Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1189: Time together

Soon the military contacted Lu Chen and asked him about his next schedule.

Lu Chen rejected the offer to go to the headquarters of the League. He said that he should accompany Xiao Yi well these days.

For the next half month, Lu Chenzhen stayed with Xiao Yi.

Traveling, shopping, eating delicious food, amusement parks, buying toys... Lu Yi is not at home, and Lu Chen regards Xiao Yi as his own son.

It's also a shame that Lu Chen wasn't the first time he became a daddy, and he quickly gained Xiao Yi's approval. He called each uncle very cordially.

The Lu family used to have only two brothers and sisters living on each other, but now there is a clever little guy who feels that the house is suddenly lively, but it makes Lu Chen happy.

He waited until Lu Yi returned to the earth, and couldn't help laughing as he watched the big and the small playing in the living room.

"Brother, you see that you are so used to Xiaoyi, I won't let him eat so many snacks."

Lu Chen laughed, "Yiyi, I don't care, anyway, I am an uncle, I am used to my children, you are responsible for teaching."

"Brother!" Lu Yi gave Lu Chen a coquettish look.

At night, Xiao Yi was already asleep, and Lu Yi went to the living room and chatted with Lu Chen.

"Brother, when are you going back to nine days."

Lu Chen sighed slightly, "If you count the time, I'm going back soon."

Lu Yi nodded and fell silent.

This time my brother came back, it was the longest stay, but he went there for another nine days. In fact, the two brothers and sisters only met in a hurry.

"By the way, when are you going to Sixth Heaven?" Lu Chen asked suddenly. It seems that no Earth player has entered Sixth Heaven yet.

"Brother, it may take a long time. In the Five Heavens, it is very difficult for us not only to improve the strength of the battle soul, but also the strength of the body."

"Furthermore, although the Guidance Plan has been implemented for several years, if the Five Heavens is to pass, the emperor must at least cultivate four and five stars. Whether it is against the battle spirit or the body, the requirements are too high."

Only then did Lu Chen understand why Lu Yi would think of getting married and having children. Apart from his age, it is actually difficult for players on earth to enter the sixth heaven in a short time.

The five heavens are worthy of being the heaven of qualitative change in nine heavens!

Maybe it's the next generation, maybe it's the next generation. In short, for most people, the five heavens may be the limit.

Lu Chen thought for a while and said, "Five Heavens basically don't have wild monsters to upgrade your battle spirits. You can only rely on cultivation. I will look back and see if I can get a better mindset for you."

"After upgrading the battle spirit, withdraw the volume, anyway, we have mineral veins."

Lu Yi looked at her old brother, "Brother, what level are you now?"

Lu Chen directly took out his badge.

Nine Star Savage King Realm.

"Savage King?" Lu Yi looked confused, "Brother, you, did you come here all the way?"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "I can't help it. I'm going back this time, I'm probably going to overcome the catastrophe."

Lu Yi's eyes widened.

Cross the robbery? Brother is about to overcome the robbery? This is too...fantasy.

Looking back on the past, my brother has gone step by step, not knowing how many difficulties he has gone through. Finally, he is only one step away from becoming a fairy.

Thinking of this, Lu Yi was sincerely happy for her brother, "Brother, when I was young, I always said that I would protect you, but you have always been protecting us..."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "It seems that the only impression you have of your mother is this sentence. At that time, when you were young, I probably didn't understand the meaning of this sentence. I just kept remembering this sentence stupidly."

Lu Yi smiled and shook her head. When she was a child, she was really nostalgic.

Suddenly, Lu Chen said, "Actually, Lu Yi, you have been protecting me."

"Huh?" Lu Yi didn't understand.

But Lu Chen didn't go on. After all, he was in a desperate situation at those critical moments. Since they are all over, don't worry about his sister.

"Well, Xiao Yi is a good boy. His physique is indeed different from ordinary people. He is also smart and smart. Train him well. Maybe his future achievements will be higher than mine."

"Brother, to achieve your achievements, that is not something ordinary people can do. I don't know that Xiao Yi can have your achievements. It would be better than Gu Fei."

Better than Gu Fei? In fact, it is not an easy task, but Gu Fei will definitely not be like himself, returning only once in a few years. With careful training, Xiao Yi will definitely make a difference in the future.


The time together passed quickly, and Lu Chen returned to his room.

The room is very clean, I am not at home all year round, but my sister always cleans it.

Lu Chen opened the drawer and took out a somewhat mottled old photo from it.

In the photo, a man is holding a beautiful woman in one hand and a baby in the other. The man has a scar on the corner of his eyebrow, but it does not affect his bright smile.

The beautiful woman tilted her head against the man's shoulder, and beside her stood a slightly shy boy, about four or five years old, and the other beautiful woman was stopped by the boy's shoulder.

This is a family portrait, full of joy, the family is not rich, but there are happy smiles on their faces.

Seeing this photo, Lu Chen's eyes were slightly red.

Mu Xuan once said that he knew Lu Chen's father!

What level is Mu Xuan? Sanxian! Where is the most scattered immortals? Seventh Heaven!

Lu Chen's next stop is Seventh Heaven!

"Dad, Mom, are you in the seventh heaven? I must find you!" Lu Chen looked at the photo blankly and said idiotically.

The next day, Lu Chen bid farewell to Xiao Yi, and the little guy cried very loudly. Fortunately, Lu Yi comforted him. After all, Lu Chen turned his head and entered the teleportation cabin.


Nine days, Lu Chen's battlefield!

When Lu Chen returned to his residence, he found a note left by Yunhai on the table.

[There is news from the Emperor Tianxian Palace. 】

Lu Chen immediately went to Huangtianxian Palace.

I learned from Taihao that the puppet master he was looking for had already passed the catastrophe!

"Over the robbery? He crossed the robbery?" Lu Chen was quite surprised.

"Well, but it should be a failure." Tai Hao said, "I guess he knew that you were looking for him. With your current reputation in Sixth Heaven, it is not impossible to find him. He can only take the risk. ."

Lu Chen frowned, "How do you know that he failed to cross the Tribulation?"

"If someone really crosses the calamity against the sky, there will be a celestial vision in the Tongtian Continent, but there has not been a celestial vision in the Sixth Heaven recently."

"But Lu Chen, you have to be more careful. The strength of Sanxian is generally stronger than that of the Nine Star Peak King. After all, the upper limit of attributes has increased by a lot."

Lu Chen nodded. It seemed that to kill the puppet master, he had to go to Seventh Heaven.

"Is there any news about the little Koi?"

"This... I'm really sorry, we almost used all the contacts in the Huangtianxian Palace, but we didn't find the koi you mentioned."

Lu Chen sighed. It seems that his fate with Xiao Jin Lei only ends here, and it is impossible for him to waste time looking for Xiao Jin Lei.

"Lu Chen, are you going to cross the robbery soon?" Taihao asked.

Lu Chen nodded, "When Senior Stealer merges the silver gall with the Void Destruction Gun, it will be time for me to cross the calamity."

"You... are you sure you don't wait any longer? After the death of the old Tianyin ghost, the celestial phenomenon has not improved... We all guessed wrong, the old Tianyin ghost has no effect on the celestial phenomenon at all! In other words, you are That person who can't be tolerated by Nine Heavens!" Taihao stared at Lu Chen!

"Your catastrophe, I don't know how far it will be!"

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