Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 114: Do business with integrity

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& Twelve hours, Lu Chen brushed the Tiger King 9 times, with eight heads at full level, and even he himself was only slightly upgraded.

In 9 copies, Lu Chen sold a total of 830,000 materials and equipment!

"It takes 400,000 prestige to recruit another subordinate, Nima, it's really expensive!" Lu Chen complained. It stands to reason that if he recruits another new subordinate, he can continue to use it.

However, given the expensive upgrade requirements of the Legion Order and the current market price, many guilds tried to enter the Tiger King Cavern, and Lu Chen gave up.

"I can't always stop upgrading, forget it, sell the equipment and change places!"

Lu Chen knows this well if he has level advantages.

Now the outer service has the Shadow Gale Jacket. The Black Iron Youjin Sword is sold. The price of the jacket is about RMB 18,000. The shipping rate of the Youjin Sword is relatively high. It will be dropped during the ordinary copy stage, so although it is a weapon, its attributes are also very good. , But the price is not as expensive as the jacket, the price is 11,000 yuan.

Of course, this is a foreign service. They have higher grades, more shipments, and naturally lower prices. The initial price is definitely more than that.

It was precisely this point that Lu Chen had taken into consideration, and then he squeezed time to ship. When the other guilds actually came out, the price might come down again.

"42 Youjin Swords, 27 Shadow Gale Jackets, 26 Dark Frost Cloaks, 24 Dark Night Pants... Hiss, yes, the Dark Frost Cloak has a special effect enhancement. I need to equip two other equipment at the same time, then I should They are sold in sets, and the price can be higher..."

"And Tiger Cry, 25, the price is uncertain."

"There is also the blood of the tiger, the head of the tiger, the iron blood seems to want to buy it, leave them two copies...how much do you want to sell?"

Pricing was really a headache, and Lu Chen finally quit.

"Damn, my brain hurts, it's uncertain, 10 points handling fee is 10 points, apply for a personal auction!" Lu Chen opened the mailbox.

Without even thinking about it, the people who bought the Wild Wave Guild must have sent him emails.

Lu Chen sent mass emails in the name of the Wild Waves Association.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the Wild Waves Guild will hold an auction!

This news was even more shocking than the original auction of Mad God.

"Brother Wuming is about to hold an auction? Is he going to cry?"

"He does have other tiger sobbings. Speaking of tiger sobbing, tsk tsk, that attribute is really greedy."

"Actually, I am more interested in the cloak and trousers of Brother Wuming. Only Brother Wuming has these two pieces of equipment, but he has never shown the attributes of the two equipment."

At 7:30 in the evening, the auction room of the Crazy Wave Auction was full of people, and the number of people who received the number exceeded 8,000!

Fortunately, it is a virtual room, so many people can squeeze it out.

At eight o'clock, Wuming entered the room, his voice rang.

"Thank you for coming here. Everyone must be busy leveling, so let's not waste time and get to the point."

"Explanation, this time I mainly sell the three defensive suits of the Tiger King, the Golden Sword and Tiger Weeping, as well as blue and purple materials."

"Start with the You Jinjian, three shots per shot, starting at 20,000 yuan, and the minimum price increase is 1,000."

Everyone has seen You Jinjian, and the three bosses in Tiger King Cave have a chance to drop, and the drop rate is pretty good.

If they wait another day, they might be able to do it themselves.

but! It's just that none of the major guilds has been assigned the Youjin Sword, and the loss of team equipment, so it becomes very strategic to get the Youjin Sword in advance.

Lu Chen just made an offer, and someone immediately competed.

"No. 4337, bid..." Lu Chen checked the information given to him by the back office, "30,000 yuan."

This No. 4337 is also a tough one, and the starting price will be increased by 10,000 directly! He didn't follow Lu Chen's request at all.

"No. 591, 40,000 yuan."

Another bid.

"No. 8112, 45,000 yuan."

"No. 10341, 47,000 yuan."

The price reached around 50,000 yuan, and the growth rate began to slow down.

49000, 50000, 54000!

"Okay, buyer No. 694, a transaction of 54,000 yuan!"

At this price, Lu Chen didn't expect that his equipment sold well before. There was a very important factor. The player didn't know where to buy it.

But the Youjin Sword is different. All players know that this sword came from the Tiger King's Cave, and soon after, players will be able to use it, and it will eventually be sold at a price of 18,000 yuan, which is quite good.

Since then, the transaction price of the 13 sets of Youjin Swords was about 50,000 yuan, and they were quickly sold out.

The following are the three pieces of the Tiger King’s armor. Since Lu Chen didn’t complete the two copies in the first two, and once he quit the copies by his own show operation, the number of three-piece suits was different. Lu Chen planned to put out the extra copies first. Pieces sold.

"The following is the Shadow Gale Jacket." Lu Chen showed the attributes of the clothes. "This time they are sold in three pieces together. The starting price is 40,000 yuan, and the price is increased by 2,000."

The price of the foreign service is 18,000, and in this auction, the initial asking price quickly broke through 60,000!

After the competition, the final transaction was 81,000 yuan, and the unit price was 27,000 yuan. This price was only unsatisfactory.

"The following is the dark frost cloak, this time I will produce two, let's show the attributes first."

The auction, which was originally calm, finally became different at this moment.

Dark frost cloak, the outer service has never appeared! Great hanbok, big kimono, such a powerful foreign clothing, not even one of them!

why? Because it is the number two hidden BOSS drop! If it weren't for Wuming, many people don't even know that Tiger King Cave has No. 2 hidden BOSS!

The Shadow Gale Jacket was also difficult to fight, but it was finally sold at a unit price of 27,000, because no matter how difficult it was to fight, it appeared!

As for the dark frost cloak, except for the nameless, everyone else doesn't even know its attributes!

At this moment, the audience who watched the live auction began to stir.

"Look at the special effects of the cloak, Frozen Roar! I rely on, it turns out that Brother Wuming used this cloak. It is super abnormal and directly freezes all enemies around 25 meters! And the control time is super long!"

"Nima, the things dropped by the hidden BOSS on No. 2 are different. This skill should not be too useful for clearing the wild in a group!"

"No, you can see clearly that it is an enhanced special effect. You must equip the Tiger King three-piece at the same time to reach 25 meters, usually 15 meters.

"15 meters is also very big, OK, I bet, the guild will definitely be crazy to see this equipment!"

Naturally, Lu Chen didn't have time to watch the live broadcast. The auctions were too stable before, and Lu Chen's mood was not upset, so he quickly sold the blue outfit.

"Starting, 40,000, an increase of 2,000, let's get started."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he waited for background information.

Soon the information came, and the system screened out the fastest bidder.

When he saw this offer, Lu Chen was taken aback.

"No. 2883, 80,000?" Lu Chen frowned. Did he misread this item? He sold two pieces this time.

"Pay attention, this time the shipment is two, not three. Don't make a mistake in the price." Lu Chen repeated.

In business, we need to be honest, and we don’t just sell one piece. We should make it clear or make it clear.

Didi didi, Lu Chen frantically bounced messages backstage, Lu Chen frowned and clicked on the message.

"Number 04, 90000?"

Did this group of people catch what they said just now...

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