Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1171: Huashan decisive battle

At the same time, some inaccessible planet.

"The ice is extremely hot!" With a loud shout, I saw a white-haired man swinging a sword, a terrifying sword aura, directly splitting the sea surface, exposing the seabed!

After the sea water was split, the split surface first formed into mysterious ice, and then exploded directly from the inside!

Suddenly, the waves rolled, setting off a huge wave of 100 meters, and the sky and the earth were cracked!

Lu Chen looked at the effect of this sword in shock.

"This is still a human?! This is the power of Xianshu? It can really open up mountains and seas!" Lu Chen was a little unbelievable.

This is only the first stage of the True Fire Xuanbing Sword Fight! The power has surpassed the fire and the sky!

The second level requires the affinity of ice and fire to reach 50,000 points, but what makes Lu Chen headache now is that as long as he increases the affinity of the ice element, the affinity of the fire element decreases, and when he increases the affinity of the fire element, the affinity of the ice element decreases.

"Fifty thousand points is not difficult. My affinity for the fire element reached 60,000 before, but how do I practice these two opposite attributes at the same time?!"

Lu Chen checked some exercises.

There are a total of three levels of ice and fire, and the requirements are 20,000, 30,000, and 40,000!

At present, Lu Chen only used the first power.

The second name of True Fire Xuanbing is "Ice Fire Heaven"! The prerequisite for cultivation is that the affinity of the ice and fire elements must reach 50,000, but it also requires gradual cultivation and no continuous level upgrade.

Because of this, Lu Chen couldn't raise the affinity of the fire element to 150,000 all at once, and then transform it into the affinity of the ice element.

In short, it is not a trick to cultivate true fire and profound ice, but Lu Chen has not found a way to improve both elements at the same time, so he can only practice to the first level of extreme ice explosion.

Looking at his badge, Lu Chen took a deep breath.

After two years, he is now the pinnacle of the Nine-Star King, and his attributes have been upgraded to full level.

Ontology, 7 million spiritual power, 210 million three-dimensional! This includes the 40% increase provided by the Bloodline of All Things and Ten Wings.

In other words, his ultimate attribute, just looking at his spiritual power, is also 2 million more than others! And his three-dimensional is even more terrifying, reaching 30 times the spiritual power!

The battle spirit has also been improved, 20 million spiritual power, 220 million three-dimensional!

It is said that crossing the catastrophe is the body crossing the catastrophe, so the battle spirit attribute is useless, so Lu Chen only raised the battle spirit 3D to the extent that it would not hinder his body 3D and stopped.

In addition, Lu Chen also confirmed one thing. In his current state, the three-dimensional body can only be increased to 30 times at most.

Of course, this is a very terrifying attribute. You must know that even for the Celestial Demon Race and the Divine Race, the three-dimensional is about 15 times the spiritual power.

Six years are left before the final battle! There was not much time left, and Lu Chen could no longer stay in Sixth Heaven.

"Think about whether you can increase the affinity between Ice and Fire, and by the way, familiarize yourself with the usage of Extreme Ice Blast, and then go back!" Lu Chen settled his attention!

At this moment, Lu Chen received a transmission from the Emperor Tianxian Palace.

Lu Chen turned on Voice Transmission strangely.

The sound transmission was not from Taihao, but from Tian Xiner!

"Brother Lu Chen, I am Xin'er, and Tianyin Pavilion has tactics against my Emperor Tianxian Palace. After 10 days in Huashan Continent, the old Tianyin ghost will fight with the eight heavenly kings of our Emperor Tianxian Palace. Will you come?"

Lu Chen frowned.

Old Ghost Tianyin finally did something? !

He also knew that Zitian Palace had already allied with Tianyin Pavilion. At this time, the old Tianyin ghost would deal with Huangtian Immortal Palace first, and then he would never let go of the Academy of Gods and Demons!

In addition, he had also promised that as long as the Emperor Tianxian Palace needed his place, he was duty-bound, then it was time for him to take action unintentionally now.

"Strange, it was Tian Xin'er who sent me a message..." Lu Chen was a little puzzled. His transmission note should have been handed over to Tai Hao. Why didn't Tai Hao transmit the sound and let Tian Xin'er transmit the sound.

"Don't care, this matter can't be ignored, go and see!"

After that, Lu Chen glanced at the still rough sea in front of him and took a deep breath.

Except for the affairs of Emperor Tianxian Palace, leaving this time is just to cross the catastrophe.

It's a bit interesting to say, crossing the robbery...I used to work in a hotel, but have you ever thought that one day I want to cross the robbery?

"Nine days, I want to see, what kind of tribulation you have to use to stop me!" Lu Chen said coldly!


Huashan Continent, here is an uninhabited mini-continent.

It was once famous, and the Tianjiao Tournament held in Huangtianxian Palace was held here many times.

It's just that the times are too long. Today's Huashan Continent is completely devastated. At first glance, there are only some low vegetation and some withered old trees.

This desolate planet has become the best choice for a decisive battle.

There are still half a month away from the so-called Sixth Heaven's strongest decisive battle, and the portals here have seen an endless stream of visitors.

The old ghost of Tianyin issued a decisive battle to Huangtian and the Eight Heavenly Kings, and this matter has been spread in the Sixth Heaven.

A large number of powerful people poured into the Huashan Continent just to witness this century's decisive battle.

"It is said that the old ghost of Tianyin has realized an incredible realm. I don't know if the Eight Heavenly Kings will be undefeated!"

"Look at Xuan, who is the old ghost of Tianyin? He is a ghost who is afraid of death. Staying in Tianyin Lei Ze will not cross the catastrophe. If others don't know the strength of the eight heavenly kings, can he know? Since they know, then He must be sure of victory."

"If this is the case, then the pattern of Six Heavens will be completely disrupted in the future, and Tianyin Pavilion will be in power, which is not a good thing."

"Isn’t it, Tianyin’s old ghost is greedy for money and lust. There used to be Huangtianxiangong. Now it’s alright. He really won. Sixth Heaven is his own, Tianyin’s old ghost can treat us as human beings. Look?"

Not long after, someone saw that Tian Xuan and others had also come to the Huashan Continent.

There was a lot of discussion about this, this matter is of great importance, and no one can really stay out of it.

The bluebird, impermanence, Tianxuan, and Tiansheng waited for the old ghosts to settle down under a rock regardless of the eyes of others.

"I don't know if the Eight Heavenly Kings can defeat the old ghost of Tianyin, it would be best if they could kill him, at least one point less for the extremely fierce celestial phenomena." Tianxuan said.

"Look at Xuan, Old Ghost Tianyin is notoriously afraid of death. If he isn't sure of winning, he will go to write the battle?"

"I'm afraid that the old ghost of Tianyin will come to our troubles after dealing with the Emperor Tianxian Palace." Wuchang said, "That guy is insatiable, and no one suppresses him now. Isn't it going to turn against God."

Qingli said, "If the Eight Heavenly Kings are defeated, the fifty or so of us may not be his opponents! Now they are not suitable for crossing the Tribulation. We cannot do without the Six Heavens, so we can only let him ravage them!"

"Anyway, let's watch the changes first. If it doesn't work, we will unite. I still don't believe in so many people, I can't match him alone?"

Tian Xuan said suddenly, "I don't know what the nameless kid is doing now..."

Speaking of namelessness, everyone frowned.

"Three years of crossing the catastrophe...I really can't imagine. In short, if he breaks his promise, he will destroy the Gods and Demons Holy Court!" Tianxuan said.

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