Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1113: Shadowy Chaos Suit

There was no news of Mufu Jiu'er in the third heaven and the fourth heaven, and when it came to the fourth heaven, Lu Chen found that he could no longer break through the Tongtian Tower.

He can't enter the copy of Tongtian Tower directly!

"Why can't you go up?" Lu Chen was a little worried.

"It may be that Wuzhongtian's login method has changed qualitatively." Tian Xiner said.

Lu Chen thought about it, it was probably the problem.

"Damn it, the people in Mu Mansion said she might be in the Fifth Heaven, but she couldn't go to the Fifth Heaven!" Thinking that even the people in the Mu Mansion didn't know the whereabouts of Jiu'er, only that she entered the Fifth Heaven a few months ago. day.

Now, Lu Chen can be sure that Jiu'er has been controlled by the eclipse!

Otherwise, people in Mufu must know the whereabouts of Jiu'er.

And starting from the fifth heaven, it is the body traversal, that is, as long as Jiu'er does not return to the original world, then Mufu doesn't know where she is!

Seeing Lu Chen's worried look, Tian Xin'er felt sad, "Lu Chen, if Jiu'er is in the fifth heaven, we first return to the sixth heaven, and then we wait for the lower realm portal to recover. I will let my father open the lower realm to teleport. Let's go to Fifth Heaven again."

Lu Chen sighed, "Even if she is in the Fifth Heaven, the Fifth Heaven is already big, it is not easy to find someone, and if Jiu'er is really in the Fifth Heaven, then it can only show the growth rate of the Eclipse. It's faster than I thought, so when we go to Fifth Heaven, she may not be there anymore."

Po Meng said that if Jiu'er reaches the sixth heaven, she will definitely find him!

Perhaps, instead of continuing to search for such clues, it is better to wait for Jiu'er to find herself!

"Huh? By the way, didn't you say that you still have something to do?" Lu Chen suddenly thought of this girl, and scared away with him, as if he didn't handle his own affairs.

"I... I also want to go to the Five Heavens... It seems that I can only go next time." Tian Xin'er said falteringly.

Lu Chen didn't think too much. Since they didn't need to stay in the Fourth Heaven, both of them returned to the Sixth Heaven in advance.


Tian Xin'er returned to the Emperor Tianxian Palace. Her father didn't know where he had gone. Tian Xin'er returned to her room and called out the master in the palm.

"Girl, you have been alone with that silly boy for so long, nothing happened? What about good beauty?"

Tian Xin'er put her cheeks in her hands, and looked out the window slowly, "He has something on his mind, he should not have the heart to think about other things."

"He has something on his mind? I think you have something on his mind, right."

"Master, do you know what an eclipse is?"

"I know, what? You don't want to help that girl, she is your rival in love. Seeing that Lu Chen is so caring about that girl, you may not be able to win by comparison." The little master jumped to the table. On the top, unscrupulously eating the fruit in the fruit plate.

"I...I know, but that girl is so pitiful. Oh, tell me what the eclipse is!"

Seeing that the apprentice was so anxious, the villain said with a smile, "Okay, okay, this matter is really not trivial. When your father comes back, you have to talk to him."

"Lu Chen has a set of gods and demons, but do you know that the set of gods and demons is not a complete set of equipment?"

"I've seen it in the fairy palace's equipment illustration book." Tian Xin'er recalled, "God and devil are strong in rebellion, which can be called reversible. But this set of equipment has never been collected, because the most A strong piece of equipment, God and Demon Wutian is something that does not exist in Jiutian at all."

The villain nodded in satisfaction, and the apprentice seemed to memorize the illustrated book well.

"Exactly, this piece of equipment of God and Demon Wutian is very strange. It clearly does not exist but has its own name. In short, no one has ever obtained this piece of equipment since ancient times."

"If there is God and Demon Wutian, then God and Demon Rebellion Set is definitely the strongest suit. However, it is precisely because there is one missing God and Demon Wutian, so God and Demon Rebellion can only be regarded as the top suit.

"In the nine days, there are other suits that can be compared with the gods and demons' rebellious fate." The villain ate the fruit while talking.

"Master, why do you tell me so many gods and demons are rebelling? I'm asking about eclipse!" Tian Xin'er said impatiently.

"The Eclipse is the core equipment in the Eclipse Chaos suit. This Eclipse Chaos suit is a suit that can be compared with the incomplete gods and demons!"

Tian Xin'er's eyes widened, and could be compared with the gods and devil's rebellious set, the eclipse chaos was also very terrifying.

"The Eclipse Chaos suit also does not belong to Nine Heavens, it is extremely powerful, but at the same time, it also has fatal flaws!"

"Undercut, it is a kind of cultivation technique, you can probably understand it as Lu Chen's nine changes of the gods and demons! Undercut is also called "undercast Xuan Yin technique"!" The villain finally got back to the subject, "This technique is very The evil sect, in order to cultivate the dark-eclipsing mysterious power, you need to meet very harsh physical conditions, and you need to be a dark body. If you know this system, you can't find a few people for nine days!"

Tian Xin'er frowned, it's no wonder that Mufu clan, I don't know how long it took for the inheritance to have a Jiuer who can carry Eclipse!

"But Master, what's the matter with the concealed looting?" Xin'er asked.

"Evaders are damaged, rotted, and depleted. After cultivating undermined eclipse, it will cause the loss of the body's soul consciousness, and the technique of undermined eclipse is extremely evil. Not only can it breed demons, but it also seems to have life. To a certain extent, they will join hands with the mind demon to seize the ontological consciousness. After that, even the ontological mind will be replaced by him. Eventually, those who learn to undermine can dominate themselves to the dark body and become a veritable life. body!"

Tian Xin'er was dumbfounded, and the eclipse was too terrifying. I didn't expect someone to practice this evil technique.

"Of course, the girl's family must also know the result. They should have used some special means to try to protect their original world with eclipse..." The villain sighed, "Unfortunately, the eclipse has After the body is dominated, it will continue to look for other components of the suit. At the same time, it will also be interested in other equally powerful equipment, pets, and the Holy Spirit!"

"I'm afraid that the monsters they cultivated in the end can't be controlled by themselves."

Tian Xin'er finally knows why even the master attaches great importance to this matter. Now that there is only one Eclipse Awakening, it is easy to deal with, but she is afraid that Eclipse has been collecting the Eclipse Chaos suit before and has become a terrifying monster!

"Jiu'er must care about Lu Chen very much, so... it is the wisest choice to keep the most important memory in Wangchuanhe." Tian Xin'er murmured.

One day, I will eventually die, and the memory of you over there will be sealed in the long river of memory...

"Girl, I don't think you should think about that kid, that kid has committed the evil star! If I guess right, Jiu'er will definitely come to him!" said the villain, "and he, either kills the girl, Or be killed by eclipse!"

"Either choice is extremely cruel to him."

"But he has no other choice, this is his fate..."

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