"Big Brother Liba Mountain! Chasing the clouds!" Lu Chen looked at Liba Mountain and the others excitedly, but he didn't expect that they had also come from the Fourth Heaven. "You are all here, I thought you were going to the celebration party in the square."

"Good boy, I don't think I will ever see you in this life!" Li Bashan patted Lu Chen's shoulder vigorously, "We have just arrived at the Fifth Heaven, and we actually met you."

"We've got the news a long time ago. The high-level aboriginal people have already notified us. Now that there are too many people in the square, we didn't go." Zhuiyun said.

"Smelly boy." Xiao Weng said with a smile, "Is Xiao Yuan okay?"

Lu Chen summoned Xiao Yuan immediately. After seeing Xiao Yuan, Xiao Yuan ran to him and rubbed him.

It is said that during the years when Lu Chen was absent, Xiaoyuan was always taken care of by Xiaoyuan, and Xiaoyuan and Xiaoyuan had a strong relationship.

Xingchen said, "Head, the aborigines also miss you very much. Since you are back, do you want to tell them?"

Lu Chen shook his head, "Forget it, it's okay to see the development of my home country so well, I can only stay for one month this time, I'm afraid they will know that I'm here, and it will be a lot of trouble."

"Brother!" Lu Yi happily turned Lu Chen's arms.

"Brother!" Bei Xue Gufei also followed.

Lu Chen gave Bei Xue a lonely look, "Are you older than me, also called my brother?"

Beixue Gufei was a little embarrassed, "You are Yiyi's eldest brother, and naturally my eldest brother is also my eldest brother. This age does not matter, and the seniority shouldn't be messy.

Lu Chen looked at Beixue Gufei's embarrassment, and couldn't help laughing. This guy is also a rare kendo wizard.

"Luo Fei, I asked Yiyi to tell you before that I want to visit your world. Have you applied?"

Gu Fei said, "The application is complete. The family originally didn't let you go. After all, your current strength is too strong, and they have some scruples."

Lu Chen nodded, "Then what then?"

"Later, my sister said to let you go, but they finally agreed."

"Your sister?"

"Well, my sister is Beixue Qingling, you have a fate, but you may not remember."

Lu Chen definitely didn't remember it, but anyway, since the Beixue family agreed, he should look back and thank you.

It is rare for Lu Chen to come back. With so many friends here, he would definitely not be able to leave the first day.

In the evening, everyone gathers together, good wine and good meat, a drunk and a rest...

At noon the next day, Lu Chen woke up.

Beixue Gufei and Lu Yi were ready, and the three went directly to a portal in their home country.

After the three of them teleported from the portal, they opened their eyes again, and they had appeared in an icy world.

"Gufei, this is your world?" Lu Chen was a little surprised.

Lu Chen also found it very novel when he first came to the so-called alien.

Gu Fei smiled and said proudly, "Big Brother, it's covered with snow and ice all year round. It's called Icefield Star, and my family is one of the best in Icefield Star."

"Yiyi, brother, follow me. Ninety percent of the ice plane is covered with snow and rivers and oceans. Don’t fall into the ice cave. There are many powerful monsters in it. The strength is very terrifying and you don’t come out in time. If you do, there is almost no chance of surviving." Gu Fei introduced.

Lu Yi said strangely, "You still have Warcraft in your world?"

"Yes, Iceborne was originally a cultivation planet, and there is also aura here. Our body strength is much stronger than your earth. It is not unusual for a monster to appear in our place."

"Are you Gaowu World?" Lu Chen asked.

"It's not a high-level martial arts, your earth is a world of science and technology, and the martial arts is not open, but we are only slightly open. Compared with the world of other races, it is far behind." Gu Fei said, taking out a piece of ice. Zhu, "Brother, Yiyi, wait a moment, I'll contact my family and let them send an ice anchor to connect us."

Lu Chen thought for a while, and said, "Lone Fei, don't bother, I have a mount for withdrawal."

"Oh, that's great."

Lu Chen immediately summoned the shuttle. After all, Shiyi might be too conspicuous here, so let's use the shuttle.

"Yiyi, how about this Taishuo will be given to you in the future?" Lu Chen asked suddenly.

Lu Yi's eyes widened, "Brother, you want to give me Taisuo? Then what will you use in the future?"

"I also withdrew another mount."

"Nine Wings?"

"I went up a little bit, and now I'm Ten Wings." Lu Chen said flatly, "Did Li Muhua tell you last time?"

Lu Yi was stunned for a long time, then said angrily, "That guy didn't tell me!"

The speed of the shuttle was also very fast, a few hours later, it was already close to the territory of the Beixue family.

With his eyes about to reach the Beixue family territory, Gu Fei turned and said to Lu Chen, "Big Brother, our Icefield Star also respects strength. At this time, it is the selection of family disciples. You can also take a look."

"By the way, because the peripheral people also come to the family, many people don't know the identity of the eldest brother, but I am a Northern Snow tribe, somewhat arrogant, in case anyone offends the eldest brother without opening his eyes, please don’t know the eldest brother ."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "I have some good general knowledge with them. Just in case I promised you and Yiyi's marriage, your family should not bully my sister."

"That definitely won't, after all, I'm still in the row at Bei Xue's house!" Gu Fei said proudly.

Lu Yi said coldly, "So powerful, let you beat my brother, why don't you mention it now?"

When it comes to this, Gu Fei suddenly loses his temper, "Beat Big Brother? Forget it, I have been thrown farther and farther now. Compared with Big Brother, I will be exhausting. I'll compare myself."

Lu Chen nodded, "Continuously surpassing yourself is the most effective way to become stronger."

While they were talking, the three of them had already arrived in Beixue's territory, and Lu Chen put away Tai Shuo in advance to show respect.

Beixue’s family occupies an entire building complex, covering several hills, and the scale is extremely large.

At this moment, there were more than a dozen people waiting in front of the gate anxiously, including Mr. Bei Xue, the master of Bei Xue.

Jun Bei Xueling is supporting an old woman with a beautiful girl.

The old woman was holding a dragon stick, eagerly waiting.

Not long after, they saw the figure of three people walking here.

"Come!" an old woman smiled, "Gu Fei finally brought back my grandson and daughter-in-law."

Jun Beixue Ling's gaze fell on Lu Chen, "I am the only one crazy!"

The girl next to the old woman tilted her head and looked at Lu Chen, her eyes smiling, "Big brother, we meet again..."

Beixue Gufei immediately introduced Lu Chen.

Lu Chen still had an impression of some Northern Snow people who had met in nine days, but the old woman and the girl didn't know each other.

"Big brother, Yiyi, this is my grandmother Taizu, this is the Beixue Qingling I mentioned to you, my sister."

Lu Chen led Lu Yi to hold a fist and salute Grandma Taizu, "Grandma Taizu is good."

"Okay, okay! Hurry, it's cold outside, let's get back to the house soon." Grandma Taizu looked at the Lu's brothers and sisters with open eyes, and refused to let go of Lu Yi's hand.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, it seemed that Grandma Taizu liked Lu Yi very much.

Then Lu Chen looked at Beixue Qingling again, "You are Beixue Qingling? I would like to thank you for being able to come to Bingyuan this time, but...we know?"

Beixue Qingling smiled slightly, with a pair of clear eyes, looking at Lu Chen with a smile but a smile, "Big brother, do you really remember me?"

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