Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1157: Chilling Poison

Ice and fire are fighting, the center of the collision of two fists, steam and aura erupt at the same time.

The ice layer under the feet of the two of them instantly shattered, and the violent spiritual energy shocked all the onlookers back. Many people directly hit the wall and vomited blood.

"This, this is just the aftermath of spiritual energy, is it so terrifying?!"

"No, I can't stand it!"

"Is this the strength of the Nine-Star King? It's terrifying!"

Northern Snow Lingjun, Taizu, and other families, such as Lingfeng, Chigu, and other family powerhouses, also offered shields.

However, their shields, in such a strong spiritual energy, are completely powerless to resist, and they are directly shattered!

In this battle, Lone Star and Lu Chen have yet to see a victory or defeat, but all these bystanders have been injured!

Now they finally understand a truth.

Not everyone can watch the battle at the Nine Stars of the Human King Realm!

The two sides were still in a stalemate. Seeing that everyone could hardly resist the aftermath of aura, Lu Chen was distracted and summoned Xiao Yuan.

"Xiaoyuan! Protect Lu Yi and the others!"

A white tiger leaped towards the crowd and stood in front of them.

Xiao Yuan has the ability to temporarily absorb spiritual power, and it can be ignored by everyone.

At the same time, a few seconds after the two fists collided, the ice on Lone Star's right arm suddenly shattered.

Without the protection of Ice Soul, the physical body of Lone Star confronts Taixu Arm, and the result can be imagined.

His right fist suddenly shattered, the forearm bone pierced the skin directly from the elbow, and the entire arm was scrapped!

The earth fire quickly entangled the Lone Star, and his right arm was quickly swallowed by the flame!

At the same time, Lone Star flew out and hit the huge stone pillar in front of Beixue Mountain's palm, breaking the stone pillar and collapsing!

Lone Star didn't care about vomiting blood, watching the flames continue to extend up his arms, gritted his teeth, his left hand turned into ice skates, and cut off his right arm with a single knife!

Using the ice to seal the wound, Lone Star raised his head and looked at Lu Chen, his eyes full of horror, "You, how can you be so strong! Impossible, you can't have been through the catastrophe! What level are you!"

Lu Chen walked slowly towards him, taking out his badge and putting it on as he walked.

Seeing a few words from Emperor Yixingye, Lone Star was stupid.

He was actually defeated by a one-star emperor Xiu?

You know, the cultivation level of Icefield Star has been in line with Nine Heavens from the beginning of the monk, and the cultivation of the Great Emperor in the Nine Heavens should be the same as the cultivation of the Great Emperor of the Icefield Star.

However, this guy can beat himself so easily when his strength is greatly reduced!

"Are all the masters in Nine Heavens so strong!" Lone Star widened his eyes.

Lu Chen curled his lips, "Almost."

Lone Star suddenly felt that his world had collapsed.

He was alone at the peak of Wang Jiuxing, and was immediately defeated by people who crossed almost two realms...The key is that he was still such a strong person for nine days.

What Lu Chen said casually, not only scared Lone Star, but also stunned Gu Fei and the others.

"No, is it true what the eldest brother said? If it is true, then, is Liuzhongtian still a place for people to stay!" Gu Fei resisted his injuries and looked at Lu Yi in horror.

Lu Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing Gu Fei's question, she couldn't help but chuckle, "Are you stupid, can you believe what my brother said? What he thought is different from what we thought!"

Gu Fei thought about it, it seemed like that.

Lu Chen feels Lone Star is weak, can they feel Lone Star is weak...

Thinking of this, Gu Fei finally breathed a sigh of relief, but luckily it was fake, otherwise it would be enough to shock people.

Lu Chen looked at Lone Star coldly, "I don't care about your grievances with Bei Xue's family, but you dare to touch Lu Yi's mind, so you must die."

Lone Star glanced at the battle between Tong Arm and Xiao Mao Tuan. There were many ice seals on Tong Arm, and there were shocking wounds under the ice crystals.

It seems that Tong's arm has been seriously injured, but on the other side, the big mouse is getting more and more fierce, with joking in its eyes, gnawing at the arm of the ape...

"Your pet is so strong..."

Lu Chen glanced at the little hair ball and smiled slightly. The little guy was not in a good fight again.

Lone Star suddenly sighed, "Your sister really has a good brother."

"You also have a good brother, but you don't know how to cherish it," Lu Chen said, "Gu Fei is upright and has a responsibility."

In the distance, Lone Fei opened his eyes wide and pulled Lu Yi, "Yiyi, did you hear what the big brother said, he praised me!"

"I heard it!" Lu Yi had a black line. It was rare to see Gu Fei so happy because the old man praised him.

"Didn't my brother say that you passed his pass."

"I know, I haven't heard your brother praise me so much." Gu Fei was so excited that he even forgot his injury, and was alive and well.

"Hey, man..." Lu Yi sighed, shaking her head.

Everyone felt that the battle was coming to an end, including Lu Chen.

Lu Chenyun raised his too weak arm and was about to end Lone Star's life.

But at this moment, Lone Star laughed, "Hahahaha, you really don't have a backache while standing and talking. All of them seem to treat me very well. Who doesn't look down on me in the bone?"

"The people I killed are all **** people! I can't wait to kill all the Beixue people!"

"It's my bad luck. I met you. You prevented me from slaughtering the Beixue clan. I want you to pay the price!"

"I want you to taste this too!"

Lu Chen's eyes were rounded, "I don't know how to repent when I die!"

"I'm not wrong, how can I repent!" Lone Star became more and more crazy and irritable, with a ruthless look in his eyes, "Remember, I didn't die in your hands!"

"I want to make all of you like me!"

"Extremely cold and poisonous!"

The Lone Star roared, and suddenly launched a violent spiritual explosion!

Lu Chen originally thought that the lone star had initiated the spirit pill to explode, but in terms of the intensity of the explosion, it seemed that it was far from reaching the strength of the spirit pill to explode.

At this time, Lu Chen was too close to the lone star, Lu Chen had no time to dodge, and he could not dodge, Lu Yi was still in the crowd!

Lu Chen quickly raised his Taixu arm to block, launching a range defense, "Shouxu!"

"Brother!" Lu Yi looked at Lu Chen anxiously, he blocked all the attacks alone!

When the spirit burst away, Lu Yi looked anxiously into the battlefield.

In the battlefield, the sky was full of snow, and the white-haired man still stood in place, but the lone star in front of him had disappeared, leaving only a small amount of flesh and blood on the ground...

Lu Yi was relieved to see that her brother was fine.

Lu Chen lowered Taixu's arms and narrowed his eyes slightly.

The extreme cold poison explosion is huge, but its power is not as strong as imagined, and it is even not as strong as the bitter cold of Lone Star.

The too virtual arm perfectly blocked the spirit explosion.

He sighed and looked at the wreckage of the lone star, and seeing his master blew himself by his side arms, he fled directly with the seriously injured body.

After all, this is the real world, and the pet will also run away...

"Little Mao Tuan, don't chase it." Lu Chen just finished speaking, and suddenly felt a chill across his body.

Lu Chen frowned slightly, his current physical strength was not afraid of cold, how could he feel cold?

For a moment, Lu Chen actually started to shiver, his lips turned purple, and at the same time he passively exited the state of symbiosis between gods and demons.

He can't even mobilize his spiritual power to keep out the cold!

"This..." Lu Chen's eyes were round, and then he suddenly remembered what Lone Star had said before his death.

"The poison of extreme cold! He implanted the poison of extreme cold in my body!" Thinking of this, Lu Chen's eyelids throbbed, and after a while, his body weakened and collapsed to the ground...

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