Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1192: Weak to the extreme

Now Lu Chen couldn't determine what the portal was for.

But the previous machine sound seems to mention the automatic opening of the Seventh Heaven Portal, whether it is or not, there is no doubt that that door may be the only possibility to survive!

Originally, Lu Chen had never thought that he would still have a chance to live, but seeing that door, Lu Chen seemed to see hope again!

The catastrophe was approaching, Lu Chen suddenly burst out of spiritual power throughout his body.

Gods and demons symbiosis, God and demons Tianwei, God and demons star body, Dragon God form, nine steps in the void!

Lu Chen used all the skills that can be found in the robbery, and rushed to the door like a madman!

With a loud bang, a blast of lightning hit Lu Chen, and Lu Chen paused, seeing the other heavenly calamities follow.

"Buddha body clone! Nine steps in the void!" At the moment when Lu Chen desperately used his skills, two of the three clones had been penetrated by the stone sword!

In an instant, Lu Chen's last body passed through that door!

Suddenly, the Tongtian Pagoda became quiet, and after many tribulations lost their targets, the smoke disappeared.

The figure in the sky watched Lu Chen escape from under his eyelids and let out a terrifying roar.

"Ah! Lu Chen!"

Although he was furious and shocking, the guy didn't make a move, I don't know if it was because his body was not here.

After a long time, the man calmed his anger.

"You, what if you escape into the Seventh Heaven! You won't become an immortal in the end, not even a scattered immortal, you can only be a mortal!"

"Within seven days, even if I can't go, you will be a dead end!"

A familiar feeling of dizziness quickly disappeared. Lu Chen only felt that he could not lift up half of his energy. He lay motionless on the ground, and could only lift his eyes to look around.

This is a dense forest, and there are occasional sounds of birds and beasts around, and I don't know what creatures are lurking.

Lu Chen didn't even have the strength to release the little beast, so he passed out...


"No, mortal? Why are there mortals in the Seventh Heaven?" He thought the old man was full of surprise, as if he had lived in vain for hundreds of years.

The feeling of seeing a mortal in the seventh heaven is as incredible as seeing a real immortal in the sixth heaven.

No, it's even more incredible than that. After all, Xianke's lower realm, how did mortals reach the seventh heaven?

"It doesn't make sense to be like this. How did this guy come to the Seventh Heaven? Did he go through the back door?" Another middle-aged man also had a look of astonishment, feeling that his three views were destroyed!

"Wait, he is the Nine-Star Savage King Realm... I think the word "wild" is probably the problem. Could it be said that Ye Xiu can come to the Seventh Heaven without becoming an immortal?"

"Hi...but the Savage King is also the King of Humans. How could the Savage come to the Seventh Heaven without becoming an immortal? This doesn't make sense."

Many people expressed their opinions, but none of them could explain the current situation.

A mortal came to the seventh heaven!

"Hey hey, he woke up!"

When Lu Chen opened his eyes again, he found a group of goblin tribe dwarves around him, looking at him like a monster.

At the sight of such an alien, Lu Chen sat up in shock.

"You... who are you?"

"Friend, you are human, we are immortals!" The old man still frowned.

This guy looked shocked when he saw them, didn't he know his existence was unreasonable!

"Xian? This is... Seventh Heaven?"

"I'm going, do you still know that this is the seventh heaven? Hey, hey, he knows that this is the seventh heaven!" said the old man and his companion.

At this time, Lu Chen finally remembered what happened before.

I escaped from the tribulation, the door really leads to the seventh heaven.

Seventh Heaven! I really came to the seventh heaven! But the problem is, he doesn't seem to have completed the robbery...

It can't be said that he didn't complete the tribulation, after all, he survived three rounds of the twelfth level of the tribulation.

But then some immortal venerable must kill Lu Chen and constantly reset the tribulations. If he does not escape, the endless tribulations will definitely kill him.

In other words, that is to say, I have crossed the calamity, but... I have not become a fairy!

"Axi, what kind of bird situation is this!" Lu Chen held his forehead, really countless, he did not expect this result.

Fortunately, he did not die in the Tongtian Pagoda.

Recently, the Tongtian Tower has become more and more dangerous, and I almost died in the Tongtian Tower twice.

Lu Chen retracted his consciousness and looked at these people in front of him.

There were more than a dozen people here, all of them looked curious, completely different from the immortal's sense of immortality and fireworks in Lu Chen's imagination.

"You... did you save me?" Lu Chen asked tentatively.

"I can't say to save it. It's just that you were in a coma in the fairy tale forest. It seems that you are dying. I didn't intend to take care of it. But I found that you were a savage king. I was really curious, so I brought you back. I didn't expect you to come back to life." The old man said.

Lu Chen nodded, he was curious about his situation, let alone them.

It was equal to his own badge that saved his life.

"Thank you seniors for helping me." Lu Chen said with a fist.

"Have you recovered well... Hey boy, you are really the Savage King? How did you come to the Seventh Heaven?"

Lu Chen didn't know how to answer for a while, "Well, I, I don't know, it was sent over when crossing the catastrophe."

"Huh?! This, this is fine too!"

Lu Chen nodded, "Yes, I also think it's a little weird."

Another person said, "Hey, I thought there was a way to steal it. It seems that there is something wrong with the Tongtian Tower."

"Boy, I came to the Seventh Heaven without completing the Tribulation. How should I say, this can only be considered bad luck for you, you should not be able to become a fairy at all."

Lu Chen didn't know what to say.

"Yes, although we are scattered immortals, we are also immortals anyway. Most of the seven heavens are scattered immortals, and our identities are not much different, but you are different. There is no doubt that you must be the worst of the seventh heaven. The one."

Lu Chen scratched his head, it seemed to be the reason.

The worst of the Seventh Heaven is Sanxian, he is a savage king, among a large number of immortals, he is not to be compared, he must be the most humble one.

"Don't think that coming to the Seventh Heaven is a paradise. I tell you boy, the Seventh Heaven is still respected by the strong! In fact, it is better not to come to you like you." The old man said.

Lu Chen didn't want to come like this, but now he can't help it.

Or else, when the immortal is not there, then go to the tower?

"Um, seniors, can the seventh heaven be the lower realm?"

"Are you a mortal dare to fall into the realm? Besides, you are not qualified to fall into the realm."

Lu Chen suddenly felt ashamed. The road of "repetition" seemed to be impossible in a short time.

How can I improve my strength? How to mix in the seventh heaven, how to go to a more advanced heaven.

"A mortal ran into the immortal house, boy, you are so miserable...Forget it, you are also very pitiful, I will give you a teleportation talisman, hurry up to the immortal domain of your human race."

"Although you are too weak, perhaps it is because you are so weak that it has become your characteristic."

"Maybe that fairy is willing to take in you as a servant or something, just eat it." With that, the old man handed a piece of talisman paper to Lu Chen.

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