Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1097: decisive battle

For the people lurking in the grass, every minute and every second is suffering. He just didn't dare to show up when he watched five five-level treasure chests there.

Because of Lu Chen's strength, people's desire for level five treasure chests is even stronger. Their current ranking depends entirely on whether Lu Chen will find them. This feeling is unbearable for these strong men.

What's more, the five treasure chests are there now! There are top equipment skills there, just like very attractive beauties, constantly teasing them!

I don't know how long this mental torture lasted, and finally someone couldn't bear it.

A person quickly used displacement and rushed to the treasure chest.

After the first person appeared, Lu Chen didn't show up?

Seeing that the person is about to test the gold treasure box, finally there is another figure flashing out...

After the first few people tried, everyone was shocked to find that the person who had been speeding up did not stop at all!

At this time, the whole place of decisive battle suddenly became commotion, and more and more people appeared, just to compete for the fifth-level treasure chest and change their destiny!

During this ten minutes of melee, hundreds of people were eliminated!

The oriole catches the cicadas, and the praying mantis is behind. Just as a wave of melee is drawing to a close, a large number of people are killed from the grass.

The melee continued.

Lu Chen stayed far away. Anyway, the ranking in the Tianjiao Tournament was not based on the number of eliminations, so he didn't want to participate in this kind of melee.

However, even if Lu Chen had hidden far enough, he was still discovered.

"Ah, kill you first!" A voice suddenly came from behind.

The two puppets in front of Lu Chen were disturbed by the fierce roar and stood up.

Lu Chen also looked back in surprise.

The visitor was a middle-aged man from the Demon Race, holding two swords and his eyes flushed... But when he saw Lu Chen's two battle pets and two puppets, as well as Lu Chen's surprised gaze, he suddenly froze.

In the next second, he changed direction rapidly, passing by Lu Chen directly, and rushing into the crowd of melee.

"Ah, kill!" The man's voice drifted away.

Lu Chen frowned slightly, he thought he would just pass by when he met a master.

However, after all, those people started a decisive battle, otherwise they were all shrunk in the grass. I don't know how long this Tianjiao match will be delayed.

The battle in the decisive battlefield was very fierce, and groups of people were eliminated. Once someone approaches the level five treasure chest, they will soon be besieged.

After more than half an hour, Lu Chen checked the number of people. There were more than 900 people.

"Wait," Lu Chen said.

After ten minutes, there were only 400 people left in the Tianjiao Tournament, and at this time, a contestant successfully grabbed a five-level treasure box.

He fought fiercely with his opponent, while approaching the treasure chest seemingly unintentionally, then quickly exploded his combat power, defeated the opponent, and took the opportunity to quickly grab the treasure chest items!

This wave of operations also made many viewers impressed by his calmness.

"It's from Tianyin Pavilion, the details are very beautiful!"

"I'm going, I have a magic weapon! There is also a reply pill, a unicorn battle pet... a **** beast!"

"Battle pet is definitely the best skill to use here, and the level five treasure chest really does not disappoint."

In the main hall of Tianyin Pavilion, everyone was even more excited. Their representatives were the first to grab the treasure chest.

"Yes, the items in this treasure chest are very strong. Now Luohe has become a strong contender for the first place!"

"Luo He was originally a master of beast masters, this time he has come out of Qilin, and he can finally show his true strength!"

"Wu Ming has dual battle pets and double puppets, but the attributes are not at the same level as the unicorn. Even with the accelerator, it may not be able to win! With Luohe's strong combat power, Wu Ming will have to pay for his arrogance!"

With the increasing number of survivors, there are more and more opportunities to compete for level five treasure chests.

Not long after, representative Hong Xianzong was hit by a punch and hit the treasure chest. He got up and quickly opened the treasure chest and completed the ultimate counter-kill with the "Swallow Slash" that he had just learned.

Without waiting for himself to be double-teamed, he opened the treasure chest and retreated quickly.

Immediately afterwards, the third treasure chest, the fourth treasure chest, and the fifth treasure chest were divided one after another, except for Tianyin Pavilion and Hong Xianzong, everyone else just touched the treasure chest and quickly took one or two items. They were quickly besieged.

They can only divide up the remaining three treasure chests.

On the other hand, after a brief adjustment, the two of Tianyin Pavilion and Hong Xianzong once again entered the decisive battle with the posture of super powers.

As superpowers with a large number of Level 5 treasure chests and equipment, the two quickly eliminated dozens of people...

And the two of them coincidentally targeted those who found a small number of Level 5 items.

After a scuffle, the two collected more advanced equipment and gradually became monsters...

At the same time, Lu Chen looked at the remaining number, and finally dropped from 900 to 100, double digits, until the last 50!

[Congratulations, you have entered the top 50 in this Tianjiao competition! 】

When there were only the last 50 people left, huge changes took place on the court.

All the weeds on the ground have disappeared, and the ground of the entire decisive battlefield has become a huge ring paved with black rocks. Under such an environment, it is no longer possible to hide oneself.

Immediately afterwards, several portals were suddenly formed, and several people were teleported to the decisive battle with a dazed expression.

At the same time, a voice rang from the top of the battlefield.

"The weak have no right to be rewarded. All surviving contestants have been teleported to the decisive battle place. Leaving the decisive battle place at this time will be considered eliminated."

Lu Chen has already understood that such rules are for those who try to reach the end of the game. You can live to the top 50, but there is no reward for the top 50. If you want to get the top ten, you must have the strength of frontal combat!

However, there are the last 50 people, and they are not far from the top ten. It is not too much to say that this is a decisive battle.

At this moment, several figures suddenly shot towards Lu Chen from a distance.

Lu Chen quickly controlled the pet puppet to dodge, moving away from him.

With two bangs, the place where Lu Chen was before was hit by three attacks, and the rubble suddenly turned over.

Lu Chen frowned and looked at the two people standing in front of him. They were the representatives of Tianying Pavilion and Hong Xianzong.

The two monsters dressed in gods actually tacitly chose to attack Lu Chen first.

"Hey, kid!" The representative of Tianyin Pavilion looked at Lu Chen coldly, "The fifth-level treasure chest was placed in front of you, and you didn't open it! I'm sorry, in my current state, I'm not afraid of you!"

Representative Hong Xianzong narrowed his eyes slightly, "This is the end of your arrogance! Solve you first, and Cang Yun and I can fight for the first place with peace of mind!"

Lu Chen frowned and said, "Are you sure you want to come to me so early? It should be wiser for everyone to mix the top ten first, and then come back."

"Top ten? Boy, do you think we will make you into the top ten? We were unable to cope with your attack before and endured your arrogance, but now I don't plan to endure it anymore!" Cang Yun said fiercely.

"Yes, humiliate us with treasure chests, but you didn't expect us to be able to break the siege!"

Lu Chen couldn't help but sneered, "You guys really think too much about this, I just don't bother to change the match."

"Anyway, the items in the box are not attractive to me, so it's better to let you come out quickly and let the game end early."

Lu Chen moved the fingers of his right hand slightly, and the two puppets were already in combat readiness, and the two pets were cracking their teeth.

With a faint smile, Lu Chen said coldly, "As far as the strength of the Tianjiao Tournament is concerned, no matter what skills you get, the first place is mine!"

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