Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1184: Resurrect Min?

The explanation is relatively long, mentioning Lu Chen's alias "Anming" and his natal "Lu Chen".

He also mentioned the process of establishing the Academy of Gods and Demons, the hunting contest, the killing of the Hades, the Tianjiao contest, the destruction of the main spirit line mystery, the eclipse, and the killing of the old ghost of Tianyin...

[The ancestor of the gods and demons worked hard for the holy courtyard of the gods and demons. Although he was accompanied by a rosy face, he never married. 】

Looking at the last paragraph, Lu Chen fell into deep thought.

This thing is obviously exaggerated. When did you have a beautiful girl?

Besides, is it a bit too much for the word "lifetime" not to marry the word "lifetime"?

"Long Xiang, I'm only in my 30s, why didn't I marry my whole life? Are you wishing I could not find a girlfriend?" Lu Chen asked Long Xiang on the side.

"President, you are going to cross the robbery soon, don't you, a mortal, have never married in your life?"

"Besides, after becoming an immortal, few people will find an immortal couple."

Lu Chen's eyes widened anxiously, "Why, why! Even if it is a true immortal, some emotions will be restored after crossing the catastrophe."

"What do you mean? It's like before our college entrance examination, the disciples would throw away their distracting thoughts and practice, but after the entrance examination, they all returned to death again, and even worsened... But crossing the robbery is different, it is really cutting off lust. of."

"Although I haven't seen real immortals, I guess they are all pure-hearted people."

"You can become an immortal only by seeing through Hongchen. People have seen through Hongchen. Who is looking for an immortal couple?"

Lu Chen was anxious. Doesn't this mean that he really wants to be alone for life?

Does everyone see through the world? He didn't even figure out what Hong Chen was! Even so, he is still a...Li Wei should know this!

At this moment, there was applause from the audience, and Lu Chen was about to take the stage.

Lu Chen shook his head and walked onto the stage with great thoughts.

Now, Lu Chen can only temporarily put down the great regret in his heart, said a few words briefly, and finally introduced some Ye Fan, and officially passed the dean's order to Ye Fan...

When Ye Fan spoke, the first sentence of this kid mentioned Lu Chen's injury.

"I just saw the explanation on the statue of Patriarch, the last sentence touched me the most!"

"The dean has sacrificed too much for the college. Everyone knows that the dean has many beautiful faces, but he never married for the academy. This kind of spirit is what our Academy of Gods and Demons needs to carry forward!"

Li Wei just saw Rong Er whirling in tears, and hurriedly comforted, "Silly girl, what he said is to learn the spirit of sacrifice in Wuming Academy, don't think too much."

Rong'er said aggrievedly, "Dean, Ye Fan, I think I got the truth from the unknown senior... what should I do?"

Yaohe looked at the disciples of the gods and demons in the seat with firm gazes, and sighed, "These guys don't plan to...Forget it, maybe this is the gap between genius and mortal."

"The world of genius, we can't understand it."


The ceremony was just a cutscene. After the ceremony was over, Lu Chen secretly found Grey Crow.

"President, what are you looking for?"

"Ahem, I am not the dean anymore."

"You will always be the chief of our gods and demons!" Grey Crow said firmly, "What the **** did you find?"

"Where did you talk about it before? That is, cough cough, that is, where you have your membership card?"

Grey Crow thought for a while, "Haihuayuan? Dean, don't you want to go..."

"What do you think? How could I go to such a place! There have been rumors recently, I just can't remember the name of that place. Recently someone told me that I often see our gods in Baihuayuan Devil disciples spend time and drink, this phenomenon is very bad!"

Grey Crow was taken aback, but since he was responsible for enrolling students in other continents, he had no chance to go to Baihuayuan, at most to the fireworks sites in other continents.

The dean should not be talking about himself.

Maybe it's still a guilty conscience, Grey Crow quickly found an excuse to slip away.

Lu Chen sat in the room alone, thinking about it.

It’s thirty-six-seven in a blink of an eye. Although the appearance is not much different from the first nine days, he is about to go to cross the robbery. If he fails, then forget it, but if he succeeds, he will become a boy. Cents.

It's not a little bit of a loss!

"Or, Hongyan...hey..." Lu Chen sighed, "Or, go to Baihuayuan to indulge once?"

After thinking about it, Lu Chen gritted his teeth and decided to go to Baihuayuan.

At this moment, Lu Chen's sound transmission talisman reacted, and he took out the sound transmission talisman strangely.

"Dad, Sister Green has broken through! Come to Zhongxian Pavilion to pick us up!"

As soon as Lu Chen heard this voice, the desire he had just ignited disappeared.

Little beasts are really everywhere, he just had such an idea, and the little beasts appeared!

If it wasn't for him to bring back a great piece of good news this time, Lu Chen would really want to rush over and stuff him back into the dome!

"Little Green broke through!" Lu Chen's eyes widened, and he hurried to go to the Zhongxian Pavilion!


Inside the Zhongxian Pavilion portal, a golden light flashed, and three figures appeared.

Lu Yiyi, steal the sky, little beast!

"Dad!" Xiao Beast rushed over when he saw Lu Chen, eyes weeping, "Xiao Min, she really..."

Lu Chen's eye circles also turned red, and he nodded, confirming the news.

Lu Yiyi suddenly lost control of her emotions, hiding her face and crying, "Xiao Min..."

Sneaking saw this scene and persuaded, "Everyone should go back and talk about it. After all, this is someone else's site."

Lu Chen nodded and summoned Shiyi to take the three of them back to the Sacred Court of Gods and Demons.

After learning about Xiao Min's sacrifice, everyone was silent.

Only Tooting said, "No name, don't be too sad, but if you use the Ice Extreme Flame Sword from the beginning, you may be countered by the ninth level of Heavenly Tribulation by the old Tianyin ghost, then you will lose... "

"At least before Xiao Min died, there was no regret."

"In these nine days, how many people can do this... Besides, it is a blessing for ghost pets, weapon spirits, and war pets like us to do this."

Lu Chen nodded. He also knew the truth, but after Xiao Min left, everyone felt uncomfortable.

"Couldn't it be possible to resurrect Xiao Min?" Xiao Beast is now a young man, but still tears down.

Lu Chen shook his head, "I'm afraid I can't. If Xiao Min is only killed by the old ghost of Tianyin, there may be a chance, but when she appears in the Heavenly Lian, the Heavenly Tribulation has the power of purification, which is especially terrifying to the spirit body. "

"No! There is another way!" Lu Yiyi, who had been silent, said suddenly.

Lu Chen looked at Xiao Lu in shock.

Xiao Min, who is already gone, has a chance to be reborn?

"Xiaolu, speak quickly, what can be done? Even if there is a sea of ​​swords and flames, above the nine heavens, under the nether, as long as there is a way to resurrect Xiao Min, I will definitely bring Xiao Min back!"

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