Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1198: Immortal Lord Lu Yuan

Although Lu Chen had many questions in his mind, he did not ask at this time because every piece of information the old man said was what Lu Chen wanted to know.

"That time, the opening of Nine Days was completely different from the later nine days of your service." The old man continued, "We were told from the beginning that Nine Days is not just a game! This is a real immortal cultivation!"

"At the same time, we were also told the coordinates of the earth, and we have entered the ranks of expropriated planets!"

"In other words, if we cannot enter the seventh heaven in these fifty years, then... the earth will be sacrificed to the nine heavens!"

"The reason why Jiutian chose our group of people is actually to give us a chance to protect the earth!"

"Perhaps Nine days feel that the time given to the earth is too short, so we have received a lot of support, such as cash withdrawal rolls, elixir, etc., our strength has been able to advance by leaps and bounds in a short time!"

"It's just that our foundation is really bad, and the time is too short. Even with the support of the first batch of players, in 50 years, none of us has reached the top of the king!"

Another middle-aged man said, "At that time we saw the earth officially open for nine days. Your growth rate is too slow. We know that if we do not survive the catastrophe, the coordinates of the earth will be completely exposed."

"So, we have all the resources in the hands of the earth players, all concentrated in the hands of twenty people, and we will force the robbery when we know that we can't do it!"

"Forcibly cross the robbery?" Lu Chen asked in surprise.

"Yes! We are all just raising our spiritual power to the peak of the human king, but when the three-dimensionality is still far from enough, we will use the Dujie Pill to force it!"

"The final result is lucky, we entered the seventh heaven as a Sanxian!"

Lu Chen frowned, as if thinking of something, he was a little excited, "So you got nineteen coordinates...but, didn't you say that twenty people crossed the catastrophe? Is there one more person?"

"There is another person... he is a legend, the strongest human being on earth, and he didn't take the pill of crossing the calamity when he crossed the catastrophe... he became a true immortal!"

"Who is it?" Lu Chen asked.

"Your father, Immortal Master Lu Yuan!"

Lu Chen's whole body was shocked.

His father is the strongest on earth! It's a real fairy!

For a long time, Lu Chen said quietly, "Where is he now? Where is my mother? She has crossed the Tribulation with you, or is she still in Sixth Heaven?"

"This... your mother's matter, we don't know too well. You may have to ask your father in person. And Immortal Lord Lu Yuan, who is in the lower realm without authorization, is suffering endless punishment."

"No! End! God! Punishment!" Lu Chen repeated every word.

"I said before that we are not allowed to disclose what happened in the nine days, but your father hit a side ball. He didn't tell you about the nine days, but he used all the resources he could use, even his own truth Immortal strength exchanges treasures with people, which has changed your physique!"

Lu Chen was even more shocked there.

Jackal, wild monster? Sunway? Could it be said that all this was left to him by his father!

Lu Chen's eyes were red, this and the man he knew, who abandoned himself and his younger sister, was simply not alone!

His father left without saying goodbye because he couldn't say it, but he used everything in exchange for an uncertain possibility!

How courageous can this be done!

"You, you said, that he used true celestial power in exchange for the most precious treasure, and that he is suffering endless punishment?"

"Yes, your father is just a mortal now, but Jiutian also has a corresponding method to punish your father. There is a "heavenly hell" in the Jiuzhong Tianyu that can immortal and suffer endless punishment!"

Lu Chen couldn't hold back his tears...

The man he has always hated, but did so much for him, for the earth... The saddest thing is that he did all this but no one understood him. He knew his son and daughter would hate him. Him.

"Lu Chen..." The old man actually called Lu Chen's real name, "You just asked, why did the twenty of us come to Seventh Heaven, why only received nineteen coordinates?" The old man's smile was bitter.

Another person said, "Immortal Master Lu Yuan said when he was "just before leaving" that our strength is not enough to protect the earth. This is related to the last coordinate of the safety of the entire earth... to be left to his son!"

"He said, he believes that one day, you will become the strongest person, you will be the one who breaks the world and the world, you will become the one who saves the people from fire and water... He believes you can do it..."

"Lu Chen, the guider plan was also made by your father." The old man continued, "If you don't come to the seventh heaven within the stipulated time, the earth will be sacrificed, but if the people there have a certain ability to protect themselves, then It will not be like some sacrificial planets.

"It can be said that the Guider Plan is another backup plan."

Lu Chen vaguely remembered that when the guide appeared, he once said, "The earth is running out of time"...

Thinking about it now, the current situation is indeed very urgent!

"Dad..." Lu Chen lowered his head and was silent for a long time. He couldn't help crying...

When the others saw this, they left silently. At this time, what Lu Chen needed was to be alone for a while.


In the evening, Lu Chen was sitting outside the cave alone, watching the bright moon hover, and he could see that.

The old man walked out and sat beside him.

"Lu Chen, do you still hate your father?"

Lu Chen shook his head, "Actually...I never hated him and my mother. In my memory, they loved me and my sister very much, but those memories are too few, I can't remember...I once thought about them leaving Maybe there is a last resort reason."

The old man lowered his head and smiled, "You really are different from ordinary people."

"Old man, how should I call you?" Lu Chen turned to look at the old man.

"Oh, my fairy is Lishang."

"Senior Lishang, there should be nineteen people besides my father, but I only saw ten people before, so how about nine people?"

"We died in the battle of the immortals, even if we are basically unable to cultivate now." The old man said calmly.

Lu Chen was silent for a moment. During the day, he only cared about his own affairs, but ignored those who forcibly crossed the catastrophe, who also guarded the earth with a mortal heart.

"Is the guider plan going well?"

"Smooth is smooth, but it is the limit when it reaches the fifth heaven, and the time given to them is too short. Now we have six years, and within six years, the new generation of the earth will not be able to grow.

"Without the support of resources, it would be impossible to come to the Seventh Heaven without a few hundred years."

"Of course, you are an exception..."

Lu Chen nodded. Indeed, Xiao Yi is only three years old now, an adult, plus nine days to grow up, even if everything goes well, he doesn't know when.

"The Guidance Plan is actually to let the people on earth have a glimmer of hope even if they are sacrificed."

Lu Chen remembered the original **** order, didn't the original **** just give the aborigines a hope?

This may be the limit of what they can do.

"Lu Chen, what do you plan to do next? Are you a fairy or a real fairy?"

"Neither!" Lu Chen said directly.

"Neither, neither?"

"Yeah!" Lu Chen nodded, "But no matter what immortal or immortal is, since I'm here, I will change the rules here!"

"This is the nine-day rule, not mine!" Lu Chen stood up suddenly, looking straight across the sky, "Tongtian Hell! I will definitely go!"

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