Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1100: Immortal Lord Taihao

Xin'er's eyes widened, and the beautiful man in the picture was really the "cute and cute" who was the only one who was crazy?

No, absolutely not!

The way he gets serious is scary!

"I'm the only one who is mad, I still show mercy." At this moment, his father's voice came from behind him, "After all, he did not take Cang Yun's life, and his arm can be attached. It's just that, no one should be right. He is not convinced!"

As he said, the man couldn't help but feel amused, "Tell me to talk about actual combat power? Isn't that looking for death!"

Before the people from the Emperor Tianxian Palace had time to arrive, Cang Yun's two arms had been cut off by Qi Qi!

Of course, even if he arrived, it is estimated that Lu Chen would not stop.

He has warned the other party twice, this is unprecedented, but they don't believe it, then he can't help it.

Those looking for things looked at Lu Chen in horror.

Lu Chen didn't unify his soul and body just now, but the speed was so fast that people couldn't react!

He cut off Cang Yun's arm. If he stabbed the heart, it was a spirit pill, then Cang Yun was already a dead person at this moment!

A one-star emperor can make all of them too late to react. What kind of terrifying combat power is this!

"He, who is he?!"

Lu Chen was too lazy to explain, just looked at everyone, "Is anyone else looking for something?"

No one around dared to answer Lu Chen's words!

At this moment, the people from the Emperor Tianxian Palace walked to Lu Chen, looking at Cang Yun whose arms had been severed, and shook his head.

I'm still slow! The speed of the nameless is too fast! Just a symbiosis of gods and demons and a sword breaking the sky, it was far away from him!

"Mr. Wuming, the Tianjiao competition is over, and the prizes will be distributed to the Zhongxian Pavilion, but our palace lord wants to see you. Is it convenient for Mr. Wuming?"

Lu Chen withdrew from the state of symbiosis between gods and demons, and said, "I also want to ask the palace master some questions, and I'm bothering Senior to lead the way."

Lu Chen followed the man into an independent portal.


After coming out of the portal, Lu Chen found himself standing on a platform suspended in the air.

"This is the teleportation platform, please take the Tai Shuo with me to the Temple of Heaven." The man bowed slightly and made a please gesture.

"Tai Shuo?" Lu Chen was a little suspicious, until he saw hundreds of Tai Shuo docking at the edge of the platform.

The magic weapon that he finally obtained was a public transportation tool in Huangtianxian Palace...This Huangtianxian Palace is really a big hand.

The two set foot on a Taisuo, and Taisuo drove automatically to a fairy island in the sky.

On the way, Lu Chen discovered that although the fairy islands here were also suspended in the sky, they were not linked by chains, which was somewhat different from the fairy mountains in the fairy pavilions.

It seems that these fairy mountains are suspended in mid-air under a certain power.

The fairy islands are more like palaces, paved with bricks and stones. All fairy islands are like a grand open-air palace!

Ten minutes later, Lu Chen arrived at the Huangtian Hall with the man.

At this time, two people in the hall were already waiting there.

"Mr. Anonymous, those two are the daughter of Immortal Master Taihao and the owner of our Emperor Tianxian Palace, Tian Xin'er." The guide did not continue to lead the way, but introduced the two from a distance, "Anonymous Sir, it’s inconvenient to enter the hall underneath, so please move."

Lu Chen didn't know their rules, and nodded, "Thank you senior, I'll be fine by myself." After speaking, he walked up.

Looking from a distance, the middle-aged man looked a bit like a fairy, a white robe and a long beard. He looked at him with a smile at this time.

Her daughter was wearing a purple veil, but she had a pair of smart eyes, her figure was graceful, but Lu Chen was too embarrassed to stare, so she didn't take a closer look.

Lu Chen walked to the two of them, clasped his fists and said, "Anonymous has seen Immortal Master Taihao, and Tian Xin'er girl."

Before Tai Hao had time to speak, his daughter said disdainfully, "It's still nameless, do you think I don't know your name is Lu Chen?"

Lu Chen was stunned, what's the situation?

In other words, he did mention his name even before Liwei. At that time, he was bound to die. He just wanted to prove that he had been here... How did the girl know?

Besides, she felt that the tone she spoke to herself seemed to be not the first time she met.

Lu Chen looked at the woman, her eyes were as bright as stars, and her eyes were a rare lavender.

He seems to have never seen this person.

"Xin'er!" Taihao pretended to be angrily to stop his daughter.

Xin'er shrank her neck and glared at Lu Chen faintly, making Lu Chen look inexplicable.

Taihao smiled slightly at Wuming, "The little girl is stubborn and I'm spoiled by me. Don't be surprised by the little friend without name."

Naturally, Lu Chen wouldn't be dissatisfied with this, and said with a smile, "Senior made a serious statement. I wonder if Senior is looking for me. Is there anything wrong?"

Tai Hao smiled and nodded, "Anonymous, I want to ask you a question."

"Senior, please."

"How sure are you about flying into a fairy?"

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Taihao to ask this question. Lu Chen himself hadn't thought about this question.

"I don't know it, I don't know."

"Then you kill the Demon King of Hades, how much do you think your strength can rank within the current six days?"

Lu Chen replied, "Probably the top 100."

"Oh?" Taihao looked at Lu Chen in surprise, "The King of Hades is the strongest in the underworld. If you kill him, how come you feel that you can only rank in the top 100? Is this your true idea?"

Lu Chen replied calmly, "I killed the Demon King of Yan because I took advantage of the ground fire. He was afraid of the ground fire, and he would naturally constrain. In addition, I did not accept the underworld weakening, which is unmatched by others. ."

"Sixth Heaven, Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, but after entering the underworld, it will be greatly weakened. If it is fair, I think it is not only I who can kill Hades."

After listening to Lu Chen's analysis, Tai Hao's eyes were a little more admired.

"At a young age, you can avoid arrogance and rashness. Your vision is really extraordinary."

"It's just that what you analyzed is only half right."

Lu Chen frowned slightly, "Please also ask seniors for advice."

Taihao looked at the clouds in the distance, "Actually, in the Sixth Heaven and, even if you enter the underworld, you are not the only one who has the ability to kill Hades!"

"It's just that you are the only one who really did this!"

"Some people become immortal with one heart and don't have time to take care of these trivial matters, and some people are eager for the world to be in chaos. They have the ability to protect themselves, why bother to kill King Yan?" Taihao looked at Lu Chen meaningfully.

"When you reach a high enough level, you can only see Chengxian."

Suddenly, Tai Hao's conversation turned, "It's funny to say, not compassionate, but it happens to be a necessary condition for crossing the catastrophe!"

Lu Chen frowned.

Necessary for crossing the robbery? ! In other words, Tai Hao was telling him that with his current state, the triumph was unable to succeed!

Lu Chen said suddenly, "Is it possible that the seven emotions and six desires must be cut to overcome the catastrophe?"

Tai Hao shook his head, "I can't say it so absolute, but what you have to know is that the more difficult it is to let go of the fetters in your heart, the more terrifying you are!"

"The so-called seven emotions and six desires are just obstacles in your pursuit of the road!"

"I know that you are also a man of temperament, so you don't have to...you must go to the Seventh Heaven!"

After Tai Hao finished speaking, he stared at Lu Chen closely, as did Tian Xin'er on the side, observing Lu Chen's every move and a subtle expression nervously.

After a long silence, Lu Chen finally raised his head, "Senior Taihao asked me to come over, so he wanted to tell me this."

"Thank you senior for reminding."

After that, Lu Chen also changed his words, "However, I will not let go of my seven emotions and six desires, and I will not stop at the sixth heaven!"

"As for what terrible calamity..." Lu Chen snorted coldly, "I will break it!"

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