Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1139: Mount Sumeru

On the fifth day after entering the fairy emperor Xumi realm, Lu Chen's climbing speed had already reached a step of one second.

Seeing through the aura characteristics of the stone steps at a glance, quickly changing the aura movement of one foot, all of this was completed in only one second.

However, Lu Chen did not meet his current speed, he was still practicing.

When this level is reached, Lu Chen's progress is faster than before, from one level per second to two levels per second, one second**!

Four days and 20 hours after entering the Emperor Tianxian Palace, Lu Chen finally saw the end of the ladder!

"Is it finally here?" Lu Chen speeded up and rushed up!

When standing on the top of this ten thousand-foot mountain, Lu Chen looked down, and the ladder he walked was too long to see the end.

"I actually came up!"

Immediately, Lu Chen shook his head helplessly. It was only 4 hours before he left the Emperor Tianxian Palace, and the only thing he had done in the past few days was to climb the 10,000-meter ladder.

Although his control of aura is many times stronger than before, can this degree defeat the Underworld?

Lu Chen didn't care so much, turned around and looked towards the top of the mountain.

In front of him, there was a stone monument, and Lu Chen walked over to check it.

[Thousand Tribulation Deng Xumi, look at the situation indifferently]

"This is really Mount Xumi?" Lu Chen was a little surprised. Didn't Taihao say that everyone encounters different adventures in Xumi Realm. Who knows that he has actually reached Mount Xumi, which is the most compatible with Xumi Realm.

"Look at the wind and clouds rising indifferently?" Lu Chen smiled slightly and looked down the mountain.

Standing on the top of the Wanzhang Mountain, you can see the clouds and mist entwined in the middle of the mountain, as if you are on the sea of ​​clouds.

Lu Chen felt relaxed and refreshed.

"Although I didn't get any chance, but to take a look at the beauty, it's not a trip to Mount Xumi for nothing." Lu Chen smiled slightly.

At this moment, I forgot many worries and just wanted to enjoy the majestic landscape in front of me.

"Lu Chen..."

Behind him, a voice suddenly came.

Lu Chen hurriedly turned around!

The top of the mountain is not big, but a small piece of rocky flat land. When he first came here, he didn't see anything.

How can there be people in such a place?

After turning around, Lu Chen did not see a figure.

But the voice did not disappear.

"Congratulations, you have conquered the king of the mountains."

Lu Chen frowned, "Who are you?"

"Hahaha, don't be nervous, I am Mount Xumi under your feet." The thick voice laughed.

"Mount Xumi..." Lu Chen was a little surprised. What was talking to him was that it was Mount Xumi's consciousness?

If it is really the consciousness of Mount Xume, Lu Chen would like to ask him some questions.

"Senior Taihao told me that everyone has different adventures here. Why didn't I get any chance? Do you have any treasures here?"

"Hahahaha, I don’t know the predecessor Taihao in your mouth, but the immortal emperor Xumi realm is indeed different from person to person." Xumishan consciousness said, "Some people get immortality here, some people get ancient warfare here, some To enhance combat power, some people can understand the mood."

"But, he didn't tell you, did anyone return empty-handed?"

Lu Chen smiled bitterly and shook his head, "He didn't say, but...now I know." He is the one who left empty-handed.

But immediately, Lu Chen smiled relievedly, "In fact, it's not empty-handed. My aura is already quite adept. Although this kind of improvement can be improved by practice in the outside world, at least it has also improved a lot. "

"Besides..." Lu Chen turned to look at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, "It's not for nothing to see such a scenery."

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect you to be such an open-minded person." Mount Xumi laughed consciously.

Suddenly, Lu Chen found an old man in white clothes standing beside him, standing side by side with him, holding his hands together, looking at the scenery in front of him.

Lu Chen wasn't too shocked this time, the old man might have been transformed by Mount Xumi.

In short, he has no malice. It is lonely above this peak, and it is a good thing to be accompanied.

"This way, it's difficult." The old man said lightly, looking into the distance.

Although it was just such a simple sentence, Lu Chen's heart was shocked, and there was even a blockage in his throat.

The nine-day road has never been easy for him.

Lu Chen took a deep breath and smiled, "It's okay."

The old man smiled and looked at Lu Chen, "I'm talking about mountain climbing."

Lu Chen froze for a moment... It seemed that he was thinking too much.

"I have been watching you climb the mountain. There are a total of 810,000 steps. You have not crossed any steps."

Lu Chen almost spit out blood, can he still take two steps? One of his favorites to find bugs, he forgot about this!

"This...I was too focused on controlling Reiki at the time, and I forgot."

The old man laughed, "Hahaha, I didn't expect you to be an interesting person."

"However, in my opinion, you did not forget, but did not think about it. You are eager to improve your strength in any environment, and you do not let go of every opportunity to become stronger, which makes you not think about how to quickly At the top." The old man put a smile away.

Lu Chen did not deny this. In his situation at the time, he really wanted to improve his ability to perceive and control aura.

"Your spiritual energy was originally imperfect. With the help of the gods and demons, you finally got on the right track. After 810,000 more exercises, Lu Chen, your spiritual energy has reached the peak of the first level. "

Lu Chen frowned, "Still only the first level? There is no qualitative change."

"Senior, how many levels of spiritual energy are there?" Lu Chen asked again.

"Three levels." Xu Mi said, "The first level enters the micro-level realm, and the spirit of the mind enters the silk, and the movement is like an arm. The second level of the real state of the spirit, the view of the spirit is true, and the movement is free. Hong, your luck is arbitrary."

"Of course there should be a fourth level, but that is no longer the scope of the subtle aura. The subtle aura is not a normal Dao state, it is a Dao Dao state."

Lu Chen furrowed his brows. Is it so difficult to have a subtle spiritual energy?

Lu Chen shook his head. It seemed that he couldn't realize the Dao Realm this time.

The old man smiled slightly and did not continue the topic. He suddenly said, "Lu Chen, now you are standing on top of the peak. Then I ask you, if there is a mountain in front of you, will you continue to climb?"

Without thinking about it, Lu Chen said, "Yes!"

"What if Mount Xumi has no end?"

Lu Chen was surprised, "There is no end? I don't believe it! As long as you keep walking, you will always reach the peak!"

The old man nodded, "Sure enough, you are also someone who doesn't want to take a break."

"Okay, then I will tell you, you are just standing at the foot of Mount Xumi now!" The old man finished speaking and waved his hand.

All of a sudden, the world shook, and Lu Chen hurriedly looked back.

Behind him, the clouds dispersed, and a huge mountain appeared in front of him.

The mountain rushes straight into the sky, even if there is no cloud cover, there is still no end in sight, as if straight to the sky, like a god!

The "peak" he was on, in front of this huge mountain, was not even a tip of the iceberg, it was so small that it could be ignored.

"This is the real Tongtian Sumeru Mountain." The old man smiled slightly, "Actually, this is your chance, it depends on whether you can grasp it!"

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