Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1107: Teacher and friend

"Did that person jump directly into Wangchuan River?" The people around suddenly became agitated. "Didn't you say that jumping in will kill you!"

The people who were crossing the Naihe Bridge couldn't take care of their own affairs, and all flocked to the Naihe Bridge.

However, the surface of Wangchuan River was calm at this time, and the fog on the river was hazy, and the blackness made the ripples of the guy who jumped into the river invisible.

"I'll go, this is the first time I saw someone commit suicide in nine days! Sure enough, there are everyone in nine days."

At this time, Po Meng said quietly, "If you don't want to die, leave Naihe Bridge at last."

"Huh?" People looked at Po Meng in surprise, wondering why she said such words.

"I said, if you don't want to be affected by the aftermath of the next battle, you should immediately exit the Naihe Bridge! That kind of death can directly lead to your brain death!"

Everyone suddenly looked shocked.

At this time, the double heaven does not involve the concept of the physical body, but the player still maintains the neural connection with the real world.

Even NPC said so, everyone hurriedly withdrew from Naihe Bridge.

When they had just left Naihe Bridge, the originally peaceful Wangchuan River finally changed.

The river surface began to rippling slightly, and gradually an undercurrent was set off. Then, the entire Wangchuan River shook violently.

There was a loud rumbling noise from the entire ground.

"What's the matter? What's wrong with Wangchuanhe!"

People still don't know what happened. Suddenly, the river exploded suddenly!

A soaring water column was 100 meters high, and the entire lake exploded violently.

The fall of the black river made the whole Wangchuan River more turbulent.

"Look, there are two people on the river!" someone shouted, and people hurriedly followed his fingers.

At this time, the turbulent river surface, as expected, two figures were hanging.

There was a bead floating beside one of them, and it was the man who jumped into the river just now.

Suspended by Lu Chen's side were the water droplets. With the help of the water droplets, he could stand on the river.

However, the person on the opposite side did not rely on any magic weapon and stood directly on the turbulent river.

However, neither of them did anything at this time.

Lu Chen looked at the person in front of him in shock, and could not say a word for a long time.

This person is a human elder, exuding black energy and bloodless face, but his expression is calm.

He looked at Lu Chen's eyes without any emotions, like a stranger.

But when Lu Chen saw him, he couldn't calm down.

He finally understood what Meng Po said. If he said that it was this person under the Wangchuan River, he was really scared.

This person is Lu Chen's mentor and helpful friend. He rescued Lu Chen at the beginning, and since then he even helped Lu Chen clear the Tianpu Tower... Mu Xuan!

"Mu... Mu Xuan!" Lu Chen's hands trembled, his eyes moist.

If it weren't for Mu Xuan, he would have died in the Heavenly Punishment Chess formation on Xianling Mountain. If it weren't for Mu Xuan, he wouldn't be able to get the god-gemon Hunyuan mental method. After that, many fierce battles were all relying on this top mental method.

It can be said that Mu Xuan is his benefactor!

Lu Chen has never forgotten this old friend, even if he went to the underworld, he would ask more about Mu Xuan's situation.

However, who would have thought that the guardian of Wangchuan River is Mu Xuan!

"Mu Xuan, is that you!" Lu Chen's eyes widened, his eyes full of disbelief!

However, Mu Xuan did not answer him, but the black mist on his side became thicker.

"Body of Ten Thousand Underworld!" Mu Xuan let out a low voice, suddenly bursting out terrifying spiritual power.

The wind was raging, and the wide Wangchuan River set off shocking waves.

The sky is covered with dark clouds, but the daylight falls like night.

The people around looked at the two on the river dumbfounded, and their minds were in confusion.

"This, who is this person? Just a state that has caused a vision of heaven and earth?"

"They are definitely not two-tiered people, they are like gods."

"Is the devil going to eat the man? It's terrifying!"

However, Po Meng on the bridge, her clothes fluttered fiercely, and even her face rolled like waves.

She squinted her eyes slightly, "Lu Chen, I said you would be scared."

"The guardian in Wangchuan River will look for people's inner weakness. It seems that this person is your weakness."

Lu Chen watched Mu Xuan activate the amplification skills, his eyelids throbbed.

Wang Chuanhe's opponent is actually Mu Xuan!

However, he didn't know himself. If he hesitated, he might die at the hands of this person!

Thinking of this, Lu Chen temporarily suppressed his excitement, "No, you are not Mu Xuan! But... Mu Xuan... I'm sorry."

Mu Xuan is an immortal! Lu Chen didn't dare to be careless.

Lu Chen yelled in a low voice, "The symbiosis of gods and demons! The form of the dragon god! The power of the gods and demons! The soul and body are united!"

A group of people watching the excitement suddenly found themselves in a state of weakness for some reason...

Of course, even if there is no one here, the current wild monster army has greatly increased in strength, and they can also provide Lu Chen with attributes.

Lu Chen added all the skills such as God of War and Demon Transformation.

Entering the full form, Lu Chen also burst into terrifying spiritual power all over his body. The water waves under the two crashed crazily, and the entire Wangchuan River was blasted with a violent whirlwind.

Lu Chen's long white hair was flying in the wind, covered with dragon scales, like a white-haired war god.

"Oh my god, that man is so terrifying? What level of battle is this!" The spectators had already shrunk away, looking at the two men on the Black Wangchuan River in horror.

At the same time, more and more Double Heaven players are attracted by the vision here, and they are all coming to Naihe Bridge.

However, Lu Chen didn't have time to bother about it.

Although Lu Chen promised Mobei not to cause too much sensation, he must fight this battle!

A pink figure lased from a distance, extremely fast, hard to distinguish with the naked eye.

This person's strength is definitely not what the dual heaven should have.

The man quietly mixed into the crowd, and no one noticed it, but inexplicably saw a woman wearing a veil beside him.

Someone looked back, and was attracted by her twinkling eyes like stars and couldn't remove them.

"What a beautiful eyes..."

The person here is Tian Xin'er, and she has also come to the second heaven!

But as one of the biggest forces in the Sixth Heaven, the only daughter of the Palace Master of the Emperor Tianxian, the shock on her face was no less than that of others.

"Yes, it is the Soul of Ten Thousand Underworld! What is Lu Chen doing? Why did he come to fight the Soul of Ten Thousand Underworld?"

"The Soul of Ten Thousand Underworlds is the Holy Spirit who guards the Wangchuan River. Although it is not a cultivator, but...under the real celestial being, no one is invincible!"

Lu Chen didn't know that Tian Xin'er was also here, and he needed to concentrate all his energy to deal with the "Mu Xuan" in front of him!

"Mu Xuan, I didn't think of you before you were alive. I didn't have the opportunity to compete with you. Here, we are going to be opponents..." Lu Chen felt a heartache. He knew that the creature in front of him might not be Mu Xuan, but the opponent's looks, actions, They were exactly the same as Mu Xuan, so he couldn't help but overlap the two.

Lu Chen's eyes were tearful.

"Well, you are a teacher and a friend to me, you watch me grow step by step... Then today, Lu Chen will prove..."

"In the beginning, your vision was not wrong!"

With an angry shout, Lu Chen's eyes were killing intent, "God and devil are too weak!"

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