pity that those students have fallen. They all have a promising future... But Lu Chen, we can't protect all the students. This is their own choice. You have to respect their decision. , This is the greatest affirmation for them."

"I think your students also hope to be recognized by your dean."

Lu Chen sighed, "They are all good..."

Liwei and Yaohe sat down, "In that case, you have to put it down."

"Oh, yes, there is one more thing, I wanted to tell you earlier, but my body always feels unwell a few days ago, so I only have a chance now..." Li Wei said.

Lu Chen frowned slightly, "If you haven't fully recovered, just let Yaohe tell me."

"It's not that it hasn't recovered, it's just..." Li Wei said, "Hey, I'll tell you later, let's talk about your son first."

"Little beast?"

"How many sons do you have?" Li Wei looked at Lu Chen in surprise.

Lu Chen was stunned, "I'm the only one."

"That's him, of course." Li Wei gave Lu Chen a blank look, and did not forget to whisper, "Don't tell me when my son is so old!"

"Um, the little beast shouldn't die yet!"

Hearing these words, Lu Chen brushed and stood up, "What?! The little beast is not dead yet!"

Not only him, but the other guys in the room were all beaten up. They were downcast just now, and now they suddenly surrounded Liwei and Yaohe.




"Little beast is still alive?"

Li Wei has seen the strength of Xiao Mao Tuan and Xiao Yuan. These two guys started fighting, **** and extremely cruel. They were all stared at by these two "fierce beasts", Li Wei and Yao. He Du felt a little uncomfortable.

Lu Chen realized that the two of them were a little nervous, and quickly explained, "Li Wei, don't worry about them, they are very friendly."

Li Wei couldn't help but want to scold Lu Chen.

friendly? Who are you lying to? The white mouse looks harmless to humans and animals, but it is called friendly when it eats alive? !

Fortunately, Liwei is also mentally strong, but anyway, they shouldn't hurt herself.

"When you fought against Hades, I saw someone took the little beast away!" Li Wei said, "the black dragons here to help you!"

Lu Chen widened his eyes, "You, are you sure you can see clearly?"

Li Wei smiled and said, "Did you forget? I can see the level of the badge clearly! How can I not see it."

At this moment, Lu Chen, who was already heartbroken, suddenly saw hope!

If anyone can save the little beast in that situation, then it is the underworld dragon clan!

It was them who saved themselves who was almost broken down!

"It's them, it's them! Although I don't know why they took away the little beast, at least they won't kill him. If they don't take action, the little beast will be dismantled. They don't need to do anything... Then, they It is very likely to save him!"

Li Wei frowned, "You are not familiar with them? Then why do they help you?"

Lu Chen had thought about this issue a long time ago, "Maybe it has something to do with Yan Wang. The enemy's enemies are friends... It's just that I haven't found them after the war."

Lu Chen stood up and walked around, muttering words all the time.

"No, I have to go to the underworld, I have to find the underworld black dragons, I have to find the little beast!"

"Just to close the door of the underworld over there!"

"I'm going now!"

Li Wei hurriedly grabbed Lu Chen who was anxiously roaring, "I'll go with you! I think I should be able to help."

Lu Chen looked at Liwei, "You have just recovered. Let's rest in the college."

Li Wei pursed her mouth and thought for a while and said, "Actually, I didn't make it clear just now. I felt unwell the other day, but it wasn't that unwell, but..."

Lu Chen didn't understand, "Li Wei, what are you talking about?"

Li Wei raised her head to look at Lu Chen, and finally said, "I...seems to be stronger..."

Lu Chen's eyes widened. He didn't expect that he was not the only one who would be a blessing in disguise, but Li Wei has also become stronger!


Since Li Wei is not in a serious condition, with her strength, there is still no problem with Lu Chen.

Yaohe didn't enter the underworld with the two of them. There were still a lot of things to be dealt with at Feng Lai Sanctuary, besides, she seemed to deliberately not follow.

After returning to the underworld, Li Wei suggested that Lu Chen go to the Eternal Soul Palace.

"I will try to see if I can find them when I get there."

Lu Chen thought that Li Wei had the ability to find someone, she still had to listen to this matter.

Lu Chen summoned Taisuo, and the two went to the direction of the Eternal Soul Palace together.

On the way, they saw that apart from the four main cities, there was a mess. It seemed that the four main cities had been abandoned, but there were a large number of soul soldiers in the wild.

"The Ming Army seems to be disintegrating," Li Wei said.

Lu Chen nodded, "Many of the Underworld Army are controlled by the King of Hades. Once the King dies, they will regain their freedom. Naturally, they will not give their lives to the Underworld Army."

"The underworld will gradually form its own new order, but it should take a while to wait for the dead souls of the Eternal Soul Palace..."

Lu Chen was still talking, suddenly Li Wei turned her head, without warning, put her face in front of Lu Chen.

"I don't want to hear what the underworld will be like." Those bright and clear eyes looked straight at Lu Chen, her pink lips were not close to Lu Chen, and the faint scent of Li Wei's body entered her nose, which made people dizzy.

At this close distance, Li Wei's perfect facial features and fair skin are so perfect.

Lu Chen was a little nervous, why is this woman so close to herself? There is obviously a big place on Tissot!

"Uh...then, are you listening...what?" Lu Chen was a little at a loss.

Li Wei smiled, "It will take more than a day to reach the Eternal Soul Palace, here...there are only two of us..."

Lu Chen frowned, "Only the two of us?"

But Lu Chen soon understood, and nodded, "Um...Yes, the others are ghosts, it's amazing!"

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