Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1156: Fight between ice and fire

Taizu Beixue and King Beixue Ling arrived later, Lu Chen said to the two of them, "You took Gu Fei and Lu Yi out of here. Gu Fei is seriously injured and needs treatment as soon as possible. I didn't expect him to stop him just now. Lone Star, I was careless."

"Brother Du Kuang, this...this is my Bei Xue family's business, but I bother you to do it, Ling Jun is ashamed."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "We are all a family soon, why are you talking about this. Besides, this lone star didn't plan to let us go."

Lu Chen looked at Lu Yi, "It just so happens that when I married my sister, Lu Chen will at least make a name for your Icefield Star, knowing that this is my sister of Lu Chen!"

Gu Fei was almost out of breath, and when he heard Lu Chen's words, he opened his eyes, "Big Brother, you said you..."

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Gu Fei, you don't even need your life for Lu Yi. Why do I have to refuse this marriage?"

As he said, Lu Chen shook his head again, "That's right, your strength is worrying, you have to teach you a few tricks when you have time."

The crowd around was in a cloud of hearing.

This white-haired man, so arguably the number one powerhouse of their Ice Plains? !

** Naked, just say Lone Flying is not good?

As a result, Patriarch Beixue, Taizu was particularly happy after hearing this? !

Who is this guy? !

"Brother, you have to be careful, the strength of Lone Star is too terrifying." Gu Fei said, "You are only a one-star emperor, you must not be careless."

"Unable to unite the soul and body, the strength will be greatly reduced!"

Lu Chen shook his head, "I've said, I'm different from the others. Forget it, I can't explain it clearly to you. You can take care of your injuries and leave it to me here."

Ling Jun and Taizu were about to leave with Gu Fei and Lu Yi, Lu Chen suddenly asked, "Well, there is one more thing."

"Brother Dolly, please say." Ling Jun replied.

"This lone star, I won't stay alive."

Ling Jun glanced at Lone Star. Although he was from the Northern Snow Clan, his previous life was indeed pitiful, but the Northern Snow Clan people never treated him wrongly, but he killed the same family, and today he wants to destroy the Northern Snow Clan.

"Hey, my Beixue family is equal, and both the protagonist and the collateral violation of the family rules are the same crime, not to mention that he has been sentenced to death before..."

Lu Chen nodded, "That's the best."

Ling Jun took Lone Fei and them out of the battlefield. At this time, there were only Lu Chen and Lone Star in the field.

Lone Star narrowed his eyes slightly, and with his strength, it was easy to slaughter Beixue Village, but just now this person easily avoided his own technique...

"who are you?!"

Lu Chen looked at Lone Star indifferently, "Speaking of which, if Yiyi and Gu Fei get married, you should call me your brother-in-law."

"Unfortunately, you probably have no chance to wait until then." Lu Chen couldn't help but sneered.

Lone Star's pupils contracted, "You are really arrogant. Anyway, the people here are going to die, and one more of you will only kill one more person."

"Lao Tzu is now the nine-star peak of the King of Human Realm. I just didn't go to Nine Heavens. If I did, I would be the strongest in the Sixth Heaven. I dare to reluctantly be arrogant with me and see how I will kill you!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present couldn't help but take a breath.

"The Nine Stars of the Human King Realm! My God, the Lone Star has reached the ultimate mortal!"

"What kind of adventure is it in the extremely cold ice cave, it can be such a terrifying improvement in a few years!"

"This is a great opportunity, it is unimaginable even in nine days! I didn't expect it to be obtained by a villain like him."

"No, we all underestimated the strength of Lone Star, Brother Du Kuang is in danger!" Jun Bei Xue Ling said anxiously.

But Grandma Taizu sighed, "It's too late to say anything now. Although we don't want to hurt the lone crazy little friend, Lone Star has no intention of letting anyone off here."

"Now, only the lone mad can fight the Lone Star."

Lu Yi was worried about Lone Fei's injury, and at the same time worried about her brother's battle, only feeling that the world was spinning.

Bei Xue Qingling took Lu Yi's hand and said, "Brother Gu Fei will not be in danger of life. Now the hope of all of us who has moved to survive lies in the nameless brother."

Lu Chen muttered, "Why the opponent I met recently, everyone said that he is the strongest in Sixth Heaven... shouldn't there be only one strongest?"

"Since you are the strongest in Sixth Heaven, let go!" After that, Lu Chen calmly looked at Lone Star.

Lone Star snorted coldly, "How about using a sledgehammer to kill the chicken? Arms out!"

The giant snow ape waiting to be dispatched roared, and his four sturdy arms hammered his chest, demonstrating its power.

This is the real world, but Lu Chen has long been accustomed to fighting on his own.

Not only that, but he also has many things that he can use without having to withdraw.

Although the God and Demon Promise Sword, the God and Demon Lotus Heart cannot be used, but the God and Demon are too empty arms, and the God and Demon can pass through the sky, this is the part that merges with his body, and is directly part of his body, and there is no need to withdraw it.

There is also his battle pet! They have their own bodies, and Lu Chen is just equivalent to bringing them from Nine Heavens to Ice Plains.

After thinking about it, Lu Chen called out Xiao Mao Tuan, "Little Mao Tuan, the monkey is handed over to you."

"Squeaking." Xiao Maotuan looked particularly excited, not only interested in the surrounding environment, but also very happy that he had an opponent, and he swallowed after agreeing to the errand.

After jumping off Lu Chen's hand, Xiao Mao Tuan quickly rushed towards the giant arm sacred ape. As it ran, its body became huge. When it arrived in front of the arm sacred ape, it was already impressive. Body type.

Zifan widened his eyes and said in horror, "What is that? I thought it was a cute pet vole, how can it suddenly become so big!"

"That's Wuming Brother's battle pet swallowing the sky and killing the rat!" Qing Ling exclaimed.

"Swallowing the sky and killing the sacred rat? I haven't seen this kind of war pet from the war pet illustration book."

"There is only one Swallowing Sky and Killing God Rat, and it is not included in the Nine Heavens Battle Pets Illustrated Book."

The little hair ball can no matter what the gibbous ape, pounce on it and bite.

The great ape didn't expect that this huge rat was so fierce and fast, and his shoulder was suddenly bitten by a small hair ball.

However, the strength of the Ape is not weak, the wound is quickly covered by the ice layer, and the small hair ball is not broken in one bite!

Seeing that the four arms of the gibbons were waved, the small hair ball quickly shrank, and crawled along the shoulders of the gibbons to its back, and then quickly became huge, and it was another bite!

Although the armour ape has amazing power, there is no small hair ball that is flexible. It has been extremely angry after being bitten twice, but it can't do it for a while.

At the same time, Lone Star had already rushed towards Lu Chen, "You actually withdrew your battle pet, but you still can't do it with gods and demons! Kill you, I will slaughter Beixue!"

Lu Chen looked at Lone Star and narrowed his eyes slightly. This person would not kill him, he would never be assured that Lu Yi would marry here.

"From the moment you wanted to kill Lu Yi, you were already dead!" Lu Chen said coldly.

"Stop talking nonsense, just pick me up!"

"Ice Soul·Extremely cold!" Surrounded by a cold storm, like a sharp blade, countless ice rushes into Lone Star's fist. His fist was wrapped in a thick layer of ice and expanded a hundred times!

This horrible punch is enough to break through the ice layer of the ice star!

Lu Chen gave a cold snort, and his left hand quickly demonized until it grew to be about the size of his body.

Fire suddenly appeared in his arm, and this punch was mixed with the power of underworld fire.

"Fortune is true!"

"Gunxu, earth fire shatters the void!" Lu Chen shouted violently, and Taixu's arm punched directly against the terrifying ice fist!

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