Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1099: Realistic strength?

Cang Yun has been eliminated, so Qilin has also lost his combat power. In this way, only the Hong Xianzong person is left.

On Lu Chen's side, the two battle pets, two puppets, plus Lu Chen's deity, suddenly there was no suspense in the game.

After the five Lu Chen attacked them at the same time, the man struggled for a few minutes before he was quickly eliminated.

These two people almost occupied most of the items in the fifth-level treasure chest, and in the end they were two to one, and they were still counter-killed by Lu Chen!

In the main hall of Tianyin Pavilion, several pavilion masters beat their chests and feet, "This Cangyun, why do you have to find an unknown person! Even if you want to find it, you will wait until the top ten!"

"No, with their strength, as long as they can avoid the nameless, they are definitely in the top ten... Oh no, the top five, or even the top three!"

"Just to grab the first place, even the reward is gone now. I really lost my wife and broke down!"

No matter how upset they are, Cang Yun has now been eliminated.

And among the rest, there is no more Lu Chen opponent!

Sure enough, after Lu Chen eliminated a few more people, there was only one person left in the decisive battle.

Lu Chen looked around. Some people's "corpses" hadn't been sent away yet, but there were no other competitors besides himself.

[Congratulations, you won the first place in this Tianjiao Competition! After three minutes, you will be teleported back to the prepared battle zone, and the pet puppet will not be taken away. 】

Lu Chen smiled slightly, and it was finally over.

He patted Sumu and the Purple Scale Snake King, then looked at the two puppets and nodded to them, "Thank you for this time, but unfortunately I can't take you away."


At this time, in the Academy of Gods and Demons, King Xuan Jia was already clearing the accounts.

While the settlement was still making a terrifying laugh, "Hohohohoho! I have earned it, I have earned it! I have never seen so much money in my life! Hahahaha, I ask you to be cautious and not listen to the brothers. , It's all right now! Hahahaha!"

There are a very small number of people who have been forced into the top ten by the inpatient, and they are already enjoying themselves.

However, most people are experiencing the darkest moment in their lives at this time!

"I suddenly miss the dean who couldn't breathe on foot." After that, Xiao Zhan looked sluggish, "8 million, 8 million...all gone!"

He originally wanted to make a fortune, but now he is the one who has suffered the most!

Ye Fan took out his account book.

The more than 70,000 spiritual stones that I have accumulated so hard, seem to be unable to keep it.

"Why did I choose the one with the lowest odds and the most insurance, and still lose all?" Ye Fan didn't understand.

Chu Tian shook his head and sighed, "Can a pack of Haste Talisman come back? It's unreasonable!"

In the distance, King Xuan Jia was yelling, "Senior brothers and sisters who need money recently, if their lives are really stressful, they should borrow from the brothers. If the interest is very low, come and have a look."

Ye Fan put down the account book, sighed, and went to line up to borrow money again.

He, who was about to go ashore, stepped into the abyss again...

Just as everyone at the college was busy with settlement, someone suddenly shouted, "Look, someone is making trouble!"

Everyone hurriedly looked at the screen...

Lu Chen was sent back to the war preparation zone, but as soon as he appeared, he was immediately surrounded by a group of people.

Lu Chen looked at the gang of men who were staring at him in amazement, frowning slightly, "The game is over, what are you doing?"

"Boy!" One person pushed the person in front of him and rushed to Lu Chen. Lu Chen took a closer look and found that it was Cang Yun!

Cang Yun said angrily, "What is the Tianjiao Tournament? The chance here is too high. How can Lao Tzu's actual strength be comparable to the Tianjiao Tournament! Didn't you just find the magical effect of the Haste Talisman and you won first place?!"

"One-star Emperor Xiu, do you know what Lao Tzu's level is! I even snatched the number one in the Tianjiao Tournament from Lao Tzu! I refuse to accept it!" Cang Yun was already gritted with hatred.

Not only Cang Yun, but many others glared at Lu Chen.

"A person who broke the academy can actually get the first place? Did you get the news from the Emperor Tianxian Palace, know that the haste charm is powerful, so deliberately collect the haste charm!"

"That's right, otherwise, who's brain is broken, he doesn't even need skills, recovery pills, and has to leave so many haste charms?!"

"Why does this kind of **** take first place! It was the Tianjiao match just now, what a gadget you are out of the field!"

The representative of Tianxianbao just scored the top ten, and when he was excited, he suddenly noticed the commotion here and stretched his neck to look around.

A group of people is surrounded by nameless!

After seeing it clearly, the representative of Tianxianbao opened his eyes wide and his face was full of horror.

"No, let's forget the Tianjiao Tournament, they dare to provoke the nameless in reality? This, this is... crazy!"

Are they strong in reality? What a joke!

The strength of the nameless reality, that is the peak strength of the Sixth Heaven!

Lu Chen didn't plan to do it. He chuckled lightly, "I thought what happened to you? It turned out to mean you can't afford to lose."

"If you are really good in reality, do you have anything to do with me? I just need to win the game."

Lu Chen snorted coldly and turned around to leave.

"If you want to go, let me make it clear to Laozi, are you cheating?" A palm was pressed on Lu Chen's shoulder.

Lu Chen turned his head and looked at the hand on his shoulder, his voice suddenly became cold, "What? Do you want to do it?"

"Do it, do it, Lao Tzu's Tianjiao Tournament is suffocated, and finally came out, just to teach you this kind of garbage!" After that, the man was about to raise his hand.

Suddenly, Lu Chen clasped the man's wrist with one hand, and then slowly turned around.

The one who took the lead to provoke himself is the representative of Tianyin Pavilion Cang Yun!

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, "I will warn you again, if you insist on making trouble..."

"You guys may die!"

"Arrogant in the Tianjiao Tournament, when you get outside, Lao Tzu will let you know who is the father!" Cang Yun exclaimed, "Anyway, Lao Tzu has nothing. It's not worth crippling you as the number one!"

"The symbiosis of gods and demons!" Lu Chen yelled and went directly into the fighting state, his white hair moved with the wind, and his whole body exuded terrifying spiritual power.

At this time, Lu Chen is totally different from the ordinary man before!

At this moment, a voice shouted, "Mr. Wuming is merciful!"

Immediately afterwards, a purple figure flashed from a distance.

However, Lu Chen didn't mean to stop at all!

"A sword breaks the sky!"

The white light flashed, and Lu Chen was already standing behind Cang Yun.

However, Cang Yun didn't even have a chance to react. So far, the only change is that the gaze in his eyes has changed from the fierce appearance before to the current horror!

This is... the strength of the One Star Emperor Xiu? ! impossible!

He really doesn't even use weapons!

After a while, Cang Yun's arms were directly cut off!

Without looking back, Lu Chen said coldly, "Remember, I am someone you can't afford to offend!"

In front of the screen, Xin'er was breathing fast, looking at the extremely handsome but cruel man, her mind went blank for a moment!

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