Taihao looked at Lu Chen, frowning slightly, "You really don't plan to stay in Sixth Heaven? Even if my Emperor Tianxian Palace wants to recruit you?"

"I can tell you very responsibly that no one is invincible in the six days of our Emperor Tianxian Palace! If you are willing to stay, your Academy of Gods and Demons can directly develop independently from all the fairy pavilions, and even I can give you Arrange for a new continent to make the Academy of Gods and Demons... the main academy!"

"You also know how many resources the main hospital has."

"Actually, if you are willing, you might even...be the owner of the Emperor Tianxian Palace in the future!"

Lu Chen frowned. Taihao's conditions were a bit too scary... The owner of the Emperor's Palace? Does he want to accept himself as a disciple and give himself the Emperor Tianxian Palace? !

At this time, Tai Hao said that his true purpose was to attract Lu Chen!

Facing the attractive conditions, Lu Chen didn't hesitate at all, and said directly, "Thank you, Senior Taihao, for your kindness, but Sixth Heaven is not my end point!"

"As for the Academy of Gods and Demons...I believe that the disciples of the Academy will make the Academy of Gods and Demons one day become famous because of them!"

Strong suppression cannot stop Lu Chen, and neither can the temptation of interest!

Taihao was silent for a moment, watching Lu Chen's firm gaze, and sighed softly, "It seems that you have made up your mind."

Beside Taihao, the girl's eyes were slightly dim.

My father really wanted to take in nameless people. She knew that it was not only the self-defeating combat power, but also the performance in the Tianjiao Tournament. There was also a big reason...because of herself.

However, the nameless answer has no room for negotiation.

Even if she knew that she and Wuming didn't actually have much intersection, and the other party didn't even know her identity, Tian Xin'er was still a little disappointed.

Seeing that the other party stopped talking about recruitment, Lu Chen said, "Senior Taihao, in fact, this time I came to the fairy palace, I also have two things I want to ask Senior."

"Oh? What's the matter?" Taihao asked.

"The first thing is, I don't know if Senior Taihao knows Thunder Sanctuary."

"Thunder Sacred Court..." Tai Hao recalled for a while, and then said, "Oh, come to think of it, that is the academy on the Wangxian Pavilion, and its strength ranks among the top three in Kunlun Continent all year round."

Lu Chen lamented in his heart.

The mountain man gave him two academies to choose from, but what he encountered was the bankrupt Wunian Temple.

If I joined the Thunder Sanctuary at first, I don’t know how comfortable my life will be...

However, this time I also knew the location of the Thunder Sanctuary, and waited to see when I had time.

"Why are you interested in Thunder Sanctuary?" Tai Hao looked at Lu Chen.

"Oh, nothing. A friend asked me about it." Lu Chen casually made up an excuse. "There is one more thing I want to ask seniors about how to qualify for the fairy courtyard."

Tai Hao explained, "Xianyuan? That requires your academy to reach the level of the Holy Court. When you arrive at the Holy Court, your nine star map will be opened."

"There are a total of 81 pathways in the star map, and each avenue has 81 levels to test. The difficulty of the levels on each avenue increases gradually, and there are a total of 6561 levels."

"Each disciple can only enter the star map once, no matter whether he succeeds or not, he must not challenge any more. When all the relevant cards are cleared, your academy will have its own star map and naturally become the fairy courtyard!"

"Of course, don’t underestimate every level. Even the easiest level. Most people don’t reach the human king level. It’s best not to waste your own breakthrough meeting. Although your academy talents are extraordinary, But... I don't want you and don't let them rush through the barrier."

Tai Hao finally added, "Oh, yes, only disciples can pass the level, but the dean of the instructor cannot pass the level."

Lu Chen only felt that his scalp was numb, and he had to become a sanctuary first, and then let the students pass more than 6,000 levels.

The level requires a king to start the challenge... This difficulty is absolutely unimaginable.

No wonder there are many Sixth Heaven Academy, but few can reach the Immortal Academy!

That may be the result of thousands of years of accumulation.

Lu Chen sighed, looking very disappointed.

"Anonymous, why are you asking about the fairy courtyard?"

Lu Chen shook his head, "I want to lower the realm once, but only the portal of the fairy courtyard can lower the realm. I don't know when I will wait."

When Taihao heard it, he couldn't help laughing, "Hahaha, it turns out that you just want to teleport from the lower realm, I thought you were going to do something big again..."

"Well-named, isn’t it the lower realm? I can also send you down here. Of course, if you don’t want to owe me this favor, you just won the first place in the Tianjiao Tournament. You can’t refuse it. Let you lower the realm once, they It can still be done."

When Lu Chen heard this, a flame suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Tai Hao also noticed that Lu Chen was anxious to leave.

He took out a token from his backpack and handed it to Lu Chen, "Anonymous, this is the pass token for my Emperor Tianxian Palace, even if you don’t want to stay, but there are many friends who have a lot of paths, come and walk more when you have time, here. , Someone welcomes you very much.” After speaking, Tai Hao's gaze was obviously sideways to Tian Xin'er, and his tone was strange.

Lu Chen blinked.

Are there his friends here? I didn't see it.

But Taihao was always very polite to him, and Lu Chen didn't mind multiple friends, so he took the token.

"Okay, I think you seem to be in a hurry, so I won't keep you anymore. I will let Dongchu take you to the transfer platform, and you can directly transfer back to Zhongxian Pavilion."

After Lu Chen left with the two of them, seeing Dong Chu still waiting for him outside the hall, he followed him up Taisuo to the teleportation platform.

"Is the golden scales a thing in the pool?" Tai Hao looked at Tian Xin'er, "Xin'er, I have done my best for my father, and I have forgotten how long I haven't asked others to join the fairy palace, but I was rejected. ..."

Tian Xin'er has been looking at that figure far away.

The man killed Hades without leaving his name. He didn't care about fame or fortune, or how others viewed him.

Tianjiao was extremely disadvantaged and easily aspired to the championship. The overbearing arrogance displayed in the competition made her feel the deer in chaos.

And the thought of his usual performance... made it difficult for her to overlap this super strong with that stupid kid.

The admiration and curiosity are the most terrible.

"Father, since you can't keep him, I'll keep him!" As he said, Xiner also ran out of the hall.

"Xin'er, why are you going!"

"Thirty-six strategies, beautiful ones!" Xin'er's answer came from a distance.

Taihao frowned, is this girl so active?

However, if he could use the nameless as his own, he would not object. Moreover, judging from the nameless character, it should be considered safe for her daughter to find him.

The only worry is...

"Beauty tricks? Are you sure this trick is useful to Wuming?"

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