"Lu Chen, if you don't believe it, you can look at the current state of Yindan."

Lu Chen immediately took out the silver gall and took a closer look. He really saw some small cracks in the gun body of the silver gall.

Lu Chen's current strength, just the few opponents he defeated recently, can imagine how fierce the battle is.

His strength has far surpassed the original spear, and when using silver gall, he often infused the underworld with fire, and weapons made of ordinary materials simply couldn't bear it.

What's more, when Qiang Ming and Lu Chen fought, Yindan had been in the sword grave for thousands of years!

"Oh my God, I haven't noticed!" Lu Chen looked at the small crack on the silver gall gun with distress.

Although he has the God and Demon Promise Sword, he has used the long spear more than the Promise Sword during this period, and the weapon is quite handy, and the gun technique itself is very varied and very easy to use.

"If you can't bear it, you can ask the meaning of Yindan, it still has some consciousness." said To Tian.

Lu Chen nodded and stroked the body of Yindan's gun lightly.

This gun was only obtained by his sixth genius, and it is also a relic of the gun, which has been with Lu Chen for many times, and Lu Chen is indeed a little bit reluctant.

But without fusion, I am afraid that the silver gall will be completely scrapped.

"Yindan, are you willing to merge with the Void Destruction Gunner?"

The silver gall quivered slightly. Although the silver gall had no instrumental spirit, Lu Chen could clearly feel the meaning of the silver gall.

If you can continue to fight with your master, Yindan is willing!

Lu Chen nodded vigorously. That's fine. In this way, it is equivalent to Yindan continuing to accompany him in the battle.

"Senior Stealer, how should I merge?"

"Because the Void Destroyer Gun is already a withdrawal equipment, so if you merge, you need to withdraw the silver gall first, and then withdraw some rare synthetic materials." Doutian said.

"Withdrawing silver gall is not difficult, but what materials are needed?"

"Ten good-for-world cosmic stones, ten black-gold meteorites, fifteen keel fossil bloodstones..." Stealth reported a pile of materials.

Lu Chen frowned, then took out a pile of synthetic materials from his backpack, "Is this enough?"

Looking at Lu Chen in shock, "You, why do you have so many synthetic materials? Even my previous master doesn't have so many on him!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "I got it in a certain great tomb before. I used it once when synthesizing small beasts. Later I thought it was useless. I didn't expect it to be useful this time."

"Great. The materials here are better than what I said. Some of them can be repaired for the Destroyer Spear and the Magic Scepter. In this way, I will select some materials. After you withdraw the materials and the silver gall, you will get the rest. Just give it to me."

"The integration will take about a month, during which time you can deal with your own affairs first."

Lu Chen nodded.

After communicating with everyone, whether it's resurrecting Min, or repairing two artifacts, you need to go to the seventh heaven.

It seems that Lu Chen must go to Seventh Heaven as soon as possible!

In the academy, Lu Chen exchanged his contribution for the morning cash withdrawal voucher, withdrew the silver gall and materials, and handed it to Tootian.

He went to the Emperor Tianxian Palace.

Among the eight heavenly kings, Taihao, Kuruo, and Kuwu had already given up the retreat, while the other five people still entered the temple retreat.

From Tian Xin'er, Lu Chen finally learned about Taihao's changes. To put it simply, there was a big difference between the current Taihao and the Taihao he knew.

"Well, I originally wanted to ask Senior Taihao for help. Will your father still help me now?" Lu Chen said embarrassedly.

Tian Xin'er smiled slightly, "Thanks to the last Tian Lian, my father, my master and junior uncle are already different from before...I mean, the body has become different. They seem to be indifferent to some things. "

"Although you speak to my father, even if he may not be as diligent as before, they will not forget what you saved them."

Lu Chen nodded, and then went to see Taihao and others.

"Senior Taihao, please help me check the whereabouts of this puppet master." Lu Chen clasped his fists to explain his intention.

If it were the former Taihao Remnant Soul, he might have been a brother and brother with Lu Chen, but now Taihao seems to have a lot of life.

"Little friend Du Kuang can rest assured that this matter is covered by my Emperor Tianxian Palace, and I will find this person for up to 20 days."

Fortunately, although Taihao's tone was a bit blunt, he still readily agreed.

"Well, one more thing, I want to find a little golden carp. At the beginning we agreed to see you again in Sixth Heaven. As a result, I haven't seen it yet. If I go to the Tongtian Pagoda, I'm afraid it might be difficult to have a chance to meet again. "

"This... little friend alone, I can pack a ticket to find someone, but to find a carp, I can only say I do my best."

Lu Chen hurriedly clasped his fists, "Thank you, Senior Taihao!"

"Little friend Du Kuang is polite, and speaking of it, we haven't rested on the life-saving grace of Little Du Kuang."

"In this battle with the old Tianyin ghost, I also understand one thing. After all, I still have distracting thoughts in my heart. I can't survive the seventh-level catastrophe. Instead of this, it is better to put down this obsession and accompany Xiner more. "

Kuruo on the side said, "The little friend Du Kuang is not pure-hearted, but can kill the old Tianyin ghost with the ninth-level tribulation. So, there is not necessarily only one way to get immortal cultivation."

Lu Chen nodded. At least they are willing to change themselves. It is also good to be with Xiner more.

Xin'er's girl is so sloppy, she can take a medicine wrong, she must be taken care of by someone.


Two days later, Lu Chen came to Fifth Heaven to find Lu Yi and the others, only to find that Lu Yi hadn't logged in to the game for a year, and Lone Fei was hesitating.

"Big brother, that, I haven't had a chance to tell you something..." Gu Fei felt a guilty conscience.

"What's the matter?" Lu Chen frowned.

"Brother, you, you are going to be an uncle..."

"Ah?!" Lu Chen was stunned, "Here, when did this happen!"

"Well... I said, you, can you stop hitting me?"

Lu Chen glared at Gu Fei, and Gu Fei hurriedly said, "Little Yi is three years old!"

"What! Three years old!" Lu Chen felt that his world was about to collapse.

His nephew is three years old?

"Wait! I returned from Bingyuan Star to Sixth Heaven for two years and seven months, why the child is three years old!" Lu Chen found himself a little too much for the first time.

"Um, actually, Yiyi was already pregnant when you were cultivating in the Star Ice Cave of the Ice Plains."

Lu Chen's eyes widened, including more than eight months of cultivation in the Bingyuan Star Extreme Cold Ice Cave, more than three years!

In other words, the child was born while practicing in Lu Chen Bing Cave.

"This, it's impossible, I didn't see Yiyi was pregnant at the time!" Lu Chen said.

"Yiyi's belly was not big before, but when you were in the ice cave for eight months, the baby was already born."

"At that time, Yiyi said that you still have important things to go back to Sixth Heaven, let us not tell you for now..."

Lu Chen couldn't wait to kick Gu Fei away, this kind of thing was hidden from him!

But after thinking about it, this matter was Lu Yi's attention... and the two are already married. It is not a big deal to have children, but it is still a great happy event.

"You guys... come with me to cook mature rice with raw rice! I said why your grandmother Taizu likes Lu Yi so much, she won't let it go!"

"Big Brother, fight if you want, we shouldn't hide it from you, but we also know that Liuhetian is dangerous, so I'm afraid you will be distracted..."

Lu Chen shook his head, "You said the child is called Xiaoyi? Bei Xueyi?"


"Three years old?"


"Did Yiyi take the kids all this time?"

"When you take me to the earth, the day lily will be cold!" Gu Fei complained, "Yiyi has applied for it a long time ago. I have been living on the earth for more than two years. I have something to do with my family, and I just came back. ."

"Good guys, you two bastards!" Lu Chen also had nothing to say, and blamed himself for this. How long does it take to come back? Who can bear his procrastination.

"Forget it, I don't care about you now, I'm going back to see my nephew!" Lu Chen scolded, but he didn't seem to be in that bad mood. "Tell me about such a big thing soon! The kids will grow up. If you don’t know this uncle, it's worth it!"

After all, Lu Chen disappeared in place.

Gu Fei was finally relieved, but fortunately, Big Brother didn't really beat himself up... "Big Brother, we also want to tell you earlier, but we also have a chance." Gu Fei said with a smile.

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