Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 113: Enter a new era

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During the past two days and one night, Lu Chen slept for a total of six hours. After he got off the assembly line from the big hanbok, Lu Chen arranged seven heads and three fools with ten beasts to cultivate spiritual power, and then he went off the line.

After sleeping until dawn, Lu Chen finally came over.

Today is Monday, and there are not many people in the community. Lu Chen went downstairs to have breakfast, bought some food, and worked out in the fitness area for a while.

Life has returned to its previous laws.

After returning home, Lu Chen opened the official website on the computer and checked the compensation distribution announced by the guild alliance.

Although Huaxia Guild was given priority care and the losses were actually the heaviest, they still gave priority to ordinary players in compensation.

"Well, not bad." Lu Chen nodded.

This matter is solved satisfactorily, so Lu Chen can also play games.

"Look at the trading area."

After this battle, even though many players have been compensated and even equipped with better equipment than before, there is no guarantee that everyone will be equipped with the previous equipment.

The equipment gap is still large.

However, the guild alliance has issued an announcement that if all guilds under the alliance have equipment for sale, the price must be maintained at 75% of the market price within three days.

As long as Lu Chen doesn't make a move, the guild will definitely be the main seller, and their promise is enough to influence the market.

Prices of all types of equipment have a downward trend.

"Damn, the price has been reduced?" Lu Chen's eyes widened. Although he had long thought that the price of goods would be reduced, he did not expect it to be in this way!

"But a 25% discount is okay, and Tiger King Cave can still be used again... just make less money."

It is said to be less profitable, but in fact, there is also an income of 8 to 90 thousand yuan in a copy of the Tiger King, not to mention Tiger Weeping and Blue Equipment.

Lu Chen went to the Hanbok station for a day, but the Huaxia players can still upgrade normally. Now the national server is close to 1**. It won’t take long for the Huaxia players to fill up their equipment and upgrade to episode 13 or 4. You can try to fight the Tiger King dungeon, then the upgrade will be fast.

At that time, level 15 equipment can be shot!

"Okay, then continue to make money."

After going online, Lu Chen didn't rush to buy the Tiger King copy, but first came to the mass grave.

"Sell two six-star materials for 200,000 prestige!"

"Upgrade the Legion Order!"

After this upgrade, the font color of Legion Order changed from white to green!

[First rank legion order (single soldier): 433/400 thousand (monster prestige)]

"I'm going, what?" Lu Chen immediately checked the legion order in his backpack.

[One-turn legion order (single soldier): Can recruit the 11th legion subordinate. 】

[Increase the basic attributes of all legion members by 25%]

[Enable the inheritance function of legion members, and legion members can obtain the basic attribute ratio and growth, attack methods, and talents of other species. 】

"Damn!" Lu Chen's eyes widened. He didn't expect that after the Legion Order was upgraded, he would get new effects!

Basic attribute bonuses can often bring more comprehensive combat effectiveness enhancements than equipment.

Lu Chen didn't upgrade Dasha to a star that was too high before. Now Dasha is three-star consummate. With the mess of equipment on his body, its blood volume is about 3,500, and after upgrading the legion order, Dasha's blood volume directly soars to 4500 blood volume.

At the same time, there was an increase in the attack, from 153-163 to 174-184, and physical defense from 94 to 108!

There is 4500 HP at level 17, and now Dasha is already stronger than ordinary elite monsters!

In addition, the opening of the new function of Legion Inheritance completely solved Lu Chen's worries.

Before that, Lu Chen had not dared to invest too much resources in cultivating Dasha, because he was afraid that when he would replace them in the future, his previous investment would be wasted.

One more thing, before finding much stronger wild monsters, Lu Chen actually didn't want to replace them.

Dasha, they are clumsy, they do whatever Lu Chen asks them to do. They have no feelings and can't speak, but when Lu Chen was the loneliest, they were the only ones to accompany Lu Chen.

This can only be blamed on Jiutian’s being too real. The longer the game is, the more people will forget that this is a game...

But now, Lu Chen had no worries at all.

Although the inheritance is not as good as Lu Chen's blood fusion, and he cannot obtain the talents of two creatures at the same time, seeing creatures with good attributes can completely replace the old attributes with new attributes without replacing them.

"Great!" Lu Chen said excitedly, "Dasha, now you can always follow me!"

The big silly jackal looked at Lu Chen, stupidly...

"OK. In that case, grab a new headless flying corpse first and help me lower the level!"

Now Lu Chen's attributes are no problem with the mass graves, not to mention grabbing one. Soon, the seven heads became eight.

"Well, with eight heads, I can brush several times. Let's go, today's only task is to max out the Tiger King Cave!"


At the same time, the China Association is quickly recovering after this crowd-creation.

Lao Peng is holding an emergency meeting in the ESD Association meeting room.

"Xiaoyao, immediately team up to take over the people who are still in the novice zone. They still have equipment on them. Turn around first."

"In addition, there are still some stocks in the warehouse to put on the main players and transfer jobs. Try to train a few pharmacists. If the materials are not enough, hire those players who are transferred. We will distribute the equipment to them. They still have something for us. Good feeling, so we can brush Avon Hill more."

"Well, Ivan Hill's protection is still very useful before there is no blue outfit in the Tiger King Cavern." Xiaoyao said, "Well, I will organize people right away."

"Although this foreign server player’s invasion has been severely taught by the nameless, we have also seen a trend that the nine-day competition will only become more and more fierce. If we want to stand amidst the storm, we must accelerate the development of ESD. ."

Xiaoyao said thoughtfully, "Now China has six powers with the beasts, iron blood, black eagle, red, mad waves, as well as nameless and mad gods."

Many people know that Wuming is the president of Kuanglang, but he is the leader of the wave, so many people separate him from Kuanglang.

"We are under a lot of pressure."

"It's hard to imagine that Wuming just has one sacred beast, or... at most two, the strength is so high, but the crazy **** has five, how strong is his strength!"

The glasses pushed the frame on the nose, "I just got the definitive news here that the three saints of Hanbok grabbed the beast. They chose the cub of the beast, but they found that there is no way to improve their attributes."

"Could it be that Wuming didn't rely on sacred beasts to become stronger?" Some head asked strangely.

Lao Peng frowned, "It's still not right now, maybe Wuming has obtained some special exercises and established a connection with the beast."

Xiaoyao nodded, "It's possible, in fact, I've been wondering. In this battle, the mad **** never showed up. Think about it, if the mad **** can also gain the power of the **** beast, he should be stronger than the nameless, then destroy the foreign server player. It's almost the same as playing, but he hasn't made a move, maybe because he didn't find this way!"

Brother Glasses agreed, "Old Peng, Xiaoyao, this kind of your speculation coincides with the mainstream speculation from Korea. They now suspect that Brother Wuming is a spiritual master, and the spiritual master is the easiest to have a special relationship with pets. Contact occupation."

Old Peng thought for a while and said, "These are just speculations, but from my observation, the nameless fighting method is not like a spiritual master. You must know that the spiritual master mainly relies on spiritual things to fight, and he depends on himself. ."

Xiaoyao sighed, "I can't guess the nameless profession, but there is no doubt that this time, many countries have compensated a lot of materials, so our national service nine days has begun to truly enter a new era of professional distinction!"

Lao Peng nodded, and finally said, "In nine days, there are boundless opportunities. Don't be frustrated because you haven't caught the beast once!"

"In this new era, we must catch up!"

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