Lu Chen's left arm was quickly demonized, like a demon arm, but it was wrapped in dragon scales.

Suddenly, Mu Xuan moved!

"Nine steps to the ruins!" Mu Xuan's figure disappeared instantly, and appeared in front of Lu Chen the next second.

I don't know when, Mu Xuan already had a thin sword in his hand, "Liuhe Shenzhan·Six Mang Jianxu!"

The six swords are in one, and the speed is so fast that there is an illusion that these six swords are used at the same time!

Lu Chen couldn't distinguish the order of the six swords even when he opened the Tianmu Eye, "So fast! Shou Xu!"

The afterimage of the Liugong Jianxu blasted directly on Taixu's arm, bursting out an astonishing aftermath of spiritual energy.

Some players around were even shocked back and lost blood!

"This, aftermath directly hurt me more than 20,000 blood? Is there any mistake? We are already standing kilometers away!"

"Everyone stays back, no one can stand on the shore!"

"The speed is too fast, my god, this, this level of battle, at what level can you have it!"

At this time, the battlefield did not stop for a moment because of the spiritual explosion just now.

The long sword in Mu Xuan's hand stabbed again, "Broken Star Sword Intent!"

A sharp sword energy stab Lu Chen directly at a very close distance.

"Nine steps in the void!" Lu Chen dodges quickly, with a flaming long spear in his hand, "Gun Road·Ground Fire Spear is in the sky!"

"Quick phantom!" Mu Xuan immediately activated his displacement skill, and after leaving an illusion in place, his body slammed behind Lu Chen.

"All directions are destroyed. Earthquake!" The other party got close again, but this time Lu Chen had already prepared himself. He stepped on the river violently, and the river water instantly blew up a huge wall of water, which was extremely spectacular.

Mu Xuan was directly shaken by the water wall!

"All directions are destroyed, back attack!" Lu Chen flashed behind Mu Xuan instantly, "Cancel back attack, gun way·ground fire broken star gun!"

Mu Xuan's reaction was extremely quick, and before Lu Chen's move came up, he changed his move directly, "Yujian Star! Holy Sword Buddha Lotus!"

His body disappeared in the sword aura, and at the same time the long sword spun like a blooming flower, making it difficult for Lu Chen to attack for a while.

This move is both offensive and defensive. If Lu Chen makes a haste, he is likely to be injured.

"God and Demon Star!" Lu Chen let out a low voice, but did not stop attacking.

With the blessing of the gods and monsters, his attack speed was even more terrifying, and he even wanted to forcefully attack Buddha Lotus.

At the same time, the gods and demons astral body successfully forced out the Mu Xuan body.

Mu Xuan had no one and paused, turning around with three swords, "Liuhe Shenzhan·Three swords of heaven and man!"

Lu Chen saw the sword aura hit, and this time he had to give up the attack, and opened the distance with nine steps in the void.

Three sword auras directly blasted towards the distant mountains and forests, and there was a burst of blast from time to time. Then, a mountain peak in the distance was directly split into four sections.

The mountain... collapsed!

Everyone looked at the mountain behind them in horror, but the three sword energy they used in an emergency directly cut a mountain peak? !

If those three swords were bombed with them just now, it would be over!

"My god, who can tell me who they are! This is too scary."

"The gods fight, the real gods fight! Their strength is definitely still above the four heavens!"

"Is this the super power in Nine Heavens? My God, I thought that clearing the level one Heaven domain BOSS is already very strong, and now I know that in front of these super powers, I can't even count as an ant!"

Tian Xin'er shook her head, these two people are more than the powerhouses in the four heavens!

Lu Chen's strength is a top power in Sixth Heaven!

And the Soul of Ten Thousand Underworlds, under the True Immortal, no King Realm, even Sanxian is not its opponent!

No matter how strong Pluto is, he dare not move Nai Heqiao and Wangchuanhe!

"Lu Chen, what on earth do you want to do, dare to provoke the soul of ten thousand underworld!" Tian Xin'er also squeezed a sweat for Lu Chen.

At this time, in just a few seconds, Lu Chen and Mu Xuan had already fought many times. Both sides were dangerous, and the speed of offensive and defensive changes was too fast.

At this time, the two of them both moved away from each other, otherwise it would be breathless just to look at them.

Lu Chen stared at Mu Xuan, the opponent's strength was too strong, and the opponent's combat skills were also extremely superb. He suddenly used the gods and demon stars, and originally played his trump card, but the opponent saw through his strategy at a glance and gave up Sacred Sword Lianhua, let Lu Chen's plan fall to nothing, the gods and demons star body of these ten seconds, I am afraid it will be abandoned!

The strength of this "Mu Xuan" is still above Hades!

"Are you Mu Xuan?!" Lu Chen said coldly.

This time the other party actually said, "Is there any difference? I don't think you hesitate to start."

Lu Chen stared at him, "It seems that you are not really Mu Xuan, what about Mu Xuan?"

"He is dead, don't you know? It's in your hands!"

Lu Chen was taken aback for a moment, and the other party killed him again.

"Starry sky magic!" In an instant, Mu Xuan slammed in front of Lu Chen again, this guy's displacement skills were too fast.

Fortunately, he didn't know how long Lu Chen's celestial body could last. Lu Chen is still in the state of celestial body, and the speed is not slow.

"Nine steps in the void!" But this time, Lu Chen didn't flash far away, he wanted to use the last few seconds of the gods and demons to deal damage!

"You're slow!" Mu Xuan yelled coldly, "Liuhe Shenzhan·Tu Shen proving!"

"God Demon Lotus Heart·Heart Demon!"

"A sword breaks the sky!" Lu Chen instantly drew out the God and Demon Promise Sword, and simultaneously issued the strongest sword move!

This time the two ultimate moves collided, and the entire Wangchuan River blew up black water, shaking the world!

Dark clouds in the sky rolled, covering the sky and the sun.

All players can't open their eyes because of the strong wind, and step back! Countless trees behind him were uprooted directly!

"Are you crazy? Is this still a human!"

"God, this is a contest between gods!"

With a burst, two figures on the Wangchuan River were shaken off at the same time!

However, both sides only retreated halfway, then forcibly stopped the castration, and both ran into each other again.

"Ten thousand Buddhas return to the sect. Heaven and earth return to the same seal!" Mu Xuan used a powerful seal, a huge Buddha hand, and blasted towards Lu Chen.

Lu Chen had never seen such a horrible move, how could he dare to take care of it, coupled with the evil spirits, let him also return with the strongest blow!

"Buddha body clone! Attack the Void·Dragon Breaks the Nine Heavens!"

In the state of attacking the Void, Long Po Jiuxiao also turned into a seal attack.

A dragon claw directly blasted the bergamot!

The collision of the two strongest seals, the world instantly goes blank!

The entire river in Wangchuan Hanoi exploded into the sky, revealing countless dry bones on the river bed!

The two of them blasted the ground directly like two artillery shells and plunged directly into the riverbed.

Just when everyone thought that this battle was finally over, the two figures rushed out of the deep pit at the same time.

Mu Xuan was angry, and the black energy all over his body burst into a more terrifying aura. He raised his hands and said, "Boy, you angered me!"

"Forget the River Soul!"

The black Wangchuan River, turned into endless black energy, crazily poured into Mu Xuan's body!

When the river water evaporated, Lu Chen suddenly saw two shining light spots in the river bed.

Tears of that girl?

However, what he was looking for was right in front of him, but Mu Xuan was like a huge mountain lying in front of him, exploding with amazing combat power.

"Die to me! Soul of Ten Thousand Underworld!"

The endless black smoke was overwhelming.

Lu Chen's chest was ups and downs violently, Mu Xuan was too strong, it seemed that he must use that trick.

Fortunately, the second heaven is a battle spirit, and it can be resurrected after death, and the surrounding players should not directly die.

"You have the soul of the underworld, but I have the underworld fire!" Lu Chen roared, "Burn it for me!"

"The earth is burning!"

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