"You...damn it!" Tiance glared wide and turned on the "Poisonous Tyrant Body" directly, and his whole body was wrapped in a thick green mist.

"You five, who will come out and die first!"

The five Ye Fan glanced at each other, and the five gathered together to discuss.

"Brother, let me come to Beichen this time." Wu Xuan said, "I have just upgraded my five-color aura, I want to try the actual combat power."

"Let me come, I just think this heavenly strategy is unhappy." Xiao Zhan said.

"Don't fight between you two, Brother Chu will make arrangements." Tian Yu said.

Except for the Grey Crows, Chu Tian is the brother of the Academy of Gods and Demons, and he still has to listen to the arrangements of the brother at this time.

Chu Tian thought for a while and said, "It’s the same for everyone, so let’s go on stage one by one according to the ranking of the arena. You are now fifth, so you should go first. Remember to give that heavenly strategy point. Look at the color!"

Wu Xuan smiled slightly, "Don't worry, brother."

After a brief discussion, Wu Xuan became the first student on the scene of the gods and demons.

The others stepped back temporarily, Wu Xuan stood in front of Tian Ce, staring at Tian Ce coldly, "Twenty-year student of the Immortal Academy? Very good!"

"Five-color profound energy!" Wu Xuan yelled, and the five-colored spiritual energy all over his body was surging. "I want to see our dean, you Beichen really dare to think about it! How can our dean be a frog at the bottom of a well qualified to mention it? of!"

"Extremely arrogant! Die to me!" Tiance rushed into the crown with a flicker, and reached the front of Wuxuan with a flicker, "Poison Venerable Ten Thousand Poison Withering! Heart Chewing Fist!"

Tiance is impressively a martial artist and a poison master, and he attaches the poison to the boxing method, so although he uses two skills, it is just one move.

Faced with the terrifying and poisonous palm wind that was overwhelming like mountains and seas, the Five Profounds were not afraid.

"Five Color Profound Qi·Five Elements Return to Ruins!"

The five-color aura violently, with the punch of Wuxuan, it slammed into the palm of the heart!

The two heavy auras collided suddenly, the eternal dying and the five-color profound aura madly opposing, like two tigers wrestling, the squally wind squeezed into the field at the same time...

For four or five seconds, the two are actually on par!

Everyone around saw the two deadlocked, they were all shocked and moved!

"The Five Profound Strength of the Academy of Gods and Demons is so strong that it is actually comparable to the twenty-year disciple of the Immortal Academy?"

"What's more, Tiance is the most powerful in their Beichen period. They can't kill a year-old newcomer in seconds? What exactly is that five-color profound energy? I have never heard of it! What kind of monsters are the students of the Academy of Gods and Demons! "

"If I remember well, Tiance is a five-star emperor. As a genius-level student in the immortal courtyard, he also has a very strong leapfrog fighting ability, but he can't kill the Wuxuan in a second!"

"However, Tiance's higher level of cultivation means that his spiritual power is stronger. If it continues, he should still be able to win."

At this moment, the battlefield has undergone tremendous changes!

The five-color profound energy of Wuxuan's body suddenly merged into black aura.

At this moment, Tiance suddenly discovered the power of the opponent's punch, which suddenly increased several times, as if the opponent's spiritual power suddenly exploded!

As soon as he noticed this, he didn't have time to make any adjustments. The whole person was like a cannonball, and he was directly shaken out and hit a meditation pavilion outside the martial arts arena.

Boom, the Jingxiu Pavilion was directly penetrated!

The people of Beichen Immortal Courtyard hurried to search, and finally carried Tiance back from the ruins.

At this time, Tiance's face was blue, it should be caused by the death of the poison, and at the same time, he was covered with scars, his right arm was broken, the bone pierced the skin from the elbow, and the whole person was even more angry...

"No, brother was hurt by his own poison! Quick, snow lotus pill!" The disciple yelled, Mo Yan hurried forward and stuffed Tian Ce's mouth with a pill.

Only then did Tiance slowly recover his anger. At this moment, he looked at Wu Xuan in horror, and was speechless for a long time.

Wuxuan snorted coldly, "Don't you want to pick one out of five? Why can't you even beat me?"

"Now know how naive you are?"

Tiance trembled with anger, but in the face of the facts, it was useless for him to say anything.

The disciples Beichen were also shocked at this time. You must know that their tactics are completely opposite to those of the gods and demons. The first one to send out is the strongest Senior Brother Tiance, in order to solve the five disciples as soon as possible and force the unknown to take action!

However, Tiance was directly crushed!

"This, how is this possible, my brother has been practicing in the fairy courtyard for 19 years, why can't I reach a newcomer who has just been admitted to the hospital for more than a year!" The disciple who supported Tiance said angrily.

Wu Xuan was too lazy to answer, but Chu Tian and others did not stop.

"Five Profounds has become stronger again. In other words, after returning from the underworld, he has practiced harder than ever, and he doesn't even participate in the arena."

"That guy's five-color profound energy is indeed unpredictable. It has the effect of swallowing and backlashing. It can even bite the poison of Tiance. It's really strong! If I fight with him with all my strength, it's really not necessarily who will win."

"President, what do you think of Junior Brother Wuxuan's performance?" Xiao Zhan looked back at Lu Chen, only to see that their principal was not watching the game at all, his eyes kept staring at the ruined Jingxiu Pavilion, as if possible at any time. Exploding bomb...

Xiao Zhan hurriedly shrank his neck, "Uh, it's okay, it's okay..."

One punch ruined a Jing Xiu Pavilion, which made Lu Chen heartbroken, and it was another big loss!

After being in the game now, he can only endure it temporarily.

This guy Wuxuan destroys the building every time he fights! When this ranking is done, Wuxuan must be sent to other colleges for exchange!

Wuxuan looked at the people in Beichen Immortal Courtyard indifferently, "Don't waste time, next one!"

On the spectator stand, Yunhai shook his head and said to Yitian, "It's miserable, these guys are really becoming more and more like the dean. I guess if it were not for the rules, the Five Profounds would want to fight five each."

Yitian couldn't help but smile, "That's no way. Who made Wuming be like that? In addition, these little bunnies are geniuses, and now they are following Wuming. It's hard to keep a low profile."

The deans of other academies have red eyes at this time.

"Oh, what a good seedling this is! Why not come to our academy! If we have such excellent disciples, we will surely rise in a few years!"

"People are more popular than others, such a super genius as Wuxuan, the Academy of Gods and Demons has a lot of them!"

"Why do I want to watch the game of Gods and Demons! I cried!"

One year newcomer, defeat the disciple of the fairy courtyard for twenty years! Disciples like Wuxuan are highly sought after in any academy, and it is strange that they are not jealous.

The game continues.

"Mighty sword shadow!"

"Using a sword? I will too! Five Elements Void·Void Sword!"

Wuxuan defeated one more person!

"Breaking dust, no suffering and no palm!"

"Five Color Profound Qi·Five Elements Return to Ruins!"

One more defeat...

Not long after, all five of Beichen were defeated!

Wuxuan looked at the five Beichen disciples who fell on the ground and said lightly, "In front of the gods and demons, do you dare to feel superior? Remember, those who see the gods and demons in the future will walk with their heads down!"

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