Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1112: Re-enter the Tongtian Tower

"Uh, why didn't I think about it!" Tian Xin'er said falteringly, "My business is also done, and I have to go to Advanced Tianyu to see."

Lu Chen looked at Tian Xin'er in surprise, "It's such a coincidence, but I'm in a weak state now, and it will take 12 hours to recover."

"It's okay, I'll wait for you!"


Late at night, Lu Chen and Tian Xin'er came to the Erzhongtian Tongtian Tower.

Unexpectedly, there are quite a lot of people here, and many teams are making final preparations in front of the Tongtian Tower.

"Attention everyone, be sure to strictly follow the pre-war deployment, and don't get confused after encountering the BOSS!"

"Check the healing medicine and mixed gas pill again, if you have enough, this BOSS is very difficult to kill, there should be no problem!"

Seeing these people nervously preparing for battle, Lu Chen couldn't help but think of himself.

They are all newcomers, the true face of Jiuzhongtian, they didn't even see the tip of the iceberg!

At this time, many people's eyes fell on Tian Xin'er, this woman only showed a pair of eyes, and already made me wonder how many men couldn't help but peek.

"Wow, what a beautiful woman! Just like a fairy!"

"Who is this? Why haven't I seen it before? Those eyes are so beautiful, so clear, so pure."

Tian Xin'er looked a little nervous when stared at by a group of people, closely following Lu Chen's side.

"Anonymous, they are all looking at me, I, I'm a little scared... Can I hold you?" After that, his big eyes looked at Lu Chen pitifully, full of expectation.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Miss, I really want to do it. They can't stuff you between your teeth."

"But they are girls after all..."

"Girl? In nine days, women are also very strong."

Tian Xiner was dumbfounded by Lu Chen and couldn't find a new excuse.

This guy... decisively rejected her.

The first attempt seemed to have failed.

Tian Xin'er can only find new topics, "Anonymous, I haven't tried the lower realm before breaking into the tower, is it really okay?"

"I don't know, but Jiutian didn't say that we can't repeat the challenge. As long as we don't bring people up, and don't think about exploding any equipment, it will be fine without disrupting the order of the second heaven."

Tian Xin'er nodded, and could only follow Lu Chen.

Speaking of the second-tier universe BOSS, Lu Chen still remembered that he had defeated the Lingwu Yaozun in the Tongtian Pagoda, and that was the time, Xiaolu was sure to follow him.

After Lingwu Yaozun's hidden mission is completed, the current BOSS doesn't know if it has been replaced.

When the two were about to enter the Tongtian Tower, someone suddenly stopped Lu Chen.

"Hey, boy, are you going to enter the Tongtian Tower? Just the two of you?"

Lu Chen looked back and saw that he was a long-faced human race, his eyes kept on Tian Xin'er.

"You need to know that if you can brush the Tongtian Tower alone, we have only one person in the 19th district! Are you going to take such a beautiful beauty with you to die!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Should I go to Tongtian Tower and take care of you?"

The man snorted coldly, "Of course your life and death has nothing to do with me, but I can't watch this beautiful woman be unlucky with you! This BOSS is doubly painful!"

Pain hurt? Lu Chen almost forgot, Er Zhongtian still has this thing, after all, he is fighting on his own right now.

"Beauty, let's join our team, our team is very strong, and we can definitely make it this time!" The man looked overcast to Tian Xin'er.

"Get out!" Tian Xin'er yelled violently...but soon, she realized something was wrong!

What status is Tian Xin'er, one of the strongest forces in the Sixth Heaven, the eldest lady of the Emperor Tianxian Palace!

Don't look at her doing this to Lu Chen, but she is definitely more fierce than anyone else.

Even if it was Sixth Heaven, she didn't dare to have anyone hit her idea. It would be strange that Tian Xin'er had a good face when she encountered such a dedicated person.

It's just that she was angry for a while, and actually forgot that Lu Chen was by her side!

Doesn't this allow Lu Chen to see his unlady side?

That's it!

Sure enough, Lu Chen looked at Tian Xin'er in amazement, which was completely different from the impression she gave herself at the beginning.

But let alone, her fierce appearance was quite impressive to Lu Chen.

But the person who was scolded by Tian Xiner, his face sank at this time.

"How dare to talk to Lao Tzu like this! Do you know who we are!"

Tian Xin'er is now full of problems with her own image, and she has no time to bother him.

"Speak out and scare you to death!" The man was smug. "Have I heard of it? I'm the only super powerhouse who can play Purgatory difficulty Celestial BOSS alone! Our guild has had several teams with his Crazy Waves Guild. Second team!"

Lu Chen didn't react for a while.

This group of people teamed up with Kuang Lang? No, the people of Kuanglang have gone to the Fourth or Five Heavens early, and the core members of Kuanglang have their own teams...maybe they have teamed up with some outside guild members.

But is it necessary to come up with it?

"I can tell you, Kuang Lang is our friend!"

Lu Chen really felt his scalp numb. What kind of friend is this...

"Sorry, Kuanglang doesn't have friends like you." Lu Chen didn't talk nonsense, and directly showed his ID.

The unique golden ID "Crazy Wave Guild President: I'm the only one crazy"!

When this ID appeared, everyone around looked over.

"That, that is... a mad god!"

"Golden ID, yes, you can't go wrong, other people don't have this kind of ID, only Mad God has a golden ID!"

"My god, this is the deity of the mad god?"

The long-faced man was stunned and trembling all over.

Lu Chen's guess was good. They had teamed up with some Kuang Lang's low-level disciples once or twice, and it had nothing to do with Kuang Lang.

Usually they can still use to find bluffs, but now he meets the president of Kuang Lang.

It is the legend in the 19th district of the double heaven, I am the only one crazy!

Lu Chen looked at the man lightly, and said coldly, "Are there any questions?"

"No, no problem! Mad God, yes, I have no eyes, I don't know this fairy sister is your woman, if I know, I will definitely not offend, please let Mad God calm down!"

Tian Xin'er heard this very pleasantly. She pulled Lu Chen's sleeve and said, "Let them go, it doesn't seem to be intentional."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, he didn't even plan to care about these newcomers.

"Understood, let's go, and quickly go to Sanzhongtian to see." After saying that, he walked directly into the Tongtian Tower.

Looking at Lu Chen's back, the long-faced man realized that his back was completely wet.

Is this the pressure brought by the mad god? Even if he didn't even mean to do it, just seeing his name makes people so awe-inspiring!

"Why did the mad **** come back to break the tower? Is it because the mad **** was downgraded and had to break the tower again?"

"By the way, Tianyu BOSS has a live broadcast! Take a look!" I don't know who shouted.

People went offline quickly.

However, as soon as I saw the live broadcast of StarCraft's official website, the picture already showed a man in a purple gown, falling to the ground.

The mad **** is taking that beautiful woman into the portal!

The rumor that the mad **** was leveled up is self-defeating.

The battle has not yet begun... it is over!

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