Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1190: Cross catastrophe

Ten days later, Stealth finally completed the fusion of Silver Gall and Void Destroyer Spear.

The biggest change in the current spear is that the body and tip of the spear have become black, with a metallic luster all over the body. The triangular-shaped tip is more like the tip of the Void Destroyer.

Starting with the new gun, it has a lot of weight, and it feels heavier than the previous silver gall.

However, in this way, Lu Chen felt even better.

"The final fusion effect is better than I thought." Too Tian said, "I use high-grade synthetic stones to strengthen the weapon's strength while ensuring the toughness of the gun body."

"Master, then I can also enter the Extinguisher Spear," said Duotian.

"Okay, if I can successfully overcome the calamity, I will definitely find a way to repair the magic spear and magic scepter in the seventh heaven."

"Master, if I don't believe you, I won't recognize you as the master." snickered and smiled, "By the way, you have to practice and comprehend more, besides the agility limitation, this technique requires To exert its true power, you still need to comprehend it yourself. Different insights, the ultimate power is also very different."

Lu Chen frowned and said, "Is there such a technique?"

"In Xianshu, this kind of situation is not uncommon," said Totian, "Well, when you practice, I will tell you more methods."

"Thanks a lot."

Diaotian smiled and glanced at Lu Chen, nodded, and then disappeared in place...He had already entered the Void Destroyer Gun.

The Spirit of Void Desperate Spear returned to its place, and the gun body trembled slightly, bursting out a burst of violent spiritual power, directly flying the table in Lu Chen's room.

"Master, I am willing to follow my master to fight all over the world!"

Lu Chen held a black spear and nodded, "Okay, let's go to Tongtian Tower!"


Sixth Heaven, Tongtian Road!

There is no academy here, but it is always overcrowded.

The colleges of all continents have set up offices here to test whether the top powerhouses have survived the catastrophe within six days.

In the teleportation formation in the suburbs, a white light flashed. When many people around saw it, they just raised their eyes and took a look, then bowed their heads to do their own thing.

Not all the people who came to Tongtian Road were here to cross the robbery, and it was more likely that someone from a certain college came to change classes.

However, not long after, when a figure appeared in the sight of everyone, there was a commotion around him.

"Yes, it's me alone! My God, it's him! He came alone? Is he going to overcome the catastrophe?!"

"I'm really the only one! The six heavens have always been the ceiling of combat power!"

"Even the old Tianyin ghost died in his hands, this guy finally came to cross the robbery."

Lu Chen looked at everyone around him, and didn't care too much.

He looked up and looked into the distance. In the distance, a towering tower was standing there!

"Tongtian Pagoda... I'm here again!" Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and said, he directly summoned Ten Wings and flew towards the Tongtian Pagoda!

At the same time, the news that I alone came to the Tongtian Pagoda madly spread through the Sixth Heaven, and the portals of the various general hospitals began to operate frantically.

That is the one who is most likely to succeed in crossing the catastrophe. Who doesn't want to see someone crossing the catastrophe and becoming immortal!

Shiyi flew for more than ten minutes before reaching the Tongtian Tower.

Surprisingly, this place has been surrounded by people.

"I'm the only one who is really here!"

"Do I have to witness with my own eyes that I alone become a fairy?"

"In other words, it's been a long time since I saw anyone successfully cross the catastrophe."

Lu Chen put away the ten wings, and everyone immediately gave way to him.

I don't know when, the sky of Tongtian Road has been covered by dark clouds, and there is already lightning and thunder in the sky, like a **** of anger.

Suddenly, there was a violent storm around, flying sand and rocks in front of the Tongtian Tower.

"My God, it's such a strong wind! I've never seen such a strong wind! I can't stand still!" Someone said in surprise.

"What's the situation? I have stayed in Tongtian Continent for 30 years, and I have never seen such a strange situation."

"It should have never been before. There has never been such a record."

This demon wind is indeed weird, these people are all above the emperor's cultivation level, how can the violent wind in a small area make them unstable? However, the hurricane in front of the Tongtian Tower was so fierce!

Every time Lu Chen took a step, there was huge resistance, as if someone was blocking Lu Chen from reaching the Tongtian Pagoda!

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, "Why? I'm afraid that I will become an immortal after the catastrophe and won't let me go to the Tongtian Tower?"

"You don't really think that this level can stop me." Immediately, Lu Chen let out a cold snort, and directly started the symbiosis of gods and demons, walking against the wind!

In the strong wind, Lu Chen stood in front of the Tongtian Tower.

In the past, when he came to Tongtian Tower, he used to fight the boss of the universe, but this time, he came to cross the robbery...

With a cold snort, Lu Chen entered the Tongtian Tower directly!

In a blink of an eye, Lu Chen had already entered the Tongtian Tower.

Surprisingly, the Tongtian Tower on this floor is not a closed space, but an open grassland.

The blue sky and white clouds are extremely empty, and he is the only one in the entire grassland.

Not far in front of Lu Chen, there was a futon.

There is another scroll on the futon.

Lu Chen walked over, took possession of the scroll, opened it for inspection.

Some explanations about the catastrophe.

[Mortals cultivate immortality, and they should be through thousands of calamities, temper their bodies and purify their souls. 】

【Heavenly Tribulation needs to be borne by itself, and cannot be avoided and resisted. The strength of the tribulation varies from person to person. Those who follow the sky are weak, those who defend the sky are strong. 】

[Heavenly Tribulation can be divided into many elements, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and wind and thunder volcanoes can all be a disaster. 】

[To cross the Tribulation needs to reach the peak of the Nine Stars King Realm, and the cross-legged person sits on the Heaven Tribulation futon, and the Heaven Tribulation is here! Success is a true immortal, jumping out of the six realms, failure or death or life, life is a dispersal immortal, and strength greatly increases, but you cannot become a true immortal in your life. Crossing the tribulation pill can save your life without worry. 】

[Both true immortals and scattered immortals can enter the seventh heaven. 】

That's all for the introduction. Lu Chen put the scroll aside, took a Pill of Crossing Tribulation, took a deep breath, stood on the futon, leaned over and sat cross-legged.

At this moment, even Lu Chen, who had experienced the 9th-level Heavenly Refinement, couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

This is the real catastrophe! Whether to become a fairy or not depends on the situation of the catastrophe today.

After taking a deep breath, Lu Chen's eyes widened, "Come on, Heavenly Tribulation!"

With a bang, the sky was originally clear, suddenly dark clouds rolled, and then the sky was thundered constantly, as if the sky was to be torn to pieces by thick thunder!

"Only I am crazy, you are finally here!" A thick voice suddenly sounded from the sky, "I must admire you, you have the courage to experience the catastrophe!"

"Do you think nine days will make you into a fairy! Hahahaha!"

"Who are you!" Lu Chen's eyes widened, isn't there no BOSS in the six-story tower, only Heavenly Tribulation!

"It doesn't matter who I am, as long as you know, what you have to face next will be...Super Catastrophe!"

At the same time, outside the Tongtian Tower, the Tongtian Continent rolled over, and the whole world seemed to be plunged into darkness.

Only on a light curtain in front of the Tongtian Tower, the level of the catastrophe faced by the trespasser was written!

"Twelfth level...super catastrophe!"

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