Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1169: Leisure practice

Early the next morning, Lu Chen got the information Taihao gave him, left the Emperor Tianxian Palace, and went straight to the chosen continent.

This time, Lu Chen's purpose was pure, and it was to improve his strength.

Haiming Continent was originally a large planet, but it was a pity that the ocean occupies as much as 90% and the land only occupies 10%. There are not many academies here, and the strength is relatively low among the continents of the Six Heavens.

However, here is the famous Forbidden Sea Monster Grand Canyon.

Lu Chen went deep into the seafloor 10,000 meters and found the sea star core!

The land area of ​​the barren sand continent is not small, but the climate is harsh, and the land has been deserted in large areas. At first glance, it looks like a desert.

There are fewer academies here than in the Haiming continent, and very few people from other continents come here.

Lu Chen searched for the largest desert in the Wild Sand Continent, and waited two months before encountering the Tsar Scorpion, followed by him, entered the world in the sand, and then went down to find the core of the Wild Sand Star.

The Mist Continent, the Pleiades Continent, and the Glacier Continent, the more inaccessible and harsher the climate, the more sure that the star core has not been developed.

One year, Lu Chen shuttled through these continents.

He has encountered hundreds of monsters that he has never seen before, and he has also experienced many unimaginable dangers.

Some found the nucleus, some returned without success.


In the dense forest on the Green Field, Lu Chen was preparing for cooking.

The Green Field Continent has been here for more than a year. Lu Chen has been to a more comfortable planet. The jungle here is dense. These plants have extremely strong vitality and basically cannot be eradicated. As a result, although the environment is beautiful, it is not suitable to open a college and there are few natural people.

Xiao Mao Tuan, Xiao Yuan and Rhubarb, Xiao Min went out to have fun, and Lu Chen was busy cooking and cooking alone.

After he finished eating, they didn't see Xiao Mao Tuan and the others came back. Lu Chen didn't worry about it. After all, Xiao Mao Tuan and Xiao Yuan joined forces, and there were not many who could beat both of them. I guess they had forgotten to come back.

Now, Lu Chen's level has reached the Seven Star Savage King!

Cultivating beside the star core can not only improve the attributes of the battle soul, but also his own body's three-dimensional attributes quickly.

It's just that some powerful star cores in the past can increase the three-dimensional upper limit of the physical body, but the few star cores that Lu Chen found recently did not have this effect. His three-dimensional upper limit has been maintained at 30 times the spiritual power, without further improvement.

"I don't know if my current physique can only reach the upper limit of 30 times..." Lu Chen shook his head.

You must know that the star nuclei he found, although it is impossible to be as exaggerated as the star nucleus of the underworld, they are all large-scale star nuclei carefully selected by him. Judging from the energy of the star nucleus, they are extremely spiritual.

Even if one or two have not improved, seven or eight have not improved. This may not be a matter of luck.

However, although the upper limit has not been increased, the spiritual power of the large star core has improved a lot of Lu Chen's current three-dimensionality.

"No matter how high the upper limit is, it is imaginary, and it is not bad to improve the current three-dimensional." Lu Chen no longer struggled.

In addition, Lu Chen's flame affinity has reached a terrifying level. After these few trainings, his flame affinity has reached 50,000!

The True Fire Xuanbing Sword Jue requires an affinity of both ice and fire to reach 20,000 to practice, but Lu Chen's affinity for ice is only "0"!

He also tried to use the ice state of the Nine Refining Ice Fire Ball to improve the affinity of the ice element, but he found a very fatal problem.

Whenever the ice element affinity increases by 1 point, his flame element affinity drops by 2 points...

In other words, the two are in a trade-off relationship.

Lu Chen calculated, "To get all the affinity of the ice and fire elements to 20,000, my flame affinity should be at least 60,000..."

"It's really an immortal technique, ordinary people can't practice it even if they can!" Lu Chen sighed.

Fortunately, there is still plenty of time now. At this rate, he should be able to increase the affinity of the fire element to 60,000.

At this moment, the little beast sent a voice transmission!

Lu Chen checked Transsion.

"Dad, Sister Little Green has already made the Eighth Stage God Buddha Golden Lotus Pill!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly. Little Green had made a seventh-rank pill before, but this time he went further and made an eighth-rank, indicating that Xiaolu's strength has increased by one point!

It seems Xiaolu has been improving too!

Putting away the sound transmission note, Xiao Mao Tuan and they really came back.

Xiao Mao Tuan's mouth was full of blood, and it is estimated that he was going to eat meat again. Xiao Min sat on Xiao Yuan's back and happily told Lu Chen that they had encountered a beast, and Xiao Mao Tuan was all resolved.

Rhubarb held its Nine-turn Golden Crow Mirror in a daze...

Lu Chen suddenly discovered that such a leisurely day was really comfortable.

If Little Green and Little Beast were there, it would be a beautiful thing to practice leisurely in this green field continent.

No wonder so many people who are about to cross the catastrophe would choose to live in seclusion. If it weren't for a three-year appointment, Lu Chen would really want to live here.


Time flies, and it has been almost two years since Lu Chen went out to practice!

The number of disciples in the Sacred Academy of Gods and Demons has now reached 13,000, and this is still in the case of a reduction in the number of students enrolled in the Academy.

If there were more people, Wunianshan should not be able to afford it.

In the past two years, the strength of the Gods and Demons Sanctuary has become stronger and stronger, unless the disciples’ cultivation time is not restricted at all, some old folks of the Sanctuary can take some rankings from the Gods and Demons Sanctuary, other competitions, All the gods and demons are swept away!

But all the exchange disciples who go out in the Sacred Academy of Gods and Demons will almost always be among the top three in the competition list of the major colleges. This phenomenon is not surprising to other college students.

No way, whoever makes the disciples of the Gods and Demons Holy Courtyard are all evildoers.

The list of gods and demons has become a list of newcomers surpassing the list of all fairy pavilions and has become the highest-level list of Shengyuan mainland.

Even the Fairy Pavilion will send out disciples to compete...

The top five gods and demons on the list are occupied by Ye Fan, Chu Tian, ​​Xiao Zhan, Wu Xuan and Tian Yu. Among them, the rankings of Xiao Zhan, Wu Xuan and Tian Yu often change. Sometimes Chu Tian will even be dropped. second.

But Ye Fan's number one has been in the dust for a long time, and no one can shake it.

Many people say that if it weren't for me to be crazy, Ye Fan would definitely be the genius with the strongest potential in recent years.

Ye Fan rarely responds to this. He will only say, "That's my dean, a teacher and a friend, compared with him, he is disrespectful to him than he is!"

After experiencing the invasion of the underworld and the first eclipse, it seems that Sixth Heaven hasn't been so peaceful for a long time.


In Tianyin Pavilion, a human man in his sixties is wearing a nightgown, with his chest open, sitting leaning on the throne, with beautiful women waiting beside him, and delicious wine and food on the table.

Below, the main stream of Tianyin Pavilion contemporary pavilion, Qinglutang, Gaolutang, Yalutang, etc., the main hall of the *** hall is separated.

Not only that, even the Ziye Emperor and a group of people from the Zitian Palace are here!

Even though few people have seen the real face of this old man, it is not difficult to guess who he is from the identities of the people standing below.

That guy who has lived in the Nine Stars King Realm for more than 600 years.

Tianyin old ghost!

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