Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1098: Reverse traction

Others played brilliantly, but people know that the final battle for the absolute first place is in the battle of the trio!

I don't know how many eyes are staring at the battle here.

Lu Chen quickly controlled the two battle pets and the two puppets to entangle with the unicorn, and he moved towards Cangyun.

"It's just right!" Cang Yun shouted in a low voice, "The fallen leaves are silent!" Quickly spread out multiple displacements.

The silent fallen leaves are not far away, but they are divided into multiple sections and cool down extremely fast!

"My Silent Fallen Leaf is specifically for restraining your rapid talisman!" Cang Yun snorted coldly, "Retreat and shoot!"

After finishing speaking, a shell shot towards the morning of the landing.

Lu Chen quickly started to dodge.

At the same time, the Hong Xianzong man has finished his energy accumulation, "Boy, remember not to be so crazy in the future."

"The scorching sun!" Dozens of knives crisscrossed, chasing Lu Chen's fall.

At this moment, the two puppets suddenly separated from the Qilin battle and stood on both sides of the master Hong Xianzong.

The two puppets violently pulled at the same time, "Reverse pull!"

Reverse traction means that the puppet pulls the puppet master in the opposite direction. This puppet has the effect of Haste Talisman, and Lu Chen itself also has the effect of Haste Talisman. Suddenly, the speed surges!

While avoiding the scorching sun, Lu Chen was quickly approaching the opponent.

The master of Hong Xianzong's eyes widened. He originally thought that the soloist who had two puppets was just one more thug.

However, who knows, just the addition of a puppet has greatly increased the flexibility of that guy!

"Want to get close to me? Wonderful! Blazing Sun Knife·Mie Sun Slash!" The man waved the treasure knife in his hand, waved a longitudinal sword energy, and at the same time the main body quickly withdrew.

But as soon as he stopped, he suddenly found two puppets still near him!

Lu Chen sneered, "You can't run away!"

After all, a Jiang Qingyanfei, three consecutive displacements, combined with the puppet's pulling, almost caused the effect of five or six displacements.

His trajectory is simply difficult to capture, and he is about to be killed.

Upon seeing this, Cang Yun shouted, "Kill the puppets first!" After he said, he controlled the unicorn to pounce on one of the puppets.

However, Lu Chen and the Green Scale Snake King continued to rely on their speed advantages to entangle the unicorn, preventing them from being able to support them immediately.

"Damn, that guy's two pets don't attack, they just try their best to restrain the unicorn from getting out of it quickly!" Cang Yun saw that the unicorn could not support the first time, so he could only come by himself.

However, in the pursuit, his silent advantage of fallen leaves turned into a disadvantage.

Although the fallen leaves can have multiple displacements silently, they seem a little weak in the pursuit. After all, each displacement distance of the multiple displacements is too short!

"No, you must destroy him a puppet first!" Cang Yun had already decided to pay attention, using his second displacement skill, "Fast changes!"

This time, the long-distance flashing skills really made him suddenly approach a puppet.

"Die to me! Frost Dragon Trainer Sword!" Cang Yun pierced out with a sword.

"Mo Guardian Shield!" The puppet immediately activated his defensive skills, but because Cangyun's attack was too strong, although the puppet was not directly destroyed, it was directly knocked into the air!

"Humph, unbearable!" Cang Yun cursed in a low voice, and when he was about to pursue the chase, he looked up at the opponent's location and was suddenly stunned.

I don't know when it will start, he is already in the opponent's triangle circle!

The puppet who had just been knocked into flight by him quickly stood up.

The two puppets and the kid have surrounded him in the center!

Lu Chenyin smiled and looked at Cang Yun, "Did you not pay attention to your position when you attack? Do you think I will only attack your companions? Really naive! Some people become complacent when they attack! "

Having said that, Lu Chen quickly blessed dozens of haste charms on the puppet and himself. "It took a while to study the new puppet's control technique and found that it seems that a good attack formation can be arranged. The effect."

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "Three lead!"

The two puppets, plus Lu Chen's three points, all had contact with each other.

The positions of the three points start to pull each other, and then move with oneself to make it unpredictable!

"Single Tree Jiying!" Lu Chen let out a low voice, and then the speed soared.

Single Tree Jiying is a movement skill, but with the cooperation of the two puppets, Lu Chen's whereabouts have become very strange, and there is no law at all.

Although Lu Chen did not move in a straight line, his speed was not slow at all!

Suddenly, a figure flashed out in front of Cang Yun.

He wears the words "Zhongxiange Academy of Demons and Demons" on his chest!

"I said, no matter what skill you get, it will be the same result!" Lu Chen yelled, "Haste Talisman, Bone Breaker!"

With a bang, these punches landed on the shield of the strong Hong Xianzong.

"Unexpectedly, I still have a shield, right?" Cang Yun smiled triumphantly, "You are not the only one who will surprise others!"

Lu Chen snorted, "How many times can the shield save you?!"

"Quick Talisman, Bone Fragment Fist!" Lu Chen relied on his speed advantage and quickly detoured behind Cang Yun to attack again.

The two puppets continued to assist Lu Chen in changing positions, and this scene stunned everyone.

"Is there any mistake, the puppet is controlling the puppet master? I have never seen such a weird puppet technique!"

"Reverse traction can still be used like this? It's the first time I have seen it! That guy, really a fighting ghost!"

"His own speed is already fast, and with the reverse traction in the distance, his trajectory is more difficult to capture!"

"That guy's ability to respond to combat is almost like a physical instinct. He should have been the one who wanted to trap Hong Xianzong before. Seeing Tianyin Pavilion came to rescue him, he changed his tactics and completed the siege instantly!"

Cang Yun is suffering beyond words. He was originally his companion who rescued Hong Xianzong, but now he is in a fierce battle.

His own shield level is very high, and he blocked three or four times of Bone Breaking Fist, but the guy's attack speed is extremely fast, and his attributes are not low, his shield will eventually be penetrated!

"The shield is gone!" In the main hall of Tianyin Pavilion, the crowd all stood up from their seats nervously.

At this moment of life and death, Cang Yun shouted violently, "Haste Talisman! Psionic explosive!"

Master Cang Yun is a blasting expert by profession, but what is unexpected is that he has left an blasting skill that is rarely used among blasting experts.

He threw a dozen shells at the same time, and a loud noise broke out in the field.

Boom boom boom! The implosion caused terrifying spiritual fluctuations and made the battlefield more chaotic.

But just when people thought Cang Yun had escaped, suddenly a white light flashed, and a voice whispered, "Fleeing in chaos? Are you afraid that I like chaos the most! Tai Chi sword shadow!"

Immediately afterwards, in the explosion, a sharp sword aura directly penetrated Cang Yun's body!

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