Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1170: The Eight Heavenly Kings

"Tianyin ancestor, I've been out for two years, I'm the only one who has been out for two years. Let's keep on going like this, I'm afraid things will change." The emperor Zi Ye changed his arrogant and domineering attitude and said respectfully.

The man in the seat laughed with the beauties around him, and finally raised his eyes slightly and looked at Zi Ye, "Zi Ye, are you dissatisfied with me?"

The emperor Zi Ye hurriedly said, "No, no, how dare the younger generation, but I am also afraid that Lu Chen's strength will increase too quickly."

Old Ghost Tianyin snorted coldly, "What if he is the King of Nine Stars? Can you compare with me?"

"This... of course not, no one in the world knows that although the ancestor Tianyin was not an immortal, his strength is comparable to a real immortal!"

The old ghost of Tianyin smiled at Yaoyao, "The real immortal is not comparable, I don't dare to praise this Haikou, but as long as that kid doesn't cross the calamity, he can't be my opponent!"

Liu Shui said to Zi Ye Tian Zi, "Zi Ye Tian Zi, don't be restless, our ancestors have just achieved great success in the past two years, and they have been proficient in the exercises in the past two years.

The old Tianyin ghost smiled slightly and said, "My Tianyin magic skills have been integrated a year ago, flowing water, why do you have to lie to him. This year, I am greedy for pleasure, how?"

Zi Ye Tianzi took a deep breath. It seems that Tianyin Patriarch is a little dissatisfied with him.

"The ancestor Tianyin is serious. You have been in retreat for a hundred years. It is difficult to get out of it. Naturally, you have to relax. It is because the younger generation is too impatient. Please let the ancestor not blame.

The old ghost of Tianyin was a little calm, and said impatiently, "Well, I will stay in the sixth heaven for a long time, and I don't want to live under people. The Emperor Tianxian Palace has a few more true immortals, so I dare Claiming to be a fairy palace, ordering the sixth heaven?"

"It's fine if I didn't leave the customs. Now that I am out of the customs, this Sixth Heaven is not a member of his Immortal Clan Taihao!"

"Give the next battle book to the Emperor Tianxian Palace. A month later, on the Huashan Continent, I will fight the Eight Heavenly Kings of the Immortal Palace! If he refuses to allow me, I will step down on the Emperor Tianxian Palace!" It seemed like, "I heard that Taihao's daughter is the number one beauty in the sixth heaven, and finally she has a chance to accept it!"

The old ghost of Tianyin is finally about to make a move! Everyone looked at each other, excited.

"Fortunately, now we are unfortunately grabbing the Immortal Emperor Xumi Realm! That's a great opportunity in the Sixth Heaven."

"I've seen Huangtianxian Palace upset for a long time! This time the ancestors made a move to let them know who is the strongest power in Sixth Heaven!"

"The ancestors will step on the Emperor Tianxian Palace!"

However, Zi Ye Tianzi still seemed to frown.

"Nephew Zi Yexian, are you still worried that Ye Fan is going crazy with me?" Tianyin Old Ghost immediately saw what Zi Ye was up to.

"The ancestor is really discerning, if these two people are not eliminated, I am afraid that it will eventually become a major disaster!" said the emperor Zi Ye.

The old ghost of Tianyin snorted coldly, "Don't worry, when I destroy the Emperor Tianxian Palace, I will naturally clean up the two of them."

"Isn't it the gods and demons rebelling? He didn't collect all the suits. After all, he is Mortal! And he will never be able to gather the gods and demons rebelling. I really don't understand what you have to worry about."

Zi Ye Tianzi said, "Ancestor, in fact, that kid Lu Chen not only has the blood of the gods and demons, he also has the blood of the Chaos Dragon God, two large artistic spaces, three super strong pets, and the second most important spiritual energy. In short, His own strength is also extremely strong!"

"Besides, that guy and the ancestor you changed the celestial phenomena together, which shows that his strength cannot be underestimated."

Old Ghost Tianyin was a little bit displeased on his face, and said with disdain, "Compared with me? He deserves too!"

"Is it very strong? It just so happens. I also want to see and see that the sixth heaven in the past is the strongest among those people. In front of my old Tianyin ghost, how should I beg for mercy!"

Hearing what the ancestor said, the emperor Ziye was finally relieved.


Later, the Emperor Tianxian Palace received the tactics of Tianyin Pavilion.

The ancestors of Tianyin made an appointment to fight the eight heavenly kings of the Emperor Tianxian Palace. In the Huashan Continent, there was a life-and-death battle. If they did not agree, the ancestors of Tianyin would lead the Tianyin Pavilion, the Zitian Palace, and other attached forces to beat the Emperor Tianxian Palace!

Xin'er looked at her father worriedly. Since her father became the lord of the Emperor Tianxian Palace, her expression has never been so solemn.

The villain on Xin'er's shoulder also frowned.

"Taihao, what should I do now?"

Tai Hao took a deep breath, "Kuruo brother, Tianyin Pavilion has already informed the world about this time. If I don’t agree, they will be famous at that time, and the world’s forces will also laugh at me for being timid and fearful. There is no more prestige."

"It looks like you must ask the seniors to leave the customs!"

The little man looked sad, "I don't know what kind of realm Tianyin old ghost realized, last time he dared not confront my Emperor Tianxian Palace head-on."

"I don't know. None of the people sent can bring back the news. Now I can only be sure that it must be a very strong Dao state, so he can be so confident."

In any case, the battle book of Tianyin Pavilion has come, and the Emperor Tianxian Palace must challenge!

"Xin'er, go, go to the Temple of Heaven and ask all the uncles to leave!"

Tian Xin'er nodded, "Yes!"

Emperor Tianxian Palace, Tianshen Temple.

This place is extremely wide, and at a glance, it is like a continent floating in the air!

There are eight huge statues around.

After arriving here, Tai Hao nodded to Tian Xin'er, "Xin'er, I'll rely on you next." After all, Tai Hao's body disappeared directly in place!

"Tsk tusk tusk, wake up the Eight Heavenly Kings at once, Xin'er, you can get some blood." The little man said.

Xin'er nodded and said, "Master, you go too, I will wake you up."

"Well, good." Kuruo finished speaking, and disappeared.

The three of them came together, but only Tian Xin'er was left at this moment.

Tian Xin'er walked to the middle of the eight statues. There was a peculiar sculpture. There was a hollow disc in the middle. Stone tracks extended out from all parts of the disc. The stone tracks led to the eight statues.

Tian Xin'er stood in front of the disc, separated her wrists with a dagger, letting blood remain, dripping into the stone disc, and then flowing along the stone track.

When the blood flowed in front of the eight idols, the idols suddenly moved!

The eight huge idols moved to one side, and then revealed a sarcophagus at the feet of the idols.

The sarcophagus opened, and inside it was an entrance to another world.

Not long after, five men and three women walked out of the portal one after another.

These eight people are all immortal, handsome, or graceful as fairies.

Among the eight, there are the real bodies of Taihao and Kuruo!

However, seeing her father Taihao's true body and Master Kuruo's true body, Tian Xiner's eyes were ruddy, but she did not directly recognize each other.

"Uncles, there is a sudden change in the Emperor Tianxian Palace, and Xin'er has no choice but to alarm the uncles to practice."

Tai Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Xin'er, and said coldly, "What happened to the Emperor Tianxian Palace?"

The talent in front of him is the real father, but Xin'er knows well that since they are going to overcome the catastrophe, they have already cut off the family relationship... So in Taihao's eyes, her own daughter is the same as any disciple in the Emperor Tianxian Palace.

And the master who is always innocent and likes to give himself bad ideas... the same is true.

This is the world of the strong! A world without emotion!

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