Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1185: The way to revive Min

"Boss, I talked about rebirth before..." Xiaolu said excitedly.

Lu Chen listened carefully, "I know, we have been collecting materials for rebirth."

Lu Yiyi nodded, "In fact, I have left Xiao Min with a piece of remnant soul. If I can collect the rebirth items, Xiao Min has the hope of being reborn!"

Lu Chen's eyes widened, "Xiao Min has left a piece of stubborn soul with you?!"

Lu Yiyi nodded, "I, Xiaomin, and Yaotong both yearn for one day not to accompany the boss in the form of a spirit body. After getting the flower of the underworld, I suddenly felt that maybe we have such an opportunity, after all, it is so difficult to obtain. Treasures, boss, you got them all!"

"This time, Senior Thief took me to the True Immortal Medicine Garden left by his previous master. I found another material, "Reincarnation Jumanshahua"!"

Lu Chen was even more shocked. In other words, Xiaomin and their hope of rebirth took another step!

"Then, what materials do you need?"

"We still need three medicines, the blood of the **** of war, the wings of the divine phoenix, and the most important main medicine, the heart of the outer demon." Lu Yiyi said, "the three medicines are rare, but they steal Senior Tian said that it is possible to find it in the high-level universe, but the heart of the outer demon... In fact, that thing only appears in the legend, and it is said to be the heart of an extremely powerful outer demon god."

"But I have checked many records, and almost never mentioned the Demon God of Heaven. I don't know if there is such a thing."

Lu Chen frowned. Speaking of the Demon God, Lu Chen really thought of a guy.

When he turned into a part of the Heaven-Mending God Stone, he saw the giant beast outside the sky with his own eyes!

There are two kinds of understandings of the demon **** outside the sky. It may be a monster beyond nine days, which can be called a demon **** outside the sky, but it may also refer to the huge monster that is active outside the sky!

But calculation is really the monster outside the sky, and Lu Chen doesn't know where to look for it for the time being.

The Nüwa illusion is only a illusion created by Nüwa's remnant soul. Even if you enter the illusion again, it is impossible to get the heart of the outer demon.

"Boss, you, do you know the foreign demon?" Lu Yiyi asked Lu Chen's expression differently.

Lu Chen shook his head, "I'm not sure now, but since Xiao Min has a chance to be born again, even if I find the deity of Empress Nuwa, I must figure it out!"

Lu Yiyi was a little disappointed, the accident boss can now get the heart of the alien.

But the current situation is better than before, at least they have one more feasible solution.

"By the way, boss, because what I keep is only Min's broken soul, that is, only part of her memory, so even if it's rebirth, maybe... she won't remember many things."

Lu Chen took a deep breath, then smiled and shook his head, "Xiao Min's life experience is pitiful, and it may not be a good thing to forget. If she has a chance to be born again, it would be good to be an ordinary child."

"In short, I will find a way to rebirth her!"

When I saw Lu Yiyi this time, Lu Chen got two good news at once.

Lu Yiyi breaks through, and Xiao Min hopes to be reborn.

This made Lu Chen, who was in a sad mood, finally felt much better.

The little beasts also walked out of their grief.

"Dad, didn't Sister Green say that a lot of medicinal materials are in the advanced heaven? Then let's go to the Seventh Heaven."

Lu Yiyi said, "Little Beast, don't worry, this matter is not anxious, first ask the boss if there is anything else you need to do in Liuzhongtian."

Lu Chen thought for a while and said, "There are two more things, one is that I want to take Gu Fei and Qing Ling to see the earth, and...In other words, the puppet master of the fifth heaven doesn't know where he went. If that guy doesn’t kill, it’s hard to quell my hatred!"

After speaking, Lu Chen looked at Thiotian again, "Senior Thiotian, I haven't really thanked you for this matter! This is the magic scepter, and now it belongs to the original owner." After that, Lu Chen took the magic scepter. Take it out and pass it to Tooting with both hands.

I peeked at the magic scepter and suddenly laughed, "Hahaha, Lu Chen, Lu Chen, you made a mistake this time. I am not the master of the magic scepter. I am just a tool, so I can’t be another. Of a clever master."

"If you want to wake up Qiu Ruo, Sixth Heaven's resources can't do it... So, Lu Chen, take the Magic Scepter and go to Seventh Heaven!"

Lu Chen widened his eyes, "Senior Stealer, but you have guarded Qiu Ruo for thousands of years. If I take it away, don't you want to separate?"

Si Tian sighed and smiled bitterly, "I used to tell Qiu Ruo not to recognize no thought as the master, but she just didn't listen. She said that Qi Ling is an assistant to immortal cultivation."

"Seeing how Wunian treats Qiu Ruo, I have given up my heart to the cultivator...until, I met you."

"It's even true for a ghost pet, let alone an instrumental spirit."

"I didn't expect that one day, I would actually recognize the Lord..."

The more Lu Chen listened, the more surprised.

Thio Tian suddenly took out a black broken spear and a exercise technique.

This gun is about half a meter long, with only the tip and a small half of the gun body.

The tip of the gun is made of black metal, with a metallic luster, and there are a few ancient words on it, which translates as "Void Destroyer Gun"!

Stealing the sky knelt down on one knee and knelt in front of Lu Chen, "Lu Chen, if you don't dislike it, please accept me and the magic scepter! I am willing to be the spirit of the monarch, with life and death!"

Lu Chen was stunned.

Stealing the sky is actually the spirit of this Void Destroyer Gun? ! And he is more willing to follow Lu Chen!

"Senior Thiotian, it is my honor for Senior Lu Chen to be willing to follow me, please get up... You, your body is actually a spear?" Lu Chen helped him up.

Sneaking to look at Lu Chen, "Did you agree?"

Lu Chen smiled and said, "As long as you don't feel like following me to lower your value, there is no reason for me not to agree."

Thief stood up, "The gunman, the thief in the soldier..."

That being said, Stealing the Sky is the weapon spirit of the Void Destruction Gunslinger, which is also appropriate.

"Of course, the so-called thief in the soldier means that the use of long spears is changeable, not that long spears cannot be used for direct combat." Tootian said, "It's just that my body has been destroyed, so as a weapon, I can't use the power of the Void Destroyer , Can only rely on dexterity and changeability, secretly."

"A real gun is the ultimate, as dexterous as a thief, domineering as a king!"

Lu Chen nodded, "Then... Senior Stealer, can you add the attributes you stole to me?"

He laughed and talked for a long time, but Lu Chen was thinking about stealing attributes!

"The attributes I stole could have been blessed on the Void Destroyer Spear for a short period of time, but now that the Destroyer Spear is damaged, it is naturally unusable.

"What's more, after the sixth heaven, who can steal the attributes for you. Those immortals, I can't steal their attributes anymore."

Lu Chen couldn't help feeling regretful.

"Can the Destroyer Spear and Magic Scepter be repaired?"

"Yes, but you need to bring your own materials to find an immortal craftsman, but that is not something in the sixth heaven."

"Under the current situation, you can fuse the Destroyer Spear with your silver gall. You used the silver gall before, and the strength is too high. It is a semi-sacred weapon without an official spirit, and it is estimated that it will not last long."

Lu Chen frowned and said, "Fuse the silver gall..." That is the weapon that Qiang Ming left for him. Do you want to merge it?

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