Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1197: Jiuxing Cave House

The old man handed the scroll to Lu Chen, and did not forget to exhort Lu Chen, "I have seen the situation of the earth, this is the last coordinate..."

Lu Chen nodded, "That's why I have to get it!"

The old man nodded slightly, seemingly hesitant to speak.

"Does senior have anything else to ask?" Lu Chen asked.

"Sir, I, I'm really curious, why would my husband fail to become immortal after three days of catastrophe?" The old man said his question.

Lu Chen shrugged, "Maybe there is something wrong with the Tongtian Tower." Lu Chen didn't intend to tell the truth, after all, he met this person peacefully.

"The attributes of Mr...."

"Seventh Heaven seems to be unable to open the attribute panel." Lu Chen didn't lie this time.

"That's natural, after all, Seventh Heaven no longer quantifies attributes." The old man nodded and said, "Generally speaking, the tribulation of heaven is a great tribulation of cultivating immortals, but at the same time it is forging a physical body. Although the gentleman has not become an immortal, he has successfully survived three times , I am really curious whether some unknown changes have taken place in Mr.'s physique."

"I don't know right now." Lu Chen shook his head. "However, you said that after the catastrophe, your strengths have been greatly improved, but I really didn't want to feel it."

"That's the reward for becoming immortal, regardless of true immortality, you don't have this reward if you don't become an immortal," the old man said, "and without becoming immortal, Mr.'s immortal road cannot be opened."

"It's just that Heavenly Tribulation also has the upper limit of strength. If you are confused, you might as well try to increase your strength on the basis of the Nine Star King."

Lu Chen frowned.

Continue to improve strength?

This matter will not be clear in a while, it seems that we will have to wait for the strength to improve in the future.

"Sir, the earth still has a six-year protection period, but after six years, many people will surely know that only the last coordinate on the earth has not been exposed, and the level of Mr. Xianfu will also be made public. You can check it if you inquire. To the information of the husband." The old man said, "By then, the husband may have to face many challenges."

Lu Chen nodded, "I know! Senior, if there is nothing else, I will leave first."

"Okay! Go slowly, sir!" The old man got up and sent it off.

Seeing Lu Chen stepping down the ladder cautiously, the old man's eyes followed closely.

"Three or more twelfth levels of heavenly tribulation, never seen before in the ages, even if he has not become immortal, the potential of this person is by no means worse than the nine-level tribulation!"

"If a mortal enters the immortal realm, I am afraid that this is the real person who goes against the sky!"


Lu Chen finally stepped down so many steps, only to find that there was a large mountain range around him.

From time to time, someone teleported from the top of the mountain, others teleported away, and he was the only one standing there stupidly.

Lu Chen shook his head. Seventh Heaven was too advanced, and he didn't have a teleportation charm, so he could only walk down the mountain.

"It's finally coming to the Seventh Heaven, and in the end I still want to be a savage!" Lu Chen spit out while descending the mountain.

When he was down the mountainside, Lu Chen suddenly realized that someone was chasing him behind him.

He stopped and looked at the visitor in surprise.

There were more than a dozen people, and they were still calling him as they ran, "I'm the only one crazy, please stay!"

Not long after these people came to Lu Chen, one of the elders held a fist to Lu Chen and said, "Brother Du Kuang, we are Sanxian on Earth!"

Lu Chen's eyes widened suddenly, "You guys, from the earth?"

"Yes! Brother Du Kuang, after we learned that you broke the Sixth Heaven Tower, we expected that you should come here soon to receive the earth coordinates, so we waited here specially."

Lu Chen frowned, "Which country is the second strongest country on earth?"

"The United States, the United States was originally number one, but China surpassed the United States more than 20 years ago."

"Oh, you know such a tricky problem, it should belong to the earth." Lu Chen then relaxed his vigilance.

"Brother Dolly, don't you believe us? Do you know the plan of the earth's guide?"

Lu Chen's eyes widened. Of course he knew about this plan. If it weren't for this plan, the players on earth would still be stuck in the second heaven.

"That's what we planned!"

"It's you!"

"Yes! It's not convenient to talk here, you can go with us." The old man looked around vigilantly and whispered.

"it is good!"

The old man took out a teleportation talisman and handed it to Lu Chen, and everyone quickly disappeared in place.


In the blink of an eye, Lu Chen and others had arrived in front of a cave in the wild. There was a plaque on the cave that said "Nine Star Cave Sky".

Lu Chen followed the group into the cave.

"Brother Du Kuang, this is the base of our people on Earth in the Seventh Heaven. The Dong Mansion is a bit shabby. It is incomparable with other true celestial heaven and blessings. Don't be surprised."

Lu Chen frowned slightly, "When did you come for nine days?"

"Long ago, this, let's go in and talk about it."

What Lu Chen didn't expect was that in such a broken cave, the degree of spiritual energy filling in it was comparable to the spiritual veins of a low-level universe!

There is light in the Jiuxing Cave within the day, the light is comfortable, the temperature is suitable, there are stone beds and stone tables inside, and there is a natural spring in the cave, and the spring water is rustling.

"Brother Du Kuang, please sit down." The old man took out the teapot and poured tea for Lu Chen, taking his actions meticulously and carefully.

"This tea... does it add spiritual power?"

"Haha, spiritual power is not added, but it can refresh people." The old man smiled slightly.

Lu Chen took a sip, and it was really sweet.

It's just that you can't add spiritual power, and Lu Chen is not very interested, and he is straightforward. "Now I am back to the sky, let's talk about your situation."

Everyone looked at each other to see the meaning, let the old man speak.

"It's a long story. If you want to say something, let's start with this nine-star cave mansion." The old man said.

Jiuxing Dongtian was bought by more than a dozen scattered immortals over the years, so it is not at the same level as the real celestial Dongtian.

It's just that these earth celestials also need a fixed place for cultivation, and they have to buy this place.

"It can be said that the Nine Star Cave Mansion is the only fairy mansion for the people on earth in nine days!"

Lu Chen listened carefully.

"Fifty years ago, Jiutian opened up on the earth in another form!" the old man said suddenly, "It has only been open for more than ten years. Over the past ten years, millions of people have entered the nine days one after another."

"Another form? What is it?" Lu Chen asked.

"Transportation Array! Transmit a group of the best, including physical fitness, psychological quality, age and other suitable people from all over the world into the nine days!"

"All of us have gone through a rigorous screening before we are eligible to enter the nine days."

"This..." Lu Chen's eyes widened, "I haven't heard any reports!"

"It's normal, because Jiutian's order is that once the wind leaks, the person who leaks the wind, as well as his family members, will be directly wiped out! Jiutian knows everything. You should be very clear about this, even if there are a few leaks. The person must be gone."

Lu Chen frowned. It turned out that he had opened it once nine days ago!

Then his parents were probably chosen at that time!

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