Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1151: Back to the fifth heaven

"Dad?" Jiu'er looked at the "married" man in horror, "My son is this old? I understand, I understand."

Jiu'er rushed out, leaving only the father and son with a dumb face.

"Dad, what do sister Jiu'er understand?" Little Beast looked confused.

Lu Chen took a deep breath, walked over to Little Beast, put his shoulders on his shoulders, and said earnestly, "Little Beast, this time out for experience is a very important opportunity for you. You must practice well outside."

"I asked you to protect Sister Green. What kind of sound transmission talisman do you use? Besides, if you have something, Little Green will also transmit the sound to me."

"So, don't care about the sound transmission talisman, practice well is the key! This time you go out, don't go home unless your strength is increased by five or ten times."

The little beast blinked his eyes, "Dad, do you trust me so?"

"Of course, you are a beast **** after all."

"Okay, I know that Dad likes me the most, so I'm leaving!" Before leaving, Xiao Beast gave Lu Chen a big hug, "Dad, I will miss you!"

"Also, quickly find me a stepmother, don't be alone."

Lu Chen had tears in his eyes, what a sensible child...

After Thiotian returned the attributes to Jiu'er, they were also leaving, and Lu Chen personally sent them out of the Sacred Court of Gods and Demons.

Back at the college, Yunhai said that Jiuer had already left.

Before leaving, Jiuer left a letter.

Lu Chen opened it hurriedly.

[Anonymous, although you didn't say the reason, I know why you didn't come to propose marriage. 】

[You have more important things to do. You will not stop for a woman. 】

[I don't want to be an obstacle to your growth. In fact, I just wanted an answer from you that day, but it seems that the time is not ripe. 】

[Anonymous, I'm leaving first. Now that I have gained the power of Eclipse, then I also have to shoulder the responsibility of protecting Taiwu Star, so I'm leaving first. 】

[Finally, I really want to say thank you when facing you, but I am afraid that the word thank you can neither express my gratitude, but also make us look like alive. Then, I hope we have a chance to see you again. 】

[By the way, there is one more thing, even if you went to propose a marriage at the time, I might not agree to it! Humph! 】

Lu Chen earnestly read the letter that Jiuer left him, and sighed, "Hey, the two times are only one step away from getting out of the order, and they were both destroyed by the little beast! Is this guy sent by God to punish me!"

In any case, Jiu'er is gone, and the marriage proposal seems to have gone bad.

Not only that, Lu Chen looked around a room and couldn't see the girl who was always busy honing medicine and alchemy here, and suddenly became a little deserted.

It seems that Lu Chen has long been accustomed to Lu Yiyi by his side. He couldn't see Lu Yiyi at all, and he was a little uncomfortable.

Lu Chen stood up and said, "The eclipse was resolved, but the surroundings became deserted. Forget it, now that I've all gone out, I'll go see Lu Yi too."

After that, Lu Chen confessed to Yunhai and the others, and went to Zhongxian Pavilion.


Gu Fei and the others are now in the fifth heaven, and Lu Chen directly descended to the fifth heaven this time.

This time he didn't worry about going back. When next month, Zhongxian Pavilion would open the portal again.

If it really doesn't work, he can also directly break into the Tower of Heaven. It just so happens that he and the puppet master still have old accounts to make a clear calculation!

As soon as he arrived at the Fifth Heaven, Lu Chen looked at this familiar world and took a deep breath.

"Haha, I'm the only one who is back!"

The location where Lu Chen appeared was not far from his home country, so Lu Chen went to his home country first.

Just ten miles away from the main mineral vein, a large-scale city has now been built. In terms of the city's scale, it does not even lose to the Dongyue State Palace.

At this time, the city did not know what ceremony was being held, and a large number of people gathered in the city.

Lu Chen was taken directly to the square by the crowd.

Maybe it's too crowded. No one here recognizes Lu Chen. Only a few people occasionally look at Lu Chen, muttering how the person is so familiar.

Although Lu Chen's appearance has not changed much now, his height has reached 1.85 meters, and his temperament has also changed a lot when he left the fifth heaven.

"What are you doing?" Lu Chen was a little strange.

On the square stands a huge statue, thirty meters high.

The statue had white hair and an extremely handsome face. Lu Chen knew at a glance that the statue was carving him.

He actually erected a statue for him...

The feet of this statue have been touched by the people and it is estimated that the people usually like to touch the statue to make a wish or something.

In the crowd, when Lu Chen still saw many people passing by the statue, they made a pious wish to the statue, then touched the statue's toe, still muttering words.

"Bless the original god, I hope I can pass the assessment this time."

"For the protection of the original god, I hope I can break through the realm of cultivation as soon as possible..."

In the crowd, Lu Chen has a black line, can he bless others to pass the assessment? He just got the lowest score in history, what can he do to bless others?

In any case, the people showed great respect for the statue and were extremely religious when making wishes.

Not long after, on the tower in front of the square, a woman walked out of the city gate, holding a piece of golden talisman, and excitedly said to everyone in the audience, "Everyone, our first withdrawal volume was successfully refined!"

The audience suddenly burst into cheers.

Although the withdrawal volume produced for the first time had only one attribute, it is not known how many attempts it took to succeed, but this did not affect the excitement of everyone.

Lu Chen finally understood that today is a celebration party for the refining and extracting scrolls in the original city.

For earth players, this is definitely good news, and for the aboriginals, from the supply of raw materials to the successful extraction of cash coupons, it will also bring them considerable benefits, which can be used to exchange more resources.

Lu Chen didn't know the person who announced the result, but Lu Chen knew almost all the people standing behind the tower.

There are leaders of the aboriginal people, and there are people from the Earth Alliance.

"There are more and more people in the five heavens on the earth, and the guide plan is really powerful. This is a good thing." Lu Chen finished speaking and went directly to Lu Yi and the others.

In the western part of Diyuan City, Lu Chen finally found a place where players from the earth gathered.

Although the number of Earth players is not too many, the living area is not small, accounting for almost half of the original city.

It seems that the aborigines have reserved a place for earth players in advance.

As soon as he saw Lu Chen, the earth player in charge of the guard work was stunned.

"Crazy God? I, am I right? Is that man a Crazy God?"

Several other people hurriedly looked at Lu Chen, and after a while, several people recognized Lu Chen.

Suddenly, several big men screamed, "It's really crazy!"

The soldiers patrolling behind him and the earth players on the practice field rushed over when they heard the sound. When they saw Lu Chen, dozens of people rushed over.

The news spread faster than Lu Chen left, and dozens of people flew out from behind.

In addition to Xiaoyao, Lu Yi, Xingchen and other earth players, they also have their friends Shuang Lingshuang Wu, Bei Xue Gu Fei, Dong Fang Ji, Zhen Guo Yan Ran, Di Weng, and even Li Bashan, Chasing Clouds, and others.

Lu Chen saw many familiar people hurriedly walking towards him from a distance.

They were all old friends. Lu Chen smiled slightly and speeded up and walked over.

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