Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1193: Planet coordinates

People in Seventh Heaven didn't use teleportation array, they used teleportation talisman directly!

Lu Chen already felt the style of Seventh Heaven.

The dozen or so goblins dispersed in a rush, and it seemed that after they knew the answer, they lost interest in Lu Chen.

Sure enough, what you can't get is the best.

Lu Chen tried to remove the badge, but found that it could not be removed as before, as if it were printed on his clothes.

Looking at the "Savage King" badge on his chest, Lu Chen shook his head helplessly, "Good guy, these are all right, not even a fairy..."

Since it couldn't be removed, Lu Chen could only use his aura to cover his level, so it seemed that those scattered immortals did the same.

"Forget it, let's go to the Immortal Territory of Human Race to find out what kind of ghost this Seventh Heaven is." After all, Lu Chen injected spiritual power into the teleportation talisman.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Chen had already arrived in another jungle, but a huge city could be seen not far away.

That city is different from ordinary cities. Although it is located on a plain, the clouds and mist around the city are like a fairyland.

There are guards in front of the city, and the guards of the city are much stricter than before.

The guard saw Lu Chen walking slowly, and did not even ask, but let him in.

These guards are at least at the Sanxian level, and it can definitely be seen that Lu Chen belongs to the human race.

As for whether they can see Lu Chen's level, they probably can't. After all, if such a strange thing appears, they will definitely have to cross-examine.

Of course, it's also possible that the other party didn't take a closer look at all, as long as it was a human race, they could enter, and people would not have thought that Lu Chen was the individual king.

In any case, Lu Chen successfully entered the Terran Immortal Realm.

This city is the border city of the Human Race Immortal Territory, after passing here, the east is the Human Race Immortal Territory.

There are a lot of people in the city, most of them are introverted, their faces are like frost, but they are somewhat immortal.

There are powerful mounts flying in the sky from time to time, and some people fly directly with swords. It seems that this "Upper Immortal City" has no mount restrictions.

Lu Chen didn't expect that there would be so many immortals in Human Race.

"After all, I don't know how many years the nine days have existed. The lifespan of these people is far beyond imagination. After a long time, many people should become immortals." Lu Chen thought.

To find out the news, Lu Chen naturally went to a crowded place.

However, the most concentrated place here is not a trading area, but a sign.

Some information was scrolling on the sign. At first glance, Lu Chen thought it was the stock market...

"What's this stuff?" Lu Chen carefully examined it patiently.

[(Green message) Huang Yuanxing (200 coordinates), all coordinates have been claimed, currently 12 positions have been snatched. 】

[(Green message) Blue Star (170-bit coordinates), all coordinates have been claimed, currently 11 positions have been robbed. 】

【(Yellow message) Baien Star (225 coordinates), has claimed 201 coordinates, countdown to claim the remaining coordinates (49 years), and was robbed of 59 coordinates. 】


"This is..." Lu Chen was stunned. What does the information above mean? !

What do these planets mean?

The message keeps rolling upwards until a red message appears.

[(Red message) Bei Zhexing (185 coordinates), 89 coordinates have been claimed, countdown to claim the remaining coordinates (1 year), 89 coordinates robbed (emergency notice, please go to Xiancheng to claim the remaining coordinates if you intend to protect the planet) , Otherwise the unclaimed coordinates will not be protected after the time expires.)】

Lu Chen seemed to understand.

A long time ago, he knew that each planet has its own cosmic coordinates. This coordinates can be said to be the most concealed data. Players from this planet will protect their original world coordinates from being leaked.

Could the coordinates mentioned here be the cosmic coordinates of these planets?

These coordinates are protected by people from these planets, but for some reason, these coordinates will be taken away by others.

Some planets have a large number of people, so they can claim all the coordinates, but some planets have a small number of people, such as Nabezhe, where only 89 people's coordinates are claimed, and nearly 100 coordinates are unclaimed.

The coordinates of Beizhe Xing had been claimed were all taken away. Once the deadline has passed, the coordinates of this planet will be completely exposed!

Although Lu Chen didn't know who was vying for the coordinates, or what the final outcome of the planet would be after the coordinates were exposed, it wouldn't be a good thing.

"Then, what about the earth?!" Lu Chen widened his eyes.

It's a pity that there are too many planets here, and Lu Chen didn't know that the year of the monkey can only be refreshed to the earth.

At this moment, a woman walked to the public sign.

This woman is really outstanding, dressed in white, just like a fairy...No, she seems to be a fairy!

The woman inserted a card and said, "Check Qingyunxing."

The screen quickly displays a set of data.

[(Green message) Qingyunxing (220-bit coordinates), all coordinates have been claimed, and 8 positions are currently being snatched. 】

"The search was robbed of coordinate ownership."

Eight messages were displayed on the screen immediately.

Those who have robbed these eight coordinates are human races and foreign races, and the information is accurate to everyone's situation.

Lu Chen didn't see anything else, but he saw these eight people at a glance, all of them were true immortals!

"Arrange the battle of immortals and challenge the real immortal Xiyuan!" said the woman.

[The battle book has been sent. 】

After the inquiry, the woman took out the card and turned around to leave.

Lu Chen hurriedly stepped forward to stop her.

"This young lady..."

"Bold! Who is your sister!" The woman immediately yelled, "You talk nonsense, believe it or not, I killed you!"

Lu Chen shrank his neck, this fairy is too fierce!

However, Lu Chen was anxious to investigate the situation of the earth and couldn't care too much.

"Uh...this fairy...senior fairy." Lu Chen didn't know what to call him, so he could only play by himself.

The woman gave Lu Chen a white look. She always felt that this guy was weird, but it seemed that she was not going to fight her, and said impatiently, "What's the matter?"

"Oh, may I ask, where did you get your card? I also want to check the information of my world."

The woman frowned, "You don't even know this? Are you a fairy?"

Lu Chen's eyes rolled, he seemed to be despised. Hearing the other party's tone, it seemed that the fairy was not worth mentioning in front of her.

But the problem is that the other party hasn't said it right, and he's not even a fairy.

"Ahem, this, isn't it?" Lu Chen said with a guilty conscience.

The woman snorted coldly, "Since she is a fairy, don't you know that she should be called a fairy lord!"

Seeing Lu Chen's embarrassed face, the woman thought about it, and didn't want to talk nonsense with this kind of person, "Forget it, you don't have this in Sanxian, just treat me as nosy."

With that said, the woman inserted the card into the socket next to the bulletin board, and then looked at Lu Chen, "I don't have much time for you to check what you want to check."

Lu Chen nodded, "Thank you immortal... immortal lord!"

"Query the Earth!"

As soon as the voice fell, a red message popped out!

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