Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1137: Sudden Change

Although it took more than a day and only reached a level, Lu Chen felt that he had won.

"Hahahaha, I finally researched it clearly!" Lu Chen laughed a few times and stepped onto the second step.

However, Lu Chen followed the method of the first step, and as soon as he stepped on it, his left foot fell directly into the stone steps.

"I'm going! What's the situation!" Lu Chen hurriedly withdrew his foot.

After a closer inspection, Lu Chen discovered a horrible thing. The aura structure of the second step was different from that of the first step.

Because of this, after he released aura after imitating the first step, it failed at the second step.

"My god! I'm just going up the stairs!" Lu Chen almost collapsed.

As a last resort, he began to study the second step.

However, worse things are yet to come.

In the process of research, Lu Chen changed his aura operation mode, which directly caused him to fall into the first step.

Lu Chen looked at his sunken feet and almost collapsed.

"No, isn't it? It is necessary to quickly control the aura and change the way the aura works when raising your feet, so that you can step up to the next level?"

"This is too difficult. The auras of the supporting feet and the moving feet need to be kept different and change all the time. To what extent is it necessary to control the aura to achieve this level?"

Returning to the starting point and looking at the mountain in front of him again, Lu Chen only felt that this was probably the most difficult mountain in the world to climb.

But Lu Chen is not a person who gives up easily. The good news now is that Lu Chen has thoroughly figured out how to climb the stone steps. As long as the method is correct, he can climb the mountain!

"I don't believe I can't go up!" Lu Chen cursed, and stepped onto the first step.

This time, after he lifted his left foot, he kept his left foot suspended for a long time, and at the same time, tried to change the aura movement of the left meridian of his body.

It took a full half an hour for the "Golden Rooster to be independent" before Lu Chen took the second step.

This time, his left foot did not fall into the stone steps.

"Very good, the third step!" Lu Chen quickly observed the aura fluctuations of the third step with the **** and demon's heavenly eyes, landing on his left foot and lifting his right foot.

"It is too difficult to form two aura flows in the body at the same time." Lu Chen gritted his teeth, but now he has no other better way, so he can only proceed step by step and continue climbing.

The third order is successful!

Lu Chen couldn't help but looked up. There was no end in sight of this ladder, as if it was going to the sky. He didn't know how far he could go in five days.

"It doesn't matter, how far you can go!" Lu Chen retracted his mind, focused on his feet, and began to climb the stone steps.


In the Emperor Tianxian Palace, his subordinates reported to Taihao the results of the investigation on the Purple Mountain Continent.

"We have ascertained that the purple beam of light at that time was emitted from the starry illusion. We can't find out the specific situation for the time being. It is only certain that the celestial vision was very strong at that time, and the Ziye Tianzi was not in the starry illusion.

Tai Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, "No matter what it is that can cause the Stardust Abnormality, it is very terrifying."

"And the stardust vision this time actually came from the starry illusion. If the Ziye Tianzi was not in the illusion at that time, that is to say, it is the eclipse of Jiuer!"

"Undercover Jiu'er, what great opportunity did you get?!" Taihao frowned, "Couldn't it be... Collect the Underworld Chaos Set!"

Among the eclipse opportunities, the collection of suits is obviously one of the biggest opportunities, and after the collection of the eclipse chaos, they can indeed trigger the celestial vision!

Unfortunately, there is no conclusion yet, and Taihao can only be a guess.

"Is there any movement in Tianyin Pavilion?" Tai Hao asked.

"Palace lord, all members of Tianyin Pavilion are currently on guard, waiting to welcome the birth of the old Tianyin ghost. Because the defense is too strict, we cannot infiltrate and obtain more information."

Taihao nodded.

"Palace Master, in addition to Tianyin Pavilion, Huaxianzong, Guigu Gate, Jiandang Mountain, and Five Poison Organ Mountain seem to have all changed. Those old guys seem to be restless."

"In addition, Anbu also found the figures of some hidden masters..."

Tai Hao took a deep breath, "I have sent people to investigate elsewhere. I guess these super powers who are about to cross the catastrophe should be aware of something."

"Since Eclipse Jiuer came to Sixth Heaven, these things have happened one after another, which really makes people feel breathless."

After the subordinates left, Tian Xiner walked out from behind Taihao.

Seeing her daughter with a sad face, Taihao felt very distressed. Now that she learned about the star vision, this girl should be more worried.

"Father, what horrible thing Lu Chen is going to face this time..." Xin'er lowered her eyebrows and sighed, "I'm afraid that Wuming will not bear it when the time comes. He said he wants to save Jiu'er. , Then he won't kill Eclipse, but Eclipse will never show mercy!"

Tai Hao sighed. As the lord of the Emperor Tianxian Palace, Tai Hao often put himself in the other side and think about problems from the other side's point of view, which helps him to infer the other side's next move.

However, when he faced the current problem from Lu Chen's perspective, he could not find the best way to deal with it.

At this time, I guess no one wants to be Lu Chen. No one wants to face the things he will face next.

"The only chance now is to see what kind of opportunities the kid can get in the realm of the immortal emperor Xumi," Tai Hao said, "if he can realize the realm, he can still fight."

"Father, since the establishment of the Emperor Tianxian Palace, I don’t know how many geniuses and wizards have entered the Xumi realm, and only the ancestor has realized the aisle realm, and it is also mentioned in "The Past of the Immortal Palace" that the ancestor before entering the Xumi realm , I have already got a glimpse of the secret, half of my foot has stepped into the realm." Xiner said, shaking her head.

Taihao was naturally aware of this matter. It seemed that although her daughter was worried about Lu Chen, she was still sensible, and she could not just be perfunctory.

Taihao took his daughter's hand and said earnestly, "Xin'er, Lu Chen can walk all the way. To be honest, I have never thought of a mortal without any background. He must have created a number of things by himself. Unclear miracle."

"At this time, all of our worries are of no avail. If we want to resolve this matter, we can only rely on him!"

"Either he continues to go against the sky, or he falls here, this is something we cannot control."

Taihao looked at his daughter with tears in his eyes, and said softly, "I know you want Dad to send someone to help him, but you also know that the old Tianyin ghost is about to be born, when the sixth heaven is throbbing, the hidden world is strong People appeared one after another. As the lord of the Emperor Tianxian Palace, I must keep this ten thousand years of foundation, otherwise, how can I be worthy of Master, how can I be worthy of Master Master, how can I be worthy of the 100,000 disciples of Huangtian Xian Palace?"

Tian Xin'er whirled tearfully and looked at her father distressedly.

Although she was worried about Lu Chen, she was also worried about her father.

Lu Chen had to face the eclipse of Jiu Er, and what his father had to face next would be an even more unimaginable shocking change.

"Father, Xin'er understands that Xiner shouldn't force her father."

Taihao touched Xin'er's head, "If Eclipse Jiuer gathers the Eclipse Chaos Set, then this matter will become more complicated."

"No matter how the situation develops, in short, let's take a look at this fateful battle between the eclipsing chaos and the gods and demons against the sky!"

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