Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1172: Tianyin Old Ghost

On the day of the decisive battle, Huashan mainland was overcrowded, and it was almost more crowded than any previous Tianjiao tournament.

From Liuzhongtian major colleges, tens of thousands of colleges, hundreds of general colleges, strong people from all sides, all gathered here.

Not long after, several sacred beast mounts on the horizon and a group of people landed directly in the center of the continent.

"The people from Tianyin Pavilion and Zitian Palace are here!" People recognized the identity of this pedestrian at a glance.

"Is that old devil Tianyin who is surrounded by the beautiful woman?"

"Who else is there besides him? This guy, everyone else is thinking about how to overcome the catastrophe as soon as possible, but he relies on a treasure like the Tianyin Thunder Pond, and he refuses to leave here."

"Actually, if I have the voice of heaven, Lei Ze, I don't want to leave. Although everyone is eager to become an immortal, it is horrible, staying in the mortal world forever, having a life span that ordinary people can't match, and enjoying life is not bad.

"Isn't it? The Tribulation is too terrifying. Throughout the ages, there have been quite a few nine-star powerhouses. How many people might become immortals? Most of them failed to cross the Tribulation and became a loose immortal."

"He has been increasing his strength. I am afraid that Heavenly Tribulation would be easy to pass."

The old ghost Tianyin was not in a hurry to get off his mount. Since the people from the Emperor Tianxian Palace hadn't come, he continued on the dragon's back, enjoying wine, food, and joking with the beauties.

"That guy looks like a okay person." Tian Xuan frowned, "It seems that he is confident about today's decisive battle!"

While everyone was discussing it, from the other side, a huge, locked Tai Shuo sailed from the east.

"The people from the Huangtian Immortal Palace are here!" All the people on the ground were in a commotion.

The eight heavenly kings are here, that is to say, the decisive battle is imminent!

After Taisuo landed, eight people in golden robes jumped off Taisuo and walked into the field.

"That is the emperor and eight heavenly kings, they are all strong in the nine-star peak!"

"It is said that the combat power of the eight heavenly kings can be a hundred times stronger at the same level!"

"Old Ghost Tianyin is one against eight, and I don't know how it will turn out."

Tian Xin'er and others looked nervously at the back of the Eight Heavenly Kings.

The decisive battle is about to begin! This decisive battle will determine the fate of many people.

"Father, Master..." Xin'er murmured. Although their body has forgotten their relationship with themselves, they still left the wrecked soul to take care of themselves, indicating that they still cared about themselves.

The old Tianyin ghost Yu Guang swept this way, his mouth raised slightly, and he turned over, stepped from Qinglong's back, and walked first on the battlefield.

"You guys are finally here? You came so late, do you want to live a little longer?" Old Tianyin said with a sneer.

Taihao looked at the old ghost of Tianyin calmly, "Old ghost of Tianyin, you are really getting bolder and dare to challenge the eight of us. Don't think that you will be invincible if you realize a realm!"

Ku Ruo said coldly, "I didn't expect that you, a ghost who is afraid of death, would dare to write a battle book. It seems that you have read it away, just in time we will see you off!"

Old Ghost Tianyin touched his nose, "Tsk tusk tusk, look at you one by one, how majestic."

"Yes, I'm afraid of death, and be careful to sail the Wannian Ship. Is this wrong? You are not afraid of death, so why don't you go to the Tribulation earlier? Are you still practicing in the Temple of Heaven?"

"What a joke!"

Old Ghost Tianyin suddenly turned gloomy, "I am different from you, do you want to be immortals? But I just want to be king!"

"Fortunately, these years have finally made me realize a strong enough Dao state. Now I am killing you eight people like a chicken!"

"I'm not afraid to tell you that after solving the eight of you, the Emperor Tianxian Palace will belong to my Tianyin Pavilion, not only the Emperor Tianxian Palace, but the entire sixth heaven will belong to my old Tianyin ghost!"

"Dreaming!" Tai Hao shouted angrily, and his whole body exploded with amazing spiritual power.

Old Ghost Tianyin had a gloomy look, "Taihao, I used to be afraid of you, but now, you don't even deserve to give me shoes!" After that, a violent spiritual force exploded quickly and swept the entire Huashan Continent!

"I will let you know today, the strength of my old Tianyin ghost!"

As long as anyone who can come to watch the battle, who is not a great emperor, and a human king, but in the spiritual wind erupting from the Tianyin old ghost, everyone only felt it was difficult to stabilize their body and retreated.

"This guy has a lot of spiritual power!"

"My God, if he didn't know that he hadn't crossed the Tribulation, who could believe that he was still a mortal! This spiritual power has already attracted the entire continent!"

"He seems to have broken through the spiritual power of the nine-star peak! Damn, what kind of treasure is Tianyin Lei Ze, who can avoid the catastrophe and break the nine-day limit!"

However, as far as the other powerful nine-stars are concerned, judging from the current situation, they have not been too surprised.

"Tianyin Leize, the old ghost of Tianyin, can improve him infinitely. I estimate that his spiritual power has exceeded 20 million!"

"That guy is a pervert! Unless the real immortal comes down, even if it is a scattered immortal, he may not be his opponent. It's terrifying!"

"It's not the first time you know that his attributes are high. If it's only at this level, you won't be able to defeat the Eight Heavenly Kings. The Eight Heavenly Kings are of the Celestial Clan, and their three-dimensional attributes are very high! The key depends on what Tianyin ancestor realized What kind of realm."

The other seven eight heavenly kings are in the state at the same time, and both sides are only in the state, which has caused the world to shake.

"This is probably the most terrifying battle between mortals, and it's even more terrifying than the battle against the eclipse!" someone said.

No one disputes this point!

This is a battle between all races and the limits of mortals!

"Joint Skills Baji Universe!" Eight Heavenly Kings took the lead!

At the same time, people explode with terrifying spiritual power and gather them into a Buddha seal!

A huge golden Buddha palm print, probably more than a kilometer in diameter, directly shot at the old ghost of Tianyin.

The size of the palm print alone is a level that people have never seen before!

This palm, carrying the power of the sky and the earth, blasted towards the old ghost of Tianyin.

Zi Ye Tianzi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, "My God, is the strength of the Eight Heavenly Kings so terrifying? He also used joint skills!"

Liu Shui said, "It can deter the entire Sixth Heaven for a hundred years, and even force my Tianyin Pavilion and your Purple Heaven Palace, how can the Emperor Heaven Immortal Palace have no strength!"

"These eight heavenly kings are all from the Celestial Clan, and the starting point is much higher than ordinary people!"

The emperor Zi Ye nodded, "Emperor Tianxian Palace is indeed strong, but unfortunately, they don't know the strength of Tianyin ancestor!"

While talking, the ancestor Tianyin also moved!

"You have Wuzhishan, and I have a golden cudgel! I'm going to pierce you this day!" Tianyin ancestor Yang Tian shouted angrily, and a mysterious piano suddenly appeared beside him, "Tianwai Voice·Tian Yin Curse!"

Ten moving in unison, a piercing sound of piano suddenly exploded in the field, and countless auras turned into filaments and shot towards the golden Buddha palm!

"This, this is the second level of the subtle aura, and the destiny is true?!" Tianxuan's eyes widened, "Could it be that the realm he has realized is the truthful destiny?"

Qingli suddenly said, "If it's really just for luck... then it's easy!"

"I saw him fighting in the early years, and his aura is extremely profound. I suspect that he might have mastered the realm of luck long ago."

Impermanence widened his eyes, "Isn't it, the ultimate move that was released at the beginning is already so strong, isn't the Dao Realm he left as his hole card stronger?!"

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