Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1138: Ladder without shortcuts

Sixth Heaven had just been calm for a while, and the atmosphere began to become a bit wrong.

Rumor has it that someone from the King Realm Nine Stars peak master appeared in a certain continent.

It was also rumored that there was a mysterious visitor from a certain college, and some people recognized it as a super genius once in the college.

In Fenglaishengyuan, the dean, deputy dean and others are waiting anxiously for something at the mountain gate.

Not long after, an elegant woman stood in front of Fenglai Shengyuan Mountain.

Seeing this woman, Li Wei, Yaohe rushed over first, "Sister Qingli!"

The woman looked at Liwei and Yaohe, but nodded calmly. Her indifferent contrast formed a sharp contrast with the enthusiasm of Liwei and Yaohe.

"You are all here. During this time, I will live in Fenglai first." As he said, I left the two of them and walked towards the Fenglai Holy Monastery. Even the dean bent over and called her "Uncle" as if he had not heard.

Liwei and Yaohe looked at each other and couldn't help sighing.

"Sister Liwei, Sister Qingli is about to cross the robbery. She has worked hard to cut off the emotions of the world, and she doesn't even feel it when she sees us."

Li Wei sighed, "I still remember that when we were young, she took care of us the most. She grew up with me since we were young, but now... I really don't know if Xiuxian is good or not."

Yaohe looked lonely, but soon raised her head again, "Sister Qingli said, if anyone dares to move Feng, let her know. I think she should still miss us."

Li Wei shook her head, "Perhaps this is just the idea of ​​a strong man. If someone moves Feng, he is disrespectful to her, and it may not be an old feeling."

Sister Qingli is back. This may be the last time the three of their sisters have been reunited, but Qingli does not seem to know Liwei and Yaohe.

At the same time, in the holy courtyard of the gods and demons.

King Xuan Jia had purchased seven inns near the Immortal Corpse Tomb in advance, and was taking people to expand operations, so he was too busy to see anyone.

Because it was a rush, King Xuan Jia paid a very high salary.

However, unexpectedly, in the face of the temptation of a high salary, Ye Fan did not go to the Immortal Corpse Tomb, soaking in the Jingxiu Pavilion all day.

Xiao Zhan and Chu Tian went to see it twice, and the guy sat there alone, completely entering the cultivation state.

Xiao Zhan said to Chu Tian, ​​"Senior brother, Ye Fan wouldn't think about it? After all, the grievances between Zitian Palace and the dean were caused by him."

Chu Tian shook his head and said, "I can't say the same. I heard that the woman who came to challenge last time knew the dean, and she wanted to kill the dean. It just happened to be used by Zitian Palace."

"Don't worry, Junior Brother Ye Fan will not be so fragile. I think he wants to become stronger faster. I haven't seen him cultivate so hard for a long time."

"Then we have to work harder, I will accompany Ye Fan to the Purple Heaven Palace at that time!" Xiao Zhan said.

Chu Tian curled his lips, "The slogan was screaming loudly, why did you go? Now the Jingxiu Pavilion and the Jiye Pavilion are overcrowded. Those juniors and sisters have heard that masters have appeared frequently recently, and they seem to be very excited and start to practice crazy. Up."

Xiao Zhan narrowed his eyes slightly, "The more masters, the better, so that I can start to be serious! Brother, go and call Ye Fan, Wuxuan and Tianyu."

"Huh? They are all cultivating, let's not disturb him."

"No, there is something to cultivate in Jingxiu Pavilion, I will take you to a good place." After all, Xiao Zhan took Chu Tian, ​​pulled out Ye Fan, and went to find Wuxuan and Tianyue.

"Hey, I have a practice space here. I usually don't want to use it, but this time I am bleeding heavily and I will take you with me." Xiao Zhan said mysteriously, "As long as you have the ability, it is not difficult to get the cash roll! But each person needs to pay 1 million spiritual stones."

"Oh? Is there such a good place? Well, you wait, I'll raise money."

"I'll go as well……"

Suddenly, only Xiao Zhan and Ye Fan were left here.

Xiao Zhan looked at Ye Fan in surprise, "Junior Brother, don't you have 1 million in your possession?"

"Brother, do you think I am a rich man?"

"Not like!"

"That's it, I just borrowed a huge sum of 2 million yuan from Senior Brother Xuan Jia two days ago... Recently, I need a lot of materials for cultivation."

"No, then... I can tell you, my brother will settle the account, don't want to use my cultivation space for nothing, this thing is to spend money to buy spiritual energy!"

"Brother, how could I be for nothing, or else, you lend me 1 million? Is it OK?" Ye Fan said seriously, "You can't leave me alone."

"This... Ye Fan, I even wonder if you can pay off Senior Brother Xuan Jia's debt..."

Ye Fan sighed, "Hey, brothers are all deceptive, and the relationship between you and me is not worth a million spiritual stones! Brother, thank you for calling me, but I really can't get so much. Money, I went back to Jingxiu Pavilion."

Xiao Zhan was grinning with anger. This guy clearly said that he was ruthless and righteous, and he was also like a victim.

"Well, you have to come!" Xiao Zhan called to Ye Fan, "It's OK, I can't lend you it! You said you are the strongest disciple of the gods and demons, how can you be so poor!"

Ye Fan immediately turned around with a smile on his face, "Hey, I know Junior Brother Xiao is the best!"

Xiao Zhan shook his head helplessly, "Hey, when the dean comes back, you can learn financial management from him."

Speaking of the dean, Ye Fan couldn't help but put away his smile, "I don't know what the dean is doing now."

"Yes, I think so many super powers have suddenly appeared recently. Maybe it is related to the seven-day appointment between the dean and Zitiangong. This time I am really worried about him."

"The dean has been to the Emperor Tianxian Palace for three days. I don't know if he has gained anything."


It has been three full days since Lu Chen entered the Xumi Realm. Except for the first day, he was in a coma. He hasn't rested for the past two days, and he has been struggling with his vision.

Each level of this step is different, and Lu Chen must constantly change the operation of his spiritual power.

At first, it took Lu Chen half an hour to walk up the first step, and to the last two, twenty minutes, ten minutes, five minutes...

Now, Lu Chen can quickly change the way the spiritual power runs inside the body within three minutes, and step onto the first step in three minutes.

However, after three days of walking, there are still countless steps ahead.

There are only two days left, and what Lu Chen is on the top of the mountain does not know, and even if there is a chance, he may still need to understand, and I don’t know how long it will take!

But Lu Chen suppressed the anxiety in his heart and focused on perceiving aura.

Here, there are no shortcuts, tens of thousands of times, hundreds of thousands of times of continuous practice, to improve their speed.

That is, in Lu Chen's mood, Lu Chen's speed is still increasing.

Twenty levels in an hour, 30 levels in an hour, and 50 levels in an hour!

After half a day, Lu Chen took a short rest.

"I can see the aura movement in the steps at a glance. I can adjust my aura movement in a minute or so. It is many times stronger than when I started."

"There seems to be a natural feeling!"

"Madan, Jiu'er is upgrading crazily in the Star Fantasy Realm, I am climbing crazily here..."

"Forget it, no matter what, continue to increase the speed!"

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