Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1176: The strongest battle at the peak of mortals

As soon as Lu Chen broke the sky with a shot, Old Tianyin lost Xuanqin and attacked several times with sonic waves.

"The universe is ethereal, the strongest voice!"

The sound of "Zheng" broke out, and a thousand spiritual powers shot at Lu Chen, which turned out to be Lu Chen's shot that broke the sky!

The battle between the two has reached a dizzying level, not only that, the spiritual power that bursts out from every skill collision has caused the Huashan Mountain to collapse.

"Although neither of these two people have crossed the catastrophe, their strength is really too strong, far surpassing the general catastrophe period boss!"

"This is the battle between the strongest mortals!"

Lu Chen's offensive went fiercely, one of Tianyin Old Ghost's original trump cards, his destiny was true, and Lu Chen had no advantage.

"The tiger is down! Sacred Lotus Jianxin!"

"Voices from the outside of the sky, high mountains and flowing water!" Thousands of spiritual collisions have completely shattered the ground on the already riddled battlefield!

This time the two battles, one after another, did not give way to each other, and everyone around was dumbfounded.

"To be able to draw a tie with the old Tianyin ghost, this is too strong for me to be alone! The old Tianyin ghost has been in the nine-star king for more than six hundred years!"

"The speed, strength, and spiritual strength have all reached an incredible level, and the old ghost of Tianyin is fine. I really don't know how this solipsist has cultivated to such an extent!"

"Both of them seem to have broken the upper limit!"

"I am afraid that these two people have not tried their best. The Tianyin old ghost's Tianlian is still useless, and I am the only one who burns the sky and burns the sky. The battle after a while may be even more terrible!"

On the other side, Huangtian Eight Heavenly Kings will finally not be attacked by the old Tianyin ghost for the time being.

However, the seventh-level tribulation also made them afraid to be distracted.

Tian Xin'er knows very well why Lu Chen has been on the active side of the attack, that is, he can't let Tianyin old ghost have the opportunity to attack his father and them.

"Brother Lu Chen...thank you! But you must be careful!" Tian Xin'er looked nervously at the court.

In a blink of an eye, Lu Chen has fought fiercely against the old ghost of Tianyin for hundreds of rounds. Both sides have experienced various skills. They have collided several times with powerful tricks, and they have already blasted the battlefield beyond recognition.

After a fierce battle for nearly half an hour, the old Tianyin ghost suddenly forced Lu Chen back with a "remaining sound of the devil", and at the same time he leaped back.

Lu Chen didn't rush to chase the sound of the sky this time. After avoiding the sound of the sky demon, he quickly recovered his aura.

In such an ultra-high-intensity battle, the consumption of spiritual energy is second. Both parties can restore the spiritual energy in the battle, but the mental consumption is too strong, so that both of them need to take a breath.

Of course, for a master like them, it was only a few seconds off.

"I'm the only one who is crazy, there are two times!" Tianyin old ghost stared at Lu Chen, "I admit that I underestimated your strength, very good, the next old man must be serious!"

Lu Chen's eyes were cold.

The old ghost of Tianyin is definitely the person he has encountered, the closest to his own strength! You must know that he is already the pinnacle of Renwang Jiuxing!

"Huang Tian Ba ​​body! Remaining sound around the beam! Strike the vocal range! The soul and the body are one!" Suddenly, the old ghost of Tianyin broke out with terrifying spiritual power!

The old ghost of Tianyin became stalwart and majestic, with long hair turbulent, a ghost of idols flashed out behind him, and at the same time the mysterious piano in his hand was fiercely covered with a layer of silver skin. Like tentacles.

If it weren't for Lu Chen's Guanling to be so perfect, this invisible tentacles would definitely be a big killer of Tianyin Old Ghost.

Looking at the tentacles, Lu Chen already knew that this was an offensive and defensible skill, and it should be similar to the Eclipse Nine Souls.

Lu Chen snorted coldly, this old thing doesn't even need Tianlian! It seems that Tian Lian is probably his strongest trump card, and he still refuses to use it now when he is not sure of Lu Chen's strength!

However, the current situation of the old Tianyin ghost must be difficult to deal with.

Lu Chen didn't dare to be careless, opening many states.

"God of War Possessed! Devil Transformed! Dragon Blood Boiled! Soul and Body Are One!"

Lu Chen didn't use Shuangtian Might. Before the old Tianyin ghost had no use for Tian Lian, Lu Chen was not sure whether he could solve the battle within half an hour. Once he fell into weakness, he had no chance of winning.

"Dragon **** form! God and demon too virtual arm!" Lu Chen was covered with golden dragon scales, and his left arm was quickly demonized, becoming almost the same size as himself!

Compared to the hole cards, Lu Chen is not afraid of the old ghost of Tianyin!

At the same time, Lu Chen looked at the silver gall, and said softly, "Yin gall, this time you rest first." After that, he put away the silver gall.

From the void, Lu Chen drew a normal black and white two-color long sword.

Gods and Demons Promise Sword! Lu Chen hadn't used it even when he fought the Eclipse Jiu'er!

The God and Demon Promise Sword, which had been "snow hidden" by Lu Chen, was finally ready to play, just showing up.

As if suppressed for a long time, the God and Demon Promise Sword broke out with terrifying coercion!

The weapons of everyone in the audience trembled slightly!

This is the sign of the king coming!

Even the old ghost of Tianyin's Xuanqin whispered.

The old ghost of Tianyin narrowed his eyes slightly, his own Xuanqin was also an artifact, but in front of the God and Demon Promise Sword, his quality was still reduced by half!

"God and Devil Promise Sword!" Tianyin old ghost stared at the long sword in Lu Chen's hand, "You kid doesn't deserve to have such a powerful weapon!"

Lu Chen sneered, "Don't eat the grapes and say the grapes are sour, I will use the Promise Sword to cut off your Xuanqin!"


"The Voice of a Thousand Miles, it's hard to break away!"

This time the opponent's attack turned out to only have very weak spiritual power fluctuations, and it turned out not to be a sound attack.

It's just that when the music came, Lu Chen suddenly slammed in his heart.

At this moment, Lu Chen remembered too many past events and too many old people.

I left my parents when I was young, my old friends, Mu Xuan, Jiu'er, Lu Yi... At this moment, the thoughts for them in my heart were suddenly stimulated by the sound of the piano.

Just as Lu Chen was stunned for a while, the old Tianyin ghost moved!

"The Voice of a Thousand Miles Invisible Aspect!" After saying that, the old ghost of Tianyin instantly disappeared in place, and appeared in front of Lu Chen in the next second, "I already knew that you have too many distracted thoughts, this It's hard to tell that one move to leave is ineffective to others, but it works wonderfully for you!"

"Let those who you care about, send you to hell! Voices from the Outside World·Demonic Sparrow Screen! Look good, I can only attack far away!" Tianyin old ghost roared.

"No, the old ghost Tianyin used a thousand miles to disturb Wuming's mind, and then moved to Wuming's side to launch a powerful attack!"

"Old Ghost Tianyin is too fast! I'm the only one who seems to have been caught!"

The ultimate move was approaching, but Lu Chen, who had been stunned, suddenly changed his expression.

Lu Chen suddenly heard a low, calm voice, "Sorry, my relatives and friends will never become your accomplices in killing me!"

"I, fight for myself, also fight for them!"

"Close to me? I don't think you know how to write dead words!"

"The universe is annihilated. Shocking the sky!" Lu Chen yelled and stepped on the ground fiercely, and the ground under his feet collapsed!

Old Ghost Tianyin was affected by the shock, and as soon as he stabilized his figure, he realized that Lu Chen was no longer in front of him.

"Three thousand cuts instantly!"

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