Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1175: Reverse black and white

Lu Chen and Old Ghost Tianyin hadn't spoken yet, suddenly there was a burst of exclamation around them.

Especially the Gods and Demons Sanctuary, it almost exploded!

"Wait! Impossible! The Dean is the enchanting Savage King? Is it still a nine-star?"

Lu Chen didn't bother to hide his level, anyway, he was about to cross the catastrophe, and people must know that he was the pinnacle of the nine-star king.

"Savage King Jiuxing! I'm going, did the dean embezzle the academy's public funds? That's not right, the battle spirit attribute is the biggest obstacle to the human king realm! He must have eaten the fairy pill as jelly beans!"

"Nine-star Savage King, the dean is really from the wild cultivator, all the way to the top..."

"Has it reached the top? Hey, I'm afraid he will become a real immortal, he is also a wild immortal."

Tian Xuan and the others were directly frightened by Lu Chen's level.

However, compared to the Sacred Court of Gods and Demons, the focus was on the Savage King, and they were even more shocked by the speed of Lu Chen's upgrade.

"He, he has been promoted from a one-star emperor to a nine-star king in two years? How is this possible!"

"My God, what kind of cultivation speed is this? He, could his previous attributes of the battle spirit achieve such a high level?"

It was the most immortal pavilion in Songyuan Continent. An old man suddenly realized he patted his head, "I finally remembered, it was him!"

"Elder, who is it?"

"It's the kid who was cultivating in front of the star core during the genius conference!" The old man stared at Lu Chen, his eyes widened, "It turns out that he is the only one who is crazy!"

"He is already at the top of the Nine Stars... Why is he the Savage King Realm? Can he defeat the old Tianyin ghost?"

Whether the solo mad can defeat the old Tianyin ghost, this has become the same question for everyone at this time.

I am the only one who is crazy, but the old Tianyin ghost is too strong!

The old ghost Tianyin looked at Lu Chen for a while, and smiled contemptuously, "You are the only madman? I heard that half of this extremely fierce celestial phenomenon is due to you. In other words, from the point of view of Jiutian, you are qualified to Am I an equal person?"

"How dare you intervene in my old Tianyin ghost?" Tianyin old ghost didn't mind his name.

Lu Chen looked back at the Eight Kings, they were still struggling to resist the catastrophe.

"You have realized such a thing after hiding in Tianyin Leize for hundreds of years?"

The old ghost of Tianyin suddenly turned gloomy, "I am the only one who is crazy. It is rumored that you are extremely arrogant. When I saw it today, it was true!"

Lu Chen didn't bother to explain, when he was mad, someone always said he was arrogant, which was really a headache.

"Today, I have a decisive battle with the Eight Heavenly Kings of the Emperor Tianxian Palace. If you take action now, first of all, you are a master and nameless!" Old Tianyin said with a sneer.

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "So you are afraid of me? In that case, when I see me in the future, I kneel before me and call "Grandpa" respectfully."

Old Ghost Tianyin opened his eyes wide in anger, "You are arrogant, and I'm obviously not talking about it!"

"I'm afraid of you? What do you have that I should be afraid of! When I kill the Eight Heavenly Kings of the Emperor Tianxian Palace, I will tear up your mouth first, and then I will smash your body into pieces!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "You said you weren't afraid of me, so how come you have to wait for the Eight Kings to be killed before you come to me?"

"Who is unfamiliar?" Lu Chen thought for a while, and logically said that it was indeed inappropriate for him to intervene in other people's duels. For such a difficult question, let someone else answer it.

At this moment, Tian Xin'er stood up and said, "Before the fairy palace was presided over by my father, but now my father's remnant soul has returned to the body, I am the current palace owner of the Emperor Tianxian Palace!"

"I have already named the only one crazy as the current Eight Heavenly King of the Emperor Tianxian Palace!"

The old ghost of Tianyin was almost out of anger and temporarily sealed the king. This is not a blatant argument!

There was a lot of discussion around.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this, then there is no problem now."

"That's how it is, now it's just right for me to fight against the old Tianyin ghost."

"Tianyin old ghost, the robbery won't be withdrawn that day, you are now attacking the people in the Emperor Tianxian Palace, that is not abiding by the decisive battle rules!"

Lu Chen looked at the old Tianyin ghost who was blue and white on his face, "It seems that you don't like to make friends very much at ordinary times. Doesn't anyone help you at this time?"

"I'm sorry, I was too late after washing my hair, otherwise you should fight me directly."

"It is said that the old ghost of Tianyin is afraid of death. As expected, the excuse of becoming an unnamed teacher should also be used to help improve your chances of winning. You really don't miss any chance."

"Unfortunately, there are more ways to help but no way to help, even if I turn black and white, what if you talk to me? You are worthy of people like you!"

Old Ghost Tianyin stared at Lu Chen, "You don't care about the rules, okay, since you want to die in a hurry, then I will fulfill you!"

"Together with your Gods and Demons Holy Court, today I am slaughtered by Tianyin!"

"Stop talking nonsense, today, you will die!" Lu Chen put away his smile, killing intent in his eyes.

With his right hand stretched out, the silver gall in the distance shook violently, then broke free from the ground and quickly returned to Lu Chen's hands.

The two big six-tier evildoers, it is not an exaggeration to say that mortals are the strongest, the duel between them is about to happen!

The eight heavenly kings of the Emperor Tianxian Palace are still undergoing the Heavenly Refinement, and how long they can last, no one knows, but in such an emergency environment, facing the powerful seventh-level heavenly tribulation, I am afraid that no one can survive it!

To save these people, Lu Chen didn't have enough time!

This time, it is rare that Lu Chen takes the lead!

"Gun Road·The gun is in the sky!" After that, Lu Chen's figure was like electricity, rushing to the old ghost of Tianyin!

"The Voice from the Outside World·Spell Curse!"

The old ghost of Tianyin held the piano in one hand, waved the strings fiercely in the other, and shot towards Lu Chen with hundreds of violent spiritual powers.

Two powerful moves, instantly collide.

You must know that these two people have mastered the fortune truthfully, and their spiritual power is even sharper. At this time, after the collision, they made a series of shocking sounds when they met each other!

Boom boom boom boom!

"My God, fortunately, the dean will be honest, otherwise this fairy curse will not be clear, let alone resist it!" Xiao Zhan said nervously.

The sound of the old ghost of Tianyin is invisible, and Lu Chen's **** and demon's Tianmu is perfectly restrained.

After a series of violent bombings, Lu Chen was still on the offensive, stabbing Tianyin old ghost with a shot.

"Universe Ethereal Skyyin Spirit Shield!" Tianyin Old Ghost quickly plucked the strings with his fingers, quickly forming a spiritual shield in front of him.

Lu Chen's shot directly hit the spiritual shield, and a loud noise broke out again, and the aftermath swept half of the Huashan continent!

"What a strong spiritual collision!"

"Is this the strength of Nine Star King Pinnacle? It's too strong!"

In the battlefield, both sides were shaken back at the same time!

And the next second, Lu Chen shot the way through again, and at the same time exclaimed, "Tianyin old ghost, are you capable of this? Having been the grandson of the turtle for hundreds of years, I was so disappointed that I was holding back something like this. !"

"Arrogant child!" Tianyin old ghost was also angry, "The world is ethereal and nine-tones Chuantian!"

Nine sound attacks, spiritual power like nine sharp swords, stab Lu Chen.

"One shot broke the sky!" Lu Chen moved forward instead of retreating.

However, Jiuyin Chuantian is not as simple as it seems, it's just that the spiritual power suddenly converged and collided with the tip of the sword and the tip of the wheat.

Rumble! Everyone felt that their feet vibrated, like an earthquake!

"This, these two people... are so strong!" Tian Xuan said in horror.

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