Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1121: Lowest score in history

At this moment, the disciples of the Academy of Gods and Demons suddenly forgot about the Dean's score, and everyone looked at it with determination.

That's right, this is the dean of the Academy of Gods and Demons.

Sometimes he will be a little stupid, but when it comes to student matters, he will never give in!

"Sure enough, this is the Dean's answer, as always arrogant..." Xiao Zhan smiled, "So, even if he scores zero, this guy, I am convinced by Xiao Zhan!"

"Crazy enough, I don't see it, this is the dean of our Academy of Gods and Demons!"

“I’ve only heard of the dean’s deeds before, but now I finally understand why the unnamed dean is just a newcomer, but he can be admired by the whole hospital!” A newcomer took a deep breath, “I am honored to be a god. Devil disciple!"

Yun Hai was also relieved suddenly. He smiled helplessly and shook his head, "The nameless guy is really loved and hated. This question is probably worth zero again."

Yitian smiled, "Zero points are zero points, and I didn't count on him anyway. But a good sentence "until it gets flat" makes my old bones a little bit enthusiastic!"

The little beast took a peek at Ye Fan, and saw that the guy actually put down his account book and looked at the dean blankly, his eyes still full of tears.

Obviously, this is not just the answer Lu Chen wrote on the paper, he has always done it.

In the auditorium, the emperor Ziye narrowed his eyes slightly, and he did not expect Wuming to respond like this. This was obviously a warning to Zitian Palace!

If you dare to move Ye Fan, he will step down the Purple Heaven Palace without a name!

"Very well, I want to see if you have this ability!"

Lu Chen finally finished his answer, and when he stood up, he saw the excited expressions of the students.

Judging from the looks of these guys, Lu Chen has already determined that his grades will not be bad.

"Mobei, I have finished the exam!"

Mobei tremblingly walked to Lu Chen, "Well, the test time has not come yet, are you sure you don't check it?"

"No need!" Lu Chen said confidently, "This time the test questions are very simple, and the answers are easy."

Mobei has a black face, and your answer is relaxed, but have you considered Zhongxian Pavilion?

How many brain cells did they waste to write a question for Lu Chen this time? They tried their best to come up with the topic of Lu Chen's meeting... to be precise, it was the topic they thought Lu Chen should have.

Everyone is an acquaintance, and Zhongxiange really has such a deep question, so that Wuming, a savage, has a poor test under the eyes of everyone. What if Wuming holds a grudge?

As a result, I did not get the correct answer to the question that I worked so hard!

"Why don't you check it again?"

"No, I am very confident about this exam."

Mobei is under great pressure, who gave him the confidence of this guy!

Now that the problem has suddenly come to Zhongxian Pavilion, is it possible to announce the nameless zero points on the spot? The key point is that this product still feels good about himself. It is really announced that Wuming can't get off the stage, and Zhongxiange is afraid that there is nothing good to eat...

However, no matter how hard the all Xiange struggles, they must now announce the result.

Mobei's face was difficult, and he didn't dare to look at Lu Chen's expectant gaze, "Uh, nameless, you should go back to your seat first."

Mobei always felt that he might be in danger by his side.

Lu Chen didn't think much, and went to the audience.

When he came to Yunhai, Lu Chen was full of pride, "Lao Hai, how am I doing!"

Yunhai held back for a long time, and finally squeezed out a word, "Okay!"

Lanzhi looked at Yunhai's blushing face and laughed out loud with a chuckle. It was really embarrassing for Yunhai to say such a thing.

Mobei announced the final result.

"The prestige score of the unnamed dean is 20 points, and the evaluation result is...2 points..."

Hearing this result, two people stood up at the same time at the Academy of Gods and Demons!

Lu Chen and Little Beast!

Lu Chen questioned loudly, "How could it be 2 points? Which question I did wrong?! You must be mistaken!"

Little Beast was also questioning loudly, "How could it be possible to have 2 points?! The last question is obviously a negative textbook, and you all have a blind point! My dad definitely deserves zero points!"

When Lu Chen heard this, he looked back strangely, "Little Beast, you, what did you say?"

"Dad..." Xiao Beast hurriedly shrank his head when he saw Lu Chen. This was the only one who could let him down.

"Wait, you shouldn't bet anymore!" Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

Little Beast screamed, "Dad, you gave me too little living expenses."

"If you press, you press, you actually crush me with zero points?"

"Dad, I, didn't I want to win some money..." the little beast muttered.

"Hey, you brat! Watch me go back and clean up you!" Lu Chen doesn't have time to talk to him now, so he still needs to reason with Mobei.

Upon seeing this, Yun Hai and others hurriedly pulled Lu Chen, "Forget it, Dean, didn't we get two points?"

"The dean calms down, actually, your answers seem to be really wrong..."

Lu Chen was dragged by a group of people, "What is wrong, my answer is correct, no, you let me go, I want to talk to Mobei!"

"With so many people, the dean forget it."

Mobei is not stupid either. If Wuming rushes over, he will definitely not be able to step off the stage. Seeing Yunhai and the others help, he quickly announced the next assessment.

"Um, it's not too early, then let's quickly move on to the next link, the last item, student competition. Please 5 students from the Academy of Gods and Demons to participate in the competition, and one instructor will come on stage!"

"After the competition starts, other academies can challenge it. The game must not open the soul and body, and try not to hurt people."

"Finally, we will score based on the performance of the Academy of Gods and Demons." After that, Mobei hurried to Lu Chen's side.

Lu Chen was still stopped by a group of people. Now Mobei is here, he is even more excited, "Mobei, you can tell me clearly, why should I only have two points?!"

Mobei walked up to him and said quietly, "Oh, you don't make a fuss if you don't believe me, ask Yunhai if your answer is wrong!"

"What's wrong, you are wrong!"

"Oh, Wuming, just treat me as if you give me a face is not enough... These are things that have been summed up over the years."

"What has been summed up over the years, what I said is wrong is wrong. If you don't believe me, I will prove it to you!"

Seeing that Lu Chen was still reluctant, Mobei really couldn't help it, "If you are really upset, I will send you a few more spiritual sources! The level does not lose your reward in the hunting competition!"

Lu Chen suddenly became quiet.

Ok? Spirit source magic weapon? The secondary spirit veins of the Academy of Gods and Demons seem to be a little thin recently, but the Academy has not yet opened up the mission system, and Lu Chen is figuring out whether to get some beast cores to support it for a while.

If there is a spiritual source magic weapon, the effect is definitely different.

"Speak clearly, how many to send?"

"Two?" Mobei was a little emboldened, Wuming this guy is definitely insatiable.

"Ten! Give me ten spiritual source magic weapons, and I will admit it. Oh, and send four more Four Seasons Ruyi bottles here. There is only the pair you gave me last time in the hall of gods and demons. It feels a bit monotonous.

Mobei took a breath, this guy really opened his mouth.

But Wuming scored the lowest score in history in front of so many people, and he would definitely not let it go.

Not to mention, Xianzun said, try to win Wuming, after all, the future achievements of the Academy of Gods and Demons are unlimited... Besides, you can't let Wuming keep making trouble like this.

He really turned his face, who can subdue him?

Mo Beiqiang endured the pain, "Okay, I'll send someone over! You can quickly bring the disciple on stage, the disciple challenge is about to begin!"

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