Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1122: Invitation letter from Beichen Xianyuan

After reaching a reconciliation with Mobei, Lu Chen finally settled down.

With ten spiritual source magic weapons, plus four seasons of wishful thinking, this transaction is still a good deal.

Since all the fairy pavilions were willing to bleed, Lu Chen wanted to show them some face, stood up and said to the people behind him, "Ye Fan, Xiao Zhan, Chu Tian, ​​Wu Xuan, Tian Yi, go!"

Little Beast won't go, after all, this guy is actually Lu Chen's battle pet. He is doing well in the academy now, so let him continue to do it first.

Unintentionally, Lu Chen himself was the mentor candidate.

These six people all stepped onto the ring.

Looking at the backs of these people, Yun Hai said to Yitian, "Old Yi, those five boys are much stronger now than they were a year ago."

"Well, these five boys are rare geniuses. Ye Fan seems to owe a debt, but it didn't affect his ability to improve. It seems that the emperor has repaired three stars, and I don't know how he did it."

Yun Hai nodded, "It's no wonder Zi Tiangong refuses to let him go. This kind of genius gives him a little time to grow up, and he won't be alone when he looks back!"

"Didn't the little beast go?"

Yitian said, "This time the arrangement is for the top five in the arena. It seems that the dean will not let the little beasts hit the arena, saying that he is afraid of ruining the arena."

Yun Hai nodded, too, Xiao Beast is covered by his father, so don't compete with others for resources.

The previous theoretical examination was nothing to behold. When the dean of the Academy of Gods and Demons came to the stage with the five strongest academies, the audience suddenly boiled.

"These are the five strongest genius academies in the Academy of Gods and Demons? It is said that they have all been invited by the Academy before."

"It's not certain that the strongest five people. They should be the top five in the Gods and Demons. In the Academy of Gods and Demons, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, some people don't care about the arena rankings."

"The Gods and Demons List... Speaking of this, I heard that exchange disciples from other academies can no longer enter the top 300! Even those who have been practicing for several years can't make it!"

"Well, the Gods and Demons List is now the most terrifying list in Shengyuan Continent! To be in the top five on that list, the strength is already very terrifying."

Since this is a competition related to the ranking of the college, any college that has just entered the ranking must be a newly established college, so the challenger also has a limit on the length of admission.

It's just that the restrictions will be relatively relaxed. Any disciple who has been hospitalized for less than 20 years can challenge!

After 20 years of admission, he is definitely not a "newcomer" anymore!

However, judging from the expressions of Ye Fan and the others, they were standing in front of Lu Chen, without any timidity!

In order to save the physical strength of both parties, after all, the gods and demons have to face a challenge. According to the rules, Zhongxian Pavilion will give several different levels of challenge opponents, namely, the ordinary college, the holy courtyard, and the fairy courtyard. In the Headquarters, if other forces want to challenge, they will also appear in the list of challengers. The Academy of Gods and Demons needs to choose one to challenge.

And the Academy of Gods and Demons will have certain points for each victory, and the number of points depends on the strength of the opponent they choose.

During the battle, each of the two sides sent a disciple to compete with each other.

The winner can choose to continue the challenge, or he can give up the next battle and take a rest to continue the next game, while the loser will lose the opportunity to challenge.

After all the five students are defeated, all five opponents are "resurrected". At that time, they can challenge at the same time or challenge their own instructor in turn, and finally defeat the instructor as the final decisive condition.

Soon, Zhongxiange gave a list of the first batch of challengers.

"The challengers in the first group include Beichen Academy, Tianhui Holy Academy, and Martial Arts Academy. Please choose the challenger from the Academy of Gods and Demons."

Without thinking about it, Lu Chen said directly, "Beichen Immortal Courtyard."

Ye Fan and the others were not surprised at all, it would be abnormal if the dean didn't choose the fairy courtyard.

"President, you can rest well, there should be no chance for you to play." Chu Tian said.

Lu Chen frowned, "The other party is a fairy courtyard, are you sure you are sure?"

Xiao Zhan smiled, "Dean, we are much better than before."

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "The people in the Xianyuan are not weak. Don't talk too much."

On the other side of the martial arts field, people from Beichen Xianyuan came on stage.

They were very excited about choosing them at the Academy of Gods and Demons.

"It's really interesting to choose our Beichen as soon as I came up! It is said that the Academy of Gods and Demons is powerful, and my Beichen Tiance came to teach." A disciple was especially excited.

A middle-aged man behind him said, "This time we signed up for the challenge, just to let a few of you fight against the unknown. Now we know that he is the one who killed Hades. I don't expect you to win, but at least let him Do your best!"

The man actually knew that Lu Chen had killed Yan Wang, and it seemed that he was well informed.

Tiance hurriedly curbed his attitude, and clasped his fist to the man, "Yes, Master Mo Yan...We have all seen the performance of the Wuming Tianjiao Tournament, but Er, this kind of strength can kill Hades? I really don’t know if the rumors are correct. Really!"

"I will let them go all out and let them recognize their own strength!"

Not long after, the people from Beichen Immortal Academy stood opposite the Academy of Gods and Demons. Mo Yan stepped forward. Wu Shi Ye Fan and others directly said to Lu Chen. Instructor, please enlighten me."

Seeing that he was still polite, Lu Chen greeted him with a fist, "I don't dare to teach him, just learn from each other."

At this moment, Tiance said to the opposite Ye Fan, "Hey, the unknown people on the opposite side gather geniuses from all over the world?! You gods and demons are really brazen, do you know who I am? I can single out the five of you! "

"Anonymous, I want to see if you are as powerful as the legend!"

Ye Fan frowned slightly. This guy deliberately described the gods and demons as "the unnamed". You must know that the dean is sly "unknown". Obviously he did it intentionally, and even called the dean's name directly, which made Ye Fan angry. Medium burn.

"Beichen Immortal Academy is too embarrassed to shout here? Don't you know that I still have an invitation letter from Beichen Immortal Academy in my backpack?" Ye Fan deliberately sighed, "Fortunately, I didn't go to your Beichen, looking at the students. You will know how strong you are."

"A mere student already has eyes on top of his head, and it seems that your vision is no more than that!"

Ye Fan is not good at getting along with girls, and he will lose every time he gambles. He doesn't seem to talk much at ordinary times, but when he really starts to talk, he really doesn't lose other people!

"Oh, what a coincidence! Junior Brother Ye, I also received an invitation from Beichen, saying that as long as I go, I will definitely focus on training." Wuxuan was even more ruthless, and directly took out an invitation letter from the backpack, it was Beichen Immortal Academy!

Xiao Zhan searched in his backpack for a long time, and pulled out one from a large stack of invitation letters, "Hey, is this what you said? I have it too. Brother Chu, Brother Tianyi, do you have one?"

Chu Tian shook his head, "I'm familiar, but I don't remember."

Tian Mi frowned and said, "Why do you still keep this thing? Mine was thrown away."

At this time, the people in Beichen Immortal Courtyard were completely speechless.

Among the five people in the Academy of Gods and Demons, two of them directly took out the invitation letter from the Beichen Immortal Academy, which was still sealed in golden paper, which was obviously the key training object.

While I was still proud of my status as a disciple of the Immortal Courtyard, everyone refused the invitation of the Beichen Immortal Courtyard...

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